The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 125: Death Faction? Not One Left! (Fifth Update!)

Just as Doss and Jin were shocked, suddenly, a figure swayed and appeared in front of them. It was Li Qing who was holding the 【Decapitating Sword】!

Li Qing's speed was too fast, and the timing of the attack was when the two of them were shocked. It can be said that the timing was quite precise. The two slashed hard.

Wherever the [Big Sword of Beheading] passed, the sharp light from the blade even once illuminated the dark sky like daytime.

In an instant, Doss and Jin were cut in half by the [Breakoff Sword], and the whole body became two halves. The vast blood mist accompanied by the explosion of gold coins and equipment like a blowout enveloped the entire battlefield .

When Li Qing fell to the ground, Doss and Jin had already turned into four corpses, falling heavily from the air, and the shattered flesh and blood flew everywhere, the scene was as bloody as it wanted.

In the battle, from Li Qing's attack to Sac's death, it only took a few seconds.

And in these few seconds, the character who had lived for several episodes in the original book was instantly killed by him.

The sound of system rewards came from the ear, under the [Quadruple Rewards], Li Qing got 723 rewards of 20 million experience points at once, and successfully raised the level to 200, but it seems that when the level reaches 200, he can't break through.

Li Qing glanced at the experience bar and found that the experience value was full, which seemed to be limited, preventing him from reaching level 201.

At this time, another announcement hit the world channel.

[World Channel] System Announcement: The player [Uchiha Qing] became the first player to reach level 200, please congratulate him! When the player reaches level 200, if he does not get the Chūnin certificate, he cannot continue to upgrade and can only stay at 200 levels.

This announcement quickly aroused the amazement and envy of countless players, and there were tens of thousands of comments in a short period of time.

"This, how is this possible?"

"Three lord-level bosses were killed by Li Qing in an instant?"

"System announcement...fuck, Uchiha Qing, level 200?"

In the battlefield, the players looked at Li Qing not far away with incredulous faces, full of surprise, especially when they saw the system announcement that was just posted, the surprised eyes became 〖bdag became stunned.

Nima, this kid is actually level 200?

For a moment, the players of [Death Camp] felt their hearts sink. The highest level among them is probably only 175, and Uchiha Qing is actually 200. The gap between them... is simply a sky and an underground.


Suddenly, a player reacted from the shock and wanted to run away.

The other players also lost any intention of fighting and prepared to turn around and run away.


How could Li Qing let them go?

“Explosion Style: Fireball Technique!”

Intense Chakra gathered in the throat, and the next moment, an unimaginable terrifying flame was spat out from Li Qing's mouth. In the sudden explosion, the hot and dazzling flame covered the sky, carrying unimaginable terrifying power, With the momentum of covering the sky, swallowing all the players...

All of a sudden, countless numbers over ten thousand burst out, amidst the screams, more than a hundred players turned into gold coins and equipment, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

This gathered a lot of death camps of elite giants, just like this, they were wiped out under Li Qing's Explosion Style!


A corner of the Middle East of the world.

A man sitting in the golden palace smashed the vermilion table angrily, took off his online game helmet, and stood up abruptly: "This prince's luxurious equipment was killed in one blow, what the hell is this prince looking for?" Go for the most luxurious equipment, go hire the most efficient leveling company for this prince, this prince vows to avenge Uchiha!"

"Oh shit!"

The northeast corner of the United States of America.

A boss in a suit and leather shoes sitting in a modern office building shouted angrily, then took off his online gaming helmet, and made a call from the side.

"Prepare one billion yuan for me, I will spend money to buy the best equipment! In addition, send me 100,000 elite players by air, I will upgrade like crazy, immediately!"

Thirty thousand miles under the Arctic Ocean, in an underground city.


Countless pirates with long knives sticking out of their waists burst out foul language at this moment, and angrily dropped their online game helmets.

The pirate leader on the side laughed: "I lost to Uchihaqing again? It's normal...hehe."

After the pirate leader finished speaking, he glanced aside. Thousands of pirates were manipulating characters there, some were leveling, some were fighting monsters, and some were reselling equipment.

And these pirate characters all start with [Pirates of the Caribbean], and their levels are all heaven-defying to more than 180 levels, and there is even one that has reached level 193!

Pirates of the Caribbean, the most mysterious pirate organization in the world!

When the Hokage online game server was first launched, they did not know how much private information they got from the merchants.

As pirates who make a living by plundering ships and blackmailing countries, online games that can improve their physical fitness will naturally not be let go.


Looking at the gold coins and equipment all over the floor, Lin Jiachen and the players of [Guardian Faction] were secretly relieved.

At this time, a system prompt came from their ears, and they all successfully obtained the corresponding scrolls.

The three of Li Qing also successfully obtained the Book of Earth.

At this time, Li Qing turned on the function of automatic picking. With countless messages passing by his ears, he got a total of 1,455,342 gold coins, 8 pieces of [rare level] equipment, 1 piece of [artifact], and 10 C-level ninjutsu scrolls. 1, 3 B-level ninjutsu scrolls.

[Artifact] Tiger Ninja Belt: It can enhance the player's defense, and can increase the player's attack speed by 30%, and the movement speed by 30%, and can carry 4 kunai clips at the same time

I have to say that the attribute of the belt is very pervert, Li Qing put it on without hesitation, and then let Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng choose the [rare level] equipment, and finally put the "useless" items All of them were auctioned off at the offline Li Family Auction House.

Well, it will be another windfall!

"Sasuke, what's the matter with you?" Suddenly, the little Sakura who was carefully taking care of Zuozhuo called out desolately. .

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