The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 115: Fierce Battle, Death Forest! (Fifth Update!)

Signing the [Book of Life and Death] is very simple, you only need to press your fingerprint on it.

After signing the [Book of Life and Death], if the player dies during the Forest of Death, he will not return to Novice Village, but will be temporarily unable to log in to the game.

The following plot is almost the same as the original novel. Mitarashi Anko briefly explained the precautions in the exam to the candidates, and then the captains of each group drew the scrolls.

This time, the scroll Li Qing drew was the Book of Heaven.

When everything was done, Mitarashi Anko disappeared from everyone's sight.

At this time, under the arrangement of the examiner, Li Qing and others came to a corner of the death forest and successfully entered.

The death forest in the original book is very big, and the death forest in the game is dozens of times bigger. As soon as they entered here, the three of them felt a wave of moisture rushing towards their faces, making people sick

As expected, Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng did not disappoint Li Qing's training for them, and they quickly hid their figures as soon as they gained a firm foothold, and began to observe the movement around them. As for Li Qing, she quietly climbed into the big tree, and a pair of scarlet Ergou jade [Sharingan] swept around.

With the assistance of [Hyuga Bloodline] fragments, he is much stronger than Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng in terms of insight and observation.

260 "As expected..."

Soon, Li Qing noticed the sneaky figure of Six Paths approaching here, very fast.

The master level of the figure is not high, it seems that the players of Kusanagi Village are united together.

"I leave it to you!"

After winking at Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng, Li Qing lay lazily on the tree and observed the battle between Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng.

It has to be said that the two were trained very well by him, one was attacking and the other was supporting, the six Kusanagi Village players didn't hurt them at all, they were easily defeated by them, and got the scrolls of the two teams.

But when Li Qing opened the scroll, he was a little dumbfounded. It wasn't the book of the earth, nor the book of the sky, but the book of emptiness.

Only when the teams of the Book of Heaven and the Book of Earth pass through the tower safely can the task be considered as complete... Unexpectedly, there is a Book of the Sky among so many scrolls.

"Hehehe, you are indeed here."

At this time, a cold voice sounded, and six players descended from the sky, appeared from all directions, and appeared on the tree branch (bdbj).

Since the focus was always on the scroll, Li Qing didn't notice the aura of these people. The Ergouyu [Sharingan] spun quickly, and Li Qing knew all the information about the future in an instant.

Uzumaki cicada, level 16 grass ninja village ninja!

Uzumaki rogue, level 166 grass ninja village ninja!

Uzumaki Light Star, Level 170 Grass Ninja Village Ninja!

Uzumaki Pegasus, Level 171 Kusanagi Village Ninja!

Uzumaki Meteor, Level 170 Grass Ninja Village Ninja!

Uzumaki Huaguang, level 169 grass ninja village ninja!

They were all players named Uzumaki, and their average level was around 170...In an instant, he could tell that the backgrounds of these players were definitely not simple.

He is now level 196, these people are only more than 20 levels behind him, so they must have a lot of energy.

"Uchiha Qing, we have been looking forward to fighting with you, but unfortunately we have been busy upgrading and leveling, so we have never had a chance, but... this time the Chūnin exam finally has a chance, although six people beat you The three of you are a bit shameless, but our boss said that your head is worth 50 million yuan... It's just that the brothers can't divide it, so we went together."

The person who spoke was a man with a scar on his face, a sharp long sword stuck in his back, and he looked very energetic.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you... We are special mercenaries from South Africa. Anyone can hire us as long as they have money! Of course, the Hokage online game is so popular now, it is also possible to pay the game currency to the island.. ..."

When Uzumaki Tenma said this, a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Ah, are they special mercenaries from South Africa?" Lin Jiachen was surprised when he heard the words, and then took a deep breath, "It is said that this mercenary special force is very mysterious, and it specializes in carrying out some national spies or assassinating national leaders. mission, far, it has never failed.”

"Hehe, I didn't expect anyone to remember us, but now, we play games instead, brothers, let Uchiha Qing see how powerful our special mercenaries are! Let him tremble under the name of our special mercenary force!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Uzumaki Tianma suddenly jumped into the air, and quickly sealed his hands: "Secret Technique: Mist Shinobi Technique!"

In an instant, white mist filled the entire battlefield, shortening the field of vision of Uchiha Qing and others by several times, and they could only see a distance of half a meter. At the same time, following the Mist Shinobi Technique, the other five players also entered an invisible state for a while, making it difficult to see their directions.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Mengmeng instinctively panicked, while Lin Jiachen and Li Qing calmed down a lot.

Ergouyu【Sharingan】spun rapidly, and Li Qing's【Sharingan】through the fog, vaguely captured those figures, but it was a bit unclear, after all【Sharingan】is not far-sighted. very strong.

“Fire Style: Great Fireball Combo!”

Suddenly, the fog swayed, and a burst of flames suddenly illuminated the dim space, and several huge fireballs flew towards them at a very fast speed.

Lin Jiachen was about to seal and use an earthen wall to block him, but Li Qing shook his head to stop him, because his Sharingan clearly saw that under the huge Great Fireballs, there were oil drums tied to them, waiting for the fire to burn out , the oil drums will explode... Even if they don't kill them, they have to be bombed ten miles.

"As expected of a mercenary..."

Li Qing said with emotion that being able to combine real things with ninjutsu is enough to prove the talent of these mercenaries.



The flames burned out, and the oil barrels bundled below exploded instantly.

The rumbling sound resounded continuously for a while, and the terrifying shock wave blew up the entire battlefield in an instant, tearing it apart, and even breaking several of the surrounding trees.

When the flames burned out, a player cautiously stepped forward to check the situation, but without warning, a kunai pierced his chest from behind.

Seeing this scene, Uzumaki Tenma, who was hiding behind the tree, was about to speak, but suddenly felt a coolness behind his back, and in the darkness, Uchiha Qing's face was so clear!

"You guys, when?"

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