The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 126: Hundreds Of Millions Of Clicks In The Live Broadcast Room, Uchiha Qing Vs Rock Lee! (Fi

The next scene is almost the same as in the original book, except that there are no enemies, and Sasuke, who is exuding purple energy, turns around and then passes out again.

This scene made little Sakura worried, but after Uzumaki Naruto woke up, her worries gradually dissipated.

Later, as in the original book, the six met the "kind" Yakushi Kabuto. Under Yakushi Kabuto's deliberate arrangement, they fought with the Mist Shinobi six-member group. In the end, Naruto and others also got the corresponding scrolls.

Afterwards, the six-member team successfully arrived at the destination.

Since Li Qing killed more than a hundred player opponents in one fell swoop during the temporary mission, only 40 players passed the preliminary round this time, including 17 NPC characters except the Yinyin trio.

And this time, the chief examiner of the third round, Moonlight Gale, took on the role of the chief examiner of this exam.

The qualifiers will only be played for one round, and 20 winners will be selected.

This battle was also broadcast live on the Internet in the form of a "live room" by the players on the spot, whether it was Uchiha Sasuke who copied Locke Lee's physical skills and calmly analyzed the battle in [Sharingan], or the firm will to fight to guard the "will of fire" "'s Hyūga Hinata, or the lucky Uzumaki Naruto, have brought new visual feasts to netizens all over the world!

Let the players learn a lot of knowledge about ninjutsu and the cognition and understanding of Hokage online games!

Each fan character has accumulated a large number of fan groups! Of course, the performance of the NPC is excellent, and the performance of the players is also not bad.

And this time, the opponent Li Qing met in the qualifiers turned out to be Rock Ji!

Lin Jiachen's opponent is Sandstorm Gaara.

And Cheng Mengmeng's opponent is Haruno Sakura.

With the flashing of the names on the electronic screen, the upcoming battle between Li Qing and Locke Lee instantly detonated the whole world.

The fans of the good thing also got Locke Lee's personal information in one fell swoop, and found that Locke Lee is actually a master of gymnastics, and his attack speed can reach ten punches per second pervert!

This world-renowned super god-level player, and Locke Lee, who is known as the strongest physique, who will win? It immediately aroused the expectations of all players.

On the Hokage forum, there were countless analysis posts analyzing Uchiha Qing and Locke Lee's combat power, and the screen was instantly dominated, and the screen was full of news about the two.

In the post, many hosts analyzed in detail Locke Lee's combat effectiveness and Uchiha Qing's possibility of winning based on the previous battle between Uchiha Sasuke and Locke Lee... Most hosts believed that Uchiha Aoki was not Locke Lee's opponent.

Of course, there are also a small number of players who think that with the wisdom of Uchiha Qing, they will definitely defeat Locke Lee and win the final victory, but such comments or posts were immediately refuted and attacked by countless players.

In this way, it was originally a simple battle, but because of the four words Uchiha green, it attracted the attention of the whole world.

"I've always wanted to fight with you, but I didn't expect to finally become your opponent."

In the middle of the venue, Uchiha Qing and Locke Li stood on both sides, and the breeze blew gently, shaking their hair slightly.

"I will prove that even if you don't know any ninjutsu or genjutsu, you can become a great ninja!" Locke Lee said and put on a dancing pose.

On this side, Li Qing touched the [Decapitating Broadsword] behind her with one hand, and the other hand clenched the handle of the [Shinigami Breathing] knife, ready to wait.

Among the Konoha Eleven Xiaoqiang, each one is a difficult opponent, especially Uchiha Sasuke, Locke Lee, Hyuga Neji, they are all perverts among perverts, and Li Qing has actually been looking forward to the battle with Locke Lee, but Didn't expect it to come so soon!

"The battle begins!" Moonlight Gale glanced at the two, seeing that they were ready, nodded slightly, and then used the Body Flicker Technique to disappear without a trace.

The venue suddenly became empty, leaving a lot of space for the two of them.


Before everyone saw how Locke made his move, they saw him appearing behind Li Qing in an instant, the speed was unbelievable.

...asking for flowers...

And following his shot, not only the audience around were stunned [players all over the world watching the replay also widened their eyes.

This Nima, the speed is so fast!

Such a fast attack speed also made players all over the world break into a cold sweat secretly for Li Qing.

But the next moment, the players who were worried about Li Qing dropped their jaws in shock, and their originally wide eyes widened even further! Some players even passed out due to over-excitement.

It turned out that at the moment Locke Lee attacked, Li Qing also disappeared!

Yes, just disappear.

When he reappeared, he was already behind Locke Lee.


"You... so fast!"

In terms of speed, Locke Lee thought that no one could surpass him. This, this... unexpectedly appeared behind him while dodging his fist wind?

This, how is this possible?

After all, it was Locke Lee. Countless times of training had already brought his body to an extremely perverted level. Almost subconsciously, a whip kicked out fiercely, causing the air to emit bursts of sharp whistling sounds. There were even bursts of dazzling golden flowers flashing.

Yes, his whip leg was so fast that the air was twisted by it.


The broad blade of the [Decapitating Broadsword] collided with his long legs, and there was a sound like metal hitting, and the huge sound was ear-piercing.

After this simple touch, Locke Lee disappeared again, and appeared behind Li Qing again, and this time, Li Qing entered the state of [hydration] in an instant, and the whip kick that came from the whip kicked out immediately A total of MISS!

On Hokage's forum, following Li Qing's action, the entire page exploded again. Countless players made 6666 exclamations.

And in the live broadcast room, the barrage ejected burst out of the screen in an instant, almost paralyzing the live broadcast room! Originally tens of millions of clicks, this time also surged, reaching hundreds of millions!.

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