The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 128: A Genius Of Geniuses! (Third Update!)

These two kinds of instant body ninjutsu are the essence that Li Qing learned from Uchiha Shisui. With the alternate use of the two Body Flicker Techniques, the combat ability can be brought into full play to the ultimate! Let Li Qing be invincible !

Of course, the shortcoming of instant body ninjutsu is also very obvious, that is, ninjutsu like Thunderbird can easily make the caster lose their sense of position, but Li Qing who has [Sharingan] can make up for this very well.

In the original book, Li Qing doesn't know Uchiha Shisui's strength, but only knows that he is Itachi's elder brother, Itachi's famous teacher, and the strongest combat power among Uchiha. Now that he has experienced the benefits of this Body Flicker Technique, he feels that Uchiha Shisui's strength is unfathomable!

It's no wonder that there is the name "Shisui", which makes the ninjas in Kirigakure, who are tens of kilometers away, turn around and leave in fright.

Just as Li Qing was feeling emotional, Locke Lee, who was exuding green light all over his body, quietly appeared behind Li Qing.

His shots are simply too fast, even the high-precision live broadcast machine that broadcasts this thrilling battle from a distance can hardly capture Locke Lee's movements!

Even Li Qing's [Sharingan] can't keep up with Locke Lee's speed!

"It's too fast, I didn't expect Locke Lee to be so strong!"

"He has been working hard!"

"Now Uchiha Qing is going to die...Meet such a strong person!"

The twelve Xiaoqiangs watching showed worried expressions, including the two companions Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng.

In the distance, Orochimaru, who had been secretly watching the battle and secretly disguised himself, cast his greedy eyes on Uchiha Qing from the beginning to the end, the long scarlet tongue was still licking his mouth lightly, and the mucus splashed everywhere Yes, it was as disgusting as it could be.

After suffering a dark loss from Uchiha Qing, Orochimaru followed him. After all, Uchiha Qing is the first and only player who can make such a wonderful counterattack under such unfavorable conditions. But...... I have to say that the performance of Locke Lee, a watermelon-headed guy, really shocked him.

Just when everyone was thinking about everything secretly, the movements of Li Qing and Locke Lee were almost invisible, making people extremely dazzled.

Suddenly, Locke Lee seized the opportunity and swooped in at an accelerated speed, kicked out almost instantly, and a "Shadow Dance Leaf" came!

His speed was too fast, and his timing was quite accurate. He kicked Li Qing into the air in an instant, and then, Locke Lee quickly flipped in the air, appearing behind Li Qing without warning, and kept going The white bandage wrapped around his hands fell apart in an instant, and Li Qing was tightly wrapped in it, wrapping it into a white rice dumpling.

"Biao! Lian! Hua!"

Locke Lee took Li Qing who was tied up, and slammed into the floor fiercely.

The speed of the fall is very fast, and at such a high altitude, you can imagine with your toes what kind of terrible injury it will be if you fall to the ground!

Seeing this scene, almost everyone held their breath, and the hearts of players from all over the world who passed through the live broadcast room also stopped at this moment.

They are all eager to know the result——

Li Qing, did you really lose?


A deafening explosion sounded suddenly, and the terrifying impact smashed the floor to pieces in an instant. Countless bricks and stones flew randomly, creating an unimaginable violent storm.

He rushed around hysterically, causing cracks to crack the earth.

The entire arena became devastated.

Everyone watching the battle couldn't help raising their arms to block their bodies at this moment, and they were almost dazzled by the sudden wind and sand.

The fog gradually dissipated.

A figure gradually appeared, it was a watermelon-headed ninja, it was Locke Lee.

He stood aside panting, with cold sweat on his forehead, and a pair of piercing big eyes fixedly staring at the distance that fell to the ground first.

The battle...seems to be over.

Moonlight Gale in the distance, looked up at the registration form, looked at the floor that had just been laid not long ago with some distress, and was about to step forward to announce the result, but Fourth Generation Namikaze Minato, who appeared at some time, smiled and patted his face shoulder, then shook his head.

Moonlight Gale immediately showed an unbelievable expression, and cast a surprised look.

At the same time, the onlookers also stared at Li Qing who appeared behind Locke Lee at some time, showing dumbfounded expressions.

Yes, Uchiha Ao is not dead.

Unharmed, he appeared behind Locke Lee.

At this moment, the players who saw this scene through the live broadcast room were stunned for a moment, and then suddenly burst out excited and happy voices.

In this battle, too many people have brought Uchiha Qing into themselves.

Uchiha Qing, help them take the first step of players defeating NPC characters!

In the hearts of many players, NPCs are invincible and invincible, but the existence of Li Qing tells them that as long as they fight bravely, nothing is impossible!

"I have to admit that you are a genius who works hard, but in fact, you have only touched the edge of genius. A real genius is one who works hard and is extremely talented."

Li Qing's [Decapitating Broadsword] struck suddenly, and the moment it was about to hit Locke Li's body, the knife turned into a wide handle.

Locke Lee was thrown out by the shock, fell heavily to the ground, and rolled several times, looking a bit embarrassed.

"I want to prove that even if you don't know genjutsu or ninjutsu, you can become a great genius! Originally, I was going to save the Fifth Gate for Neji, but now it must be used

Sure enough, the scene in the original book was about to be staged. Locke Lee stumbled to his feet with green light all over his body, and read out that passionate line. Immediately afterwards, his body began to glow red.

It looks like this, it is about to open the Fifth Gate "Du Gate"!

"That's it for this round, you've already lost!"

However, before Locke Lee opened the Fifth Gate, a ray of light suddenly shot and killed Locke Lee, who was shocked and stayed where he was, unable to move no matter what.

It's illusion!.

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