The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 121: Shenyue Xinyan, Physical Healing! (First Update!)

Li Qing went straight to the source of the sound without even thinking about it. At this time, Lin Jiacheng and Cheng Mengmeng hadn't recovered from Orochimaru's fear. If they were attacked by ninjas from other teams

That's pretty bad.

Three non-cooperative two steps, he quickly rushed to the scene of the incident.

Two ninjas from Cao Ninja Village were approaching the trembling Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng quickly with a sneer, and at the same time, took out the sharp Kunai in their hands.

Behind the two ninjas, there is a beautiful girl with black-rimmed glasses and red hair. You can smell the faint fragrance from her body from a distance~.

Uzumaki Xianglin, level 175 Genin-, ninja of Kusanagi Village.

"It's actually Xianglin?" Li Qing was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly.

In the original book, Xiang Rin, who is infatuated with Sasuke, is also one of his favorite characters. Xianglin’s childhood was not very good. As Uzumaki people, they were abused by the ninjas of Kusanagi Village all the time. Her mother even died in front of Xianglin with stamps all over her body. Hou Xianglin soon took her mother's place... Every now and then she was about to be bitten to restore Chakra.

"Someone is coming! Chakra is... powerful."

As soon as Li Qing appeared, Xiang Ling had already noticed and sent a reminder to her companions.

"Strong? Could it be that they are the companions of these two? Get rid of him first!" The ninja of Cao Ninja Village was stunned when he heard this, then sneered, and rushed towards Li Qing brandishing Kunaixiang.

"Oh, not self-confident" 1

Li Qing sneered, didn't even use the [Decapitating Broadsword] on the back, and rushed towards the two at an extremely fast speed. After a while, terrifying numbers appeared on the bodies of the two, and then exploded into a vast number Gold coins and equipment.

The battle ended in an instant, and with the strength of the ninjas of Kusanagi Village, everything was not enough.

"Ah, good, so strong..."

Seeing the death of her companion, Xianglin's body trembled subconsciously, the eyes under the black glasses flickered with fear and fear, her voice trembled: "No, don't kill me, I, I, were just forced, they Utilizing the abilities of my Uzumaki tribe, I am just a recovery potion... I..."

Xianglin watched as he approached him step by step. This man with terrifying strength who killed his companion in an instant, was full of tension and fear, and subconsciously backed away.

"Don't be afraid, I'm just protecting my companions. If I'm not wrong, you are from the Uzumaki clan, right? The Uzumaki clan in Kusanagi Village is not doing well. I also believe that you were forced to. You can see the imprints all over your body..." Li Qing smiled faintly, and casually threw a bottle of [Body Restoration] potion to Xianglin, "Try this."

"Huh? Huh?"

Xiang Lin, who thought she would die, looked at the potion in her hand suspiciously, and suddenly felt a trace of warmth from this powerful man.

Li Qing didn't pay attention to Xianglin, but checked the injuries of Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng at this time. Sure enough, the two hadn't recovered yet, and their eyes were full of fear from the beginning to the end.

In the original book, Sakura and Sasuke were shocked by Orochimaru, and they haven't recovered for a long time. Their situation is not bad.

This made him frown involuntarily, just at this moment a system notification sound came from his ear.

Congratulations, Xianglin's favorability for you has increased!

Congratulations, Xianglin's favorability for you has increased!

Congratulations, Xianglin's favorability for you has increased!

With three messages showing favorability, Li Qing found that Xiang's favorability for him had reached more than 60 points in an instant!

"I, let me help you see, they must have been hit hard." Xianglin hesitated for a moment, and said courageously.

Ever since she was a child, she has been stared at by others, and she has never felt any warmth from others, so she has always been lonely and lonely. The appearance of Uchiha Qing opened her new life.

"Then I'll trouble you." Li Qing nodded slightly.

"Okay." Xianglin nodded, carefully came to Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng, and then handed her arm for them to bite.

A somewhat shrill voice came, and Xianglin's face twisted into a ball, revealing a painful expression, and the pale complexion of the two who were biting her arm instantly recovered, and the fear in their eyes disappeared instantly.

...asking for flowers...

In just a moment, Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng returned to normal, panting heavily, and cold sweat rolled down their foreheads. The horror of Orochimaru just now still haunts their hearts like a shadow.

"That person just now was too, too strong." Lin Jiachen's face was full of lingering fear.

"Yes, it's too strong." Cheng Mengmeng nodded.

At this time, the two noticed the existence of Xianglin, and their eyes were a little strange. Li Qing briefly introduced them, and the two suddenly understood.


"Sister Xianglin, you are left alone now, why don't you go with us. If you encounter any danger, you can take care of it." Cheng Mengmeng smiled, and took Xianglin's arm.

Xianglin's situation at this time is inherently embarrassing, her two companions have already died, and it is impossible for her to walk out of the death forest alone, but if she asks her to stay, she feels embarrassed, Cheng Mengmeng said, It was a step down for her.

"I, I..." Xianglin lowered her head, no one had ever treated her so well.

"Come on, let's go together!" Lin Jiachen smiled.

Then there was a reminder sound in the ears of the two of them.

Xiang Rin's affection for you has increased!

Xiang Rin's affection for you has increased!

"I'm causing you trouble..." Xianglin showed a guilty expression, Cheng Mengmeng gave a wry smile, and pulled Xianglin over: "You, you're so talkative...... ..." All of a sudden, Cheng Mengmeng swiped her favorability again, and it actually increased to more than 70 points!

Immediately afterwards, a reminder came from Cheng Mengmeng's ear: "You and Xianglin's goodwill has reached a certain level [you can now learn [God's Mind Eyes)] and [Physical Healing Skills from Xiangro.

And Li Qing's prompt is: You can learn Xianglin's sealing technique: [Adamantine Sealing Chains] skill. .

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