The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 127: Locke Li Opens Eight Inner Gates, The Paralyzed Live Broadcast Room! (Second Update!)

Locke Lee is not a fool, seeing that Li Qing has entered the state of [hydration], able to be immune to his physical attacks, immediately spun around the field, waiting for Li Qing's hydration state to disappear.

After a simple fight with Li Qing last time, he secretly collected a lot of information about Uchiha Qing, knowing that this guy's [Hydration] can only last for 6 seconds, and in the state of [Hydration] , He himself cannot use any physical attack.


Suddenly, Locke felt a gust of cold wind coming from behind, and the 【Decapitating Sword】 slashed down on him fiercely.

"So fast!!"

Sensing the movement behind him, Locke Lee was first startled, then stunned. Unexpectedly, at such a long distance, Li Qing would suddenly be in an instant. Ultimate... Could it be that his attack speed has caught up with him?

No, how is this possible?

In shock, Locke Lee turned his head to block, only to hear the sound of metal colliding again, and the 【Decapitating Broadsword】 was sent flying in front of Locke Lee's force, together with Li Qing himself.

Locke Li's expression remained unchanged, his feet slammed on the ground, and as the ground shattered, he caught up at an extremely fast speed, preparing to give Li Qing a set of Leaf Hurricane.

At this moment, Li Qing suddenly turned into a bubble explosion, obviously just a Shadow Clone.

"Where are the people?"

Locke Lee glanced around, hoping to find Li Qing, but he couldn't find it after scanning around.

The next moment, 【Decapitation Broadsword】exploded suddenly, turned into Li Qing himself, and 【Shinigami Breathing】 stabbed Locke Lee in the back!

It turns out that it's not that Locke Lee can't see Li Qing, but that Li Qing himself has turned into a [beheading sword]!

Yes, he himself turned into a weapon and hid himself!

The onlookers all stared wide-eyed at this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast once again maxed out the entire screen, and countless players played 66666!

I love to eat tigers: This is the first time I saw Transformation Technique used like this, 6 to fly!

Champagne Chocolate: Use Shadow Clone to lure the enemy, and then turn yourself into a weapon to hide your body. This kind of combat plan, I am afraid only Uchiha Qing can do it.

Shannon Oreo: Thank you Uchiha god-tier, learned it! Turn into a weapon or something, practice in a while!

Locke Lee hadn't noticed the crisis yet, and it wasn't until the icy sharp edge was about to pierce into his body that Locke Lee fully reacted.

"Leaf Hurricane!"

After all, it is a taijutsu ninja, even if there is only a reaction time of one thousand molecules per second, the body reacts subconsciously, and kicks the whip leg fiercely, only to see the whip leg sweeping like a strong wind, and the dazzling golden light It seemed to illuminate the dark sky.


However, to Locke Lee's surprise, his kick flew out and hit Li Qing, who immediately turned into a bubble explosion.

Unexpectedly, it is also a Shadow Clone!

The players in the live broadcast room saw the scene where the plot was reversed, like boiling water, boiling even more, and everyone was looking forward to the outcome of this battle like never before

Even the leaders of various countries sat motionless in front of the live broadcast room at this time, watching the battle between Uchiha Qing and Locke Lee.

Even scientists from a certain place gathered together and established a mathematical model for Uchiha Qing and Locke Lee based on the live broadcast room, which will be used for the actual combat teaching of their own elite players!

No way, in terms of ninjutsu skills and use, Uchiha Qing can be said to be unmatched!

Every move of his can be included in the world's most authoritative game TOP10!


Seeing that it was also Shadow Clone, Locke Lee suddenly felt a sense of despair that he had nowhere to use his strength.

Another gust of wind came, and I saw five Li Qings rushing towards him in the distance. The speed was so fast that it was impossible to tell which one was the real one and which one was the fake one!

" Explosion Style: Fireball Technique!"

When Locke Lee was in a daze, a huge hot fireball behind him swallowed Locke Lee with terrifying damage and destructive power.

Locke Lee, who was forced to do nothing, took a deep breath at this moment.

"Eight Inner Gates, open, open!"

"Eight Inner Gates, Hugh Gates, open!"

"Eight Inner Gates, Shengmen, open!"

"Eight Inner Gates, Inner Gates, open!"

In an instant, Locke Lee drove to the Fourth Gate, and the weight that was originally tied to his body was also thrown on the ground, causing the ground to vibrate...

Locke Lee's already fast moving speed suddenly became even faster, and he almost dodged the fireball's attack in an instant. The fireball that hit the sky destroyed the entire battle field in an instant, and the surrounding hard walls were hard to reach. It can be avoided, and a big hole was opened.

And as Locke Lee opened the Eight Inner Gates Technique, the bullet screens sent by the players in the live broadcast room dominated the screen for more than ten seconds, and because of the reposting by major websites, the number of hits on the live video has increased from hundreds of millions To one billion, to two billion......

The original live broadcast page could withstand a maximum of one billion clicks, but now, the entire live broadcast page fell into a spring state.

The senior executives of the live broadcast company have been engaged in the live broadcast industry for decades, and this is the first time they have encountered such a situation. They decisively shut down all other live broadcast rooms, and then added a lot of servers, which allowed the live broadcast room to operate normally.

They estimate that just this short few minutes of live video, the rewards and flowers alone are worth 100 million RMB! Not to mention the advertising effect after this!

Li Qing, who didn't know anything about this matter, or didn't care about it, faced Locke Lee, who had already opened the Fourth Gate and exuded a 2.8 green light all over his body, and his gaze was unprecedentedly solemn!

"Wood Leaf Gale!

Almost at the moment when Locke Lee attacked, his body disappeared again.


Locke Li looked at Li Qing in the distance, but couldn't figure out why Li Mao was moving so fast.

And only Li Qing knew that when he broke through level 200, he clicked to use the A-level ninjutsu scroll [Body Flicker Technique] left by Uchiha Shisui, and learned two Body Flicker Techniques.

One is the body technique instant body, allowing the body to reach its limit in an instant and transfer quickly. CD: 10S.

The other one is the ninjutsu instant body that needs to be sealed and uses Wind Style ninjutsu! CD: 15S. .

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