The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 120: Orochimaru, With Five Million Blood? (Fifth Update!)

Uchiha Flow: Sword Leap Flame!

The scorching fire light suddenly illuminated the dim sky like daytime, and the flame attached to the blade of the [Decapitating Sword] flashed at this moment with an incomparably bewitching light and an unrivaled high temperature, making the whole air heat up !

Immediately afterwards, the move that Uchiha Shisui taught Li Qing was to hit Orochimaru hard on the back and hit a number of 124321!

With the help of [Quadruple Crit Strike] and the artifact [Decapitating Broadsword], the damage of more than 100,000 points burst out!

Orochimaru was sent flying, and fell heavily in the distance, looking a bit embarrassed.

At this time, a system announcement popped up.

[World Channel] System Announcement: When player [Uchiha Qing] was taking the Chūnin exam, he met a Kage-level strongman [Orochimaru] on the way. Facing the strength of the Kage-level strongman, player [Uchiha Qing] not only did not flinch, but instead Brave and fearless, he hit more than 120,000 points of damage, and took the first step for the player to resist the dark forces! The system will give the player [Uchiha Qing] a reward of +50 points for all attributes, please continue to work hard 233!

After finally hitting Orochimaru, Li Qing was overjoyed, but when he saw Orochimaru's intact health bar, his heart sank.

Just at this time, the system announcement came. Li Qing, who was a little tired, just felt that his body was filled with some kind of power. Whether it was body, strength or brain, they had all been improved to varying degrees.

He originally only had 20,000 blood volume, but he broke through to 25,000 in one fell swoop, and his Chakra volume also increased from 30,000 to 40,000!

At this time, the ability of his Ergouyu 【Sharingan】has improved again, and his insight has increased several times in an instant, and the blood bar that could only be displayed roughly shows mathematics!

On the blood bar above Orochimaru's head, it clearly says: 5498922/5623234

I don't know if I didn't read it, but when I saw it, Li Qing was shocked.

Orochimaru, actually has more than 5 million HP? Isn’t that calculated based on his damage of more than 100,000 per hit? If you want to hack Orochimaru to death, you need at least 50


And among the more than 50 knives, even if Orochimaru doesn't do it, he will be exhausted, right?

"Is this the blood volume of a Kage-level powerhouse?"

Li Qing frowned, thinking that he had reached the Kage-level before he could fight. At that time, his one-hit damage might reach hundreds of thousands, and he only needed a dozen hits to finish the battle.

"That's right, you were able to hurt me with one move. This is already much better than your peers...... However, you are not strong enough. If you want to become stronger, come to me !Hehehe...."

Speaking of this, Orochimaru's head flew out suddenly, biting towards Li Qing fiercely, obviously wanting to plant the [Heaven's Curse Seal] on him.

His speed is too fast, and it is almost a shot in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that Orochimaru's teeth were about to touch Li Qing's body, Li Zhi turned into bubbles and dissipated at this instant!

"What? How is it possible? It turned out to be Shadow Clone? When?" Orochimaru, who thought he had completely grasped the situation of the battle, was stunned for a moment, and was about to use his keen sense of smell to find the trace of Li Qing, but what he never expected was——

Not only did Li Qing not go away, but instead he brandished the 【Decapitating Broadsword】 and hit him hard on the stretched neck!

Because of this attack, Orochimaru was completely defenseless, and for a while, he hit a critical strike effect!


The damage of more than 200,000 yuan exploded in an instant, and directly cut (bdbe) Orochimaru's head and body in half.

How could Orochimaru have expected that Li Qing would still attack him at this time. In the severe pain, that face quickly contorted, and he let out a shrill scream, which was very terrifying.

The next moment, the body with a broken neck began to release billowing poisonous gas.

And just at this time Li Qing had already activated the [Purify Everything] plug-in, directly purifying all his breath, and then directly ignoring Orochimaru's poisonous gas, and quickly fled away.

Want to plant [Sky Seal] on him? Unless Li Qing is crazy, I will never let Orochimaru succeed!

So what if [Heaven's Curse Seal] can bring great power? Li Qing doesn't want to be one of those monsters dominated by power.

"Damn it!"

Orochimaru, whose body was severed in two, had no choice but to close his eyes, and then the whole person slowly emerged from the severed body, and it was a fresh body without any injuries.

Orochimaru sniffed with his nose, trying to find Li Qing's location with his keen sense of smell, but was surprised to find that he couldn't find Li Qing anyway, this kid seemed to have disappeared out of thin air!

"No, no, no... How is this possible, I lost track of Uchiha Qing!"

Orochimaru was full of disbelief. In terms of tracking, no one can get rid of his sense of smell. This is simply impossible!

At this time, Yakushi Kabuto jumped down and landed in front of him: "Master Orochimaru... I have found the location of Uchiha Sasuke, the second choice for the reincarnation container, and several Yinyin players are guarding it over there."

....... Uchiha Sasuke?" Orochimaru's originally decadent gaze was instantly filled with brilliance, "My Heaven's Seal has only a one-tenth chance of success. I originally planned to plant my two brothers The curse seal of the sky, now it seems, can only be planted for Uchiha Sasuke first. Moreover, this person is extremely thirsty for power, so he is a good seed that can be used, please, lead the way!"

Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Li Qing, who hid behind a tree not far away and successfully got rid of Orochimaru, breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Orochimaru's departure meant the end of the crisis.

Thinking of the horror of Orochimaru, Li Qing felt horrified, which further strengthened his heart to become stronger.

He believes that this time he played Orochimaru, and the next time he meets Orochimaru, he will not be as lucky as he is now.

While he was thinking, there was the sound of fighting from the position of Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng!.

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