The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 119: Orochimaru Appears! (Fourth Update!)

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng almost felt nauseous and wanted to vomit.

But Li Qing, whose eyes fell on that figure, showed an unprecedented dignified expression at this moment!

Yes, that's right, the person who appeared in front of the three of them at this moment is none other than the super villain in the original book, Orochimaru!

Although Orochimaru has changed his appearance and turned into a Kusanagi village ninja, Li Qing can still tell at a glance that he is Orochimaru!

This is a super genius that even Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen regrets, and the Jōnin of the whole Konoha Village are willing to fight with their lives after hearing his news, Orochimaru!

Throughout the entire original work, Orochimaru devoted himself to human experiments, killed many Konoha Shinobi, and created many Forbidden Techniques. In the ninja world where blood successors are limited and secret ninjas are rife, Orochimaru is shocked by the science he researched. The super character of the entire ninja world!

And on Orochimaru's body, there are too many auras, too many to count.

Even Uchiha Itachi never killed such a super character. It can be said that Orochimaru was a versatile and powerful all-around talent.

At this moment, Li Qing, just looking at Orochimaru standing in the distance, can vaguely feel the terrifying pressure that is sharp to the ultimate.

This kind of pressure even made his breathing become short.

"Is this the aura of a Kage-level character?"

Feeling the pressure faintly, Li Qing took a deep breath, trying to restrain her mind and keep herself calm.

Although he has also had close contact with Kage-level masters like Namikaze Minato and Sarutobi Hiruzen, I am afraid that only by personally experiencing the battlefield can he feel the tyranny of a Kage-level master and the horror of a Kage-level master!

"You, Uchiha Ao? Your eyes are so beautiful, hehehe...々"

Orochimaru said with a sneer, his slender tongue suddenly licked his face, and a greedy look flashed across his cold eyes, "I just don't know if I'm qualified to be my container! For the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, I But I have been spying for a long time, hehehe..."

After saying that, Orochimaru's eyes flashed suddenly, and the remaining giant python flew over, he rode on his crotch, and rushed towards Li Qing and the others quickly!

Orochimaru's strong aura is too strong. Until now, Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng, who were in a state of sluggishness and body trembling, did not make any reaction, just stood there in a daze

There was a look of fear on his face.

This is the crushing of low-level masters by masters, the gap between heaven and earth! In front of Kage-level masters, they don't even have the possibility to escape.

Seeing the giant python devouring the two of them, a voice suddenly resounded: "Explosion Style, Explosion Fireball Technique!"

The strong Chakra gathered at the throat, and suddenly a huge flame bomb in the bright forest slammed into the giant python at an extremely fast speed.

Orochimaru smiled disdainfully. Although the power of this ninjutsu has reached A-level, it is not enough for him.

The giant python under him showed its teeth like a sword, and a hot and terrifying fireball spurted out, and immediately collided with the explosive bomb fiercely. Point as the center, suddenly spread out.

In an instant, the surrounding big trees were violently shaken by the sudden gust of wind, and countless leaves danced, turning into stars and coke amidst sparks. Immediately there was an unpleasant smell in the air, like barbecue.

The white mist rose slowly at this moment, confusing the sight of the entire battlefield, making it difficult to judge everyone's position.

"Great opportunity, secret technique: Mist Shinobi Technique!" Li Qing, who was hiding behind a tree, made a seal quickly!

Orochimaru, who was standing on the giant python, suddenly frowned. At the moment when the mist rose, he actually lost Uchiha Qing's position.

But fortunately, he inherited the ability of the white-scaled python, so he has a natural sensitivity to smells, and soon, he found Li Qing's direction.

At this time, Li Qing took advantage of the interference of the mist to lead Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng away from the original place, and came behind a relatively remote huge tree.

Even though Orochimaru was no longer here, Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng still maintained terrified expressions, and their bodies kept trembling. Obviously, they were not lightly suppressed by Orochimaru's powerful aura. In the original book, Sasuke fell under Orochimaru's coercion, and in the end they failed to recover. Compared with Sasuke's situation, they were even worse.

But Li Qing couldn't care less, and quickly left here, and then stood on a tree not far away, and after a while, Orochimaru came over riding a giant python

This time, without Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng, he could finally fight with all his strength. 【

".々I have a little more evaluation of you. You are affectionate and righteous. When others hear my name, they will only think of running away, but you can still think of your companion, little guy. I am even more curious about you!"

The giant python stopped slowly, and the scarlet tongue of Orochimaru who was standing on it licked his lips again, the disgusting mucus was all over the place, as disgusting as it could be.

"I'm not curious about you!" Li Qing smiled disdainfully, and then it melted into a burst of foam.

It's Shadow Clone!

Orochimaru didn't speak, but with a flash in his eyes, he suddenly struck back with one hand, and a shaking figure appeared behind him, it was Li Qing who was holding a [beheading sword! (good recommendation]

Yes, even in the face of such a formidable opponent as Orochimaru, Li Qing dared to take the courage to strike first!

Seeing that [Big Sword of Beheading] was about to hit Orochimaru, Orochimaru's right arm was instantly wrapped around the handle of the big knife like a stretching rope, and then, [Big Sword of Beheading] sped up, but Li Qing, who had lost her weapon, not only did not move forward Come to fight, but the body quickly retreated, and the hands quickly formed a seal: "Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"


Orochimaru sneered, and was about to make a move, but suddenly felt a gust of cold wind from behind!

Cut off his head with a big knife, and slash his face!

His complexion changed suddenly, he had no idea that it was Uchiha Ao's Shadow Clone who fought against him at all.

At this moment, all of Li Qing's fighting skills reached their peak, so perfect that even Orochimaru was fooled!.

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