The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 114: Players With Curse Seal Power! (Fourth Update!)

As the players gradually dispersed, the number of candidates in the classroom became less and less.

At this time, a lot of posts mocking Uchiha Qing appeared on the Hokage forum. Fans who admired Uchiha Qing immediately posted counterattacks, and the conflict between the two camps became more intense.

However, compared to the number of Li Qing's supporters, there are too many players who ridicule Li Qing and wait for Li Qing to make a fool of herself.

In their opinion, the difficulty of this last additional question must be as high as the sky, even Uchiha Qing can hardly answer it.

But soon, those players who taunted Li Qing, after seeing the content of the newly uploaded live post, stayed there in unison, their faces full of disbelief, and even some players had already entered their words and were waiting to submit !

But Uchiha Qing's fans cheered in every corner of the world!

On the spot, fans posted a wave of counterattacks on the Hokage forum! Several players who ate shit during the live broadcast were quickly picked off and asked them to open their live broadcast room as soon as possible.

The reason for the reversal of the situation is very simple, that is, Morino Ibiki announced the content of the last question, and the content of the test is so shocking...

That is, the remaining candidates will all get 100 points, and the final score will be deducted according to the number of questions answered. The more questions answered, the more points will be deducted.

This means that all remaining candidates have passed the exam!

However, those examinees who have worked so hard to write several questions feel a little unbalanced, Nima, and the more questions they answer, the more points will be deducted?

"Before the exam, I told you the exam questions. Mingli, this is an exam to test your basic knowledge. In fact, this is an exam to test your ability to collect and analyze intelligence. As a qualified ninja, this One point is quite important. The exam content I gave you actually contains a lot of hidden information. And only Uchiha Qing, Lin Jiachen, Cheng Mengmeng and Uzumaki Naruto who were present`|| .”

Uzumaki Naruto, like the original book, doesn't know how to do the questions at all, so he didn't answer any questions like the previous three.

Following Morino Ibiki's speech, his words and words were also broadcast live on the Hokage forum. Players all over the world suddenly realized when they heard his words, and their brows that had been tightening all the time relaxed in an instant.

Yes, how could it be possible to finish the test paper in two hours?

This is obviously impossible, and if you want to get a passing score of 60 and successfully pass the exam, you must bet on the ten final questions.

Since it is a Chūnin exam, it is impossible to clear most people, otherwise no one will take the exam, so this last question must be very easy!

Immediately, the players all thought of the god-tier player [Uchiha Qing] who fell asleep after the exam!

Those candidates who walked out of the classroom and chose to give up felt deep regret in their hearts instantly!

For a while, the players' admiration for Uchiha Qing reached the extreme, and I believe that if Uchiha Qing appeared in front of them, they would definitely kneel down on the ground and call him god-tier!

In the live post, countless players flocked to it, and some people even posted @ those few waiting for Uchihaqing to fail [live broadcast player who eats shit.

"Okay, it's strong, it's [Uchiha Qing]."

"Amazing, my brother! Sure enough, mere mortals can't speculate on God-tier's thoughts..."

"6666, god-tier is god-tier, so I've seen through this exam a long time ago.'

"The screenshot has been sent, who can help @一下? Let him live broadcast and eat shit..."


Li Qing didn't know it at this time, because his "lying win" had already triggered an upsurge of fans of Uchiha Qing, and the entire page on the forum was his fans.

"Wow, there are so many candidates who passed this time."

At this time, a beautiful figure landed in front of the examinees without any warning. It was a mature woman wearing a windbreaker and holding a kunai. She had a sharp figure and her wine-red eyes were even more eye-catching. .

Mitarashi Anko, level 678 Jōnin, lord level BOSS!

"I am Mitarashi Anko, the examiner of your second round, please follow me for the students who pass the exam!" Mitarashi Anko glanced over, turned around and jumped out of the classroom window.

Since the classroom is on the third floor, with a height of more than ten meters, looking down, some players were hesitating whether to jump or not. Li Qing kicked him, kicked him out, and took Cheng Mengmeng and Lin Jiachen with him. Waiting for someone to catch up.

Those players who were kicked out screamed and hit the floor. They didn't feel the pain as imagined. They simply tidied up their clothes, and they quickly followed.

Li Qing glanced at it, and it was almost the same as in the original book, basically all the characters in the original book were there, and the number of players who passed the exam seemed to be more than a thousand.

Among the thousand people, he noticed a few trade unions and alliances that had never appeared before, and the players' levels were all very high. On the contrary, the levels of players like [Super God Alliance] and [Ninja League] were very low in comparison. Low.

Thinking of this, Li Qing was about to calm down, but Ergouyu Sharingan suddenly noticed that there were ten footprints symbols on the necks of several Yinyin players not far away.

【Curse Seal】is very small, and it is still hidden in the clothes. If he doesn't have 【Sharingan】, he really can't see it!

He has always (good Zhao) felt that with so many forces and organizations in the world, it is impossible to have only a small role like the Super God Alliance, but there should be low-key forces. These [curse seal] symbols further confirmed his heart guess.

You know, most people don't know that Orochimaru's [Curse Seal] can become stronger.

The power that can obtain this information is by no means an ordinary machine.

".々Looks like some forces are about to surface." A faint smile curled up on the corner of Li Qing's mouth.

After a while, thousands of candidates followed Mitarashi Anko and landed in front of the death forest!

"This is the venue for the second exam, but before that, you need to sign a [Life and Death Letter], because the death forest is full of dangers, and you must always be on guard against sneak attacks by other ninjas.

Mitarashi Anko said, shaking the scroll in his hand. .

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