The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 108: Unprecedented Grand Event, ChūNin Exam! (Third Update!)

With the experience of the previous weekend missions and plot missions, the players have learned to be good, and they all know the favorability of quickly brushing and leading Jōnin during the Chūnin exam.

Although they don't know what the rules of the Chūnin exam will be, judging from the various clues released in the forum, there is absolutely no harm in refreshing the favorability.

Back at Konoha Village, Kakashi took Minazukishiro to find Fourth Hokage, disbanded the team on the spot, and let Uzumaki Naruto, Sasuke and others prepare well.

With Kakashi on the job, thinking that Namikaze Minato would give him a face, Minazukishiro's problem of where to stay was solved in this way, Li Qing secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

After Zabuzhan and Minazukishiro's incident, his friendship with Kakashi has reached 70, so he doesn't worry about it at all.

Thinking back to the original book, the Chūnin exam is a group trip, a group of three, if Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng are not high enough, it is very likely that he will not be eligible to participate

This happened in the original book, the timid little Sakura did not dare to take the exam, making Naruto and Sasuke almost disqualified.

In order to prevent this possibility from happening, he decided to raise the levels of both Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng to 125 before the arrival of the Chūnin exam, and then conduct a systematic training on them. After all, the geniuses that will be encountered in the Chūnin exam, Neji, Rock Lee, Sandstorm Gaara are not easy targets!

Although he is powerful alone, if he does not have a strong companion as an assistant, he will only have the fate of defeat. What's more, if his companion is powerful, for him, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

"Lin Jiachen, Cheng Mengmeng, I believe you also know the news about the [Chūnin Exam] that will be broadcast soon. I want to give you some special training before the version is updated! In addition, I will raise your level to 125, so I am confident. ?"

Li Qing looked at the two and said firmly.

Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng were worrying that their grades were not enough to take the Chunin exam, and they also felt very guilty for not being able to help in another battle. When they heard Li Qing's words, they couldn't be more happy. She nodded excitedly, and Cheng Mengmeng's little head shook like a rattle.

"Okay, then come with me!"

Li Qing smiled, without saying a word, just like walking to the outskirts of Konoha.

In the next few days, Li Qing teamed up with Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng to fight monsters and upgrade their experience, while training them on actual combat ability and ninjutsu skills.

Although Lin Jiachen is a soldier, he has no idea how to use ninjutsu, especially the Three Body Technique, until he just blindly beats and does not know how to use various ninjutsu flexibly. Li Qing specializes in it After receiving systematic training and imparting some of her own fighting experience, Cheng Mengmeng is even more blank. However, Li Qing did not intend to let Cheng Mengmeng be the main attacker, but let her concentrate on playing support and taking support. Therefore, she was taught some methods of avoiding attacks and judging enemy planes.

Originally, the two only knew that Li Qing was good at spawning monsters and invincible in actual combat, but after hearing his explanation, they were shocked to find that Li Qing's understanding and cognition of ninjutsu had reached a level that ordinary people could hardly match. Three The use of Body Technique opened their eyes even more, as if opening a door.

As for upgrading.....

Often Li Qing's Great Fireball Technique can take away a large number of Ninja Beasts, and almost all Ninja Beasts within the visible range die instantly, comparable to more than ten thousand players fighting monsters together, Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng It can be said that their levels are rising rapidly. In just two days, their levels have increased from more than 100 to 126 and 128 respectively.

Not to mention how excited Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng are, you must know that they can only advance to one or two levels in a day, and in just two days, they have been promoted to more than 20 levels!

When Li Qing and the others were upgrading their monsters, Sha Mei was not idle. She helped Li Qing manage the Li family consortium, and sold all the [rare grade] equipment that Li Qing bought through the auction house for a good price. The auction prices on the Internet are all above 10 million, which shows Shamei's outstanding ability in economics. Of course, ever since Shamei helped Li Qing manage the Li Family Consortium, she seldom played games online, and devoted all her attention to the management and operation of the consortium.

A few days passed quickly, and the new version [Chapter 3: Chūnin Exam] was about to start in ten minutes. Early on, the entire Konoha Village was crowded with Konoha players, and there was no place to stay , The players who go out to spawn monsters and level up can hardly be seen, and all of them are gathered here.

"Never seen so many people..."

Cheng Mengmeng was dumbfounded, her small mouth opened wide.

"Only at this time can I feel the huge number of players..." Lin Jiachen also followed with emotion.

At the same time, the hearts of the two also felt uneasy at this moment. With so many players participating in the [Chūnin Exam], can they really become Chūnin? But when they thought that god-tiers like Uchiha Qing were in their group , The worries in my heart disappeared without a trace with the wind.

With Uchiha Qing here, what are they afraid of?

At this moment, the system announcement was finally issued.

[World Channel] System Announcement: The time has come, please welcome the arrival of the new version [Chapter 3: Chūnin Exam]! Players please find your [Leading Jōnin] to get the [Admission Ticket] for the Chūnin Exam, Let's start the mission! This mission requires the intimacy between the player and the team leader Jōnin to be above 50, and all three members of the team must have an admission ticket. Please hurry up!

As soon as the announcement came out, the mighty Konoha players set off, and at this time a number of 1000 appeared in the upper right corner of their interface, indicating the number of [examination admission tickets] left.

Seeing that the number of [examination admission tickets] is limited, the players are all red-eyed, like headless chickens looking around for the position to lead the team Jōnin, and there are even local rich players shouting directly on the world channel, one million RMB exchange A designated lead Jōnin coordinates!.

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