The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 129: The End Of The Qualifiers! (Fourth Update!)

Yes, that's right.

What Li Qing is using at this time is illusion, illusion: crow deceit.

It can bring the target into the illusion in a moment when the enemy has no defense. After opening the Ergouyu [Sharingan], his illusion ability is more than several times stronger.

Although Locke Lee activated the Fifth Gate, Li Qing could also defeat him, but Li Qing was unwilling to waste any more time with him, so he chose illusion.

In fact, if Li Qing used illusion on Locke Lee, Locke Lee might end the battle before the Eight Inner Gates. One's actual combat experience, after all, for a character, combat experience is also very important.

Fighting against a ninja with such powerful physical skills is a valuable combat experience, and Ji will naturally not let it go.

At this time, although Locke Lee stayed where he was, Li Qing showed a helpless expression, and walked slowly to his side, and then put Kun Wu gently on his neck.

When Locke escaped from the illusion, he found that Li Qing had appeared in front of him, and coldly announced the result of the battle.

"I-I worked so hard, I-I'm still your opponent..." Locke Lee was a little disappointed.

"No, in my eyes, Locke Lee is the hardest-working genius!" Li Qing shook his head, and gently took the bitterness back.

He still remembers the scene in the original book where Locke Lee worked so hard to become a great ninja. God knows, how many Hokage players were inspired by this scene? Might Guy, who had the same experience as Locke Lee, was also looked down upon Finally used the Eight Inner Gates Technique and almost killed Six Paths Madara.

It can be said that these two seemingly cute characters are very hard-working characters. For such NPCs, Li Qing instinctively has such a good impression, and there is admiration in his heart.

Hearing Li Qing's words, Locke Lee's expression looked a little better.

At this time, Moonlight Hayate stepped forward and announced the result of the battle. Uchiha Qing finally won the final victory and successfully advanced.

Xiao Sakura, Cheng Mengmeng, and Xianglin who were watching the battle immediately jumped up and rode excitedly, with excited expressions on their faces, while Lin Jiachen, Uzumaki Naruto, Sasuke and others were also happy and excited for Uchihaqing's victory.

"Uchiha Ao, you are amazing again! My opponent of Uzumaki Naruto, it seems that there is another little one!"

As soon as Li Qing walked up to the second floor and returned to the viewing platform, Uzumaki Naruto put his hands on his head and smiled all over his face.

Uchiha Sasuke on the side just glanced at Uchiha Qing, and then looked away again.

Although Sasuke looked cold, Uchiha Qing knew that he was just a guy who was not good at expressing, so he didn't pay much attention to it, just smiled, and then turned his eyes down.

In the distance, Kankuro and Temari withdrew their gazes and frowned slightly. At this time, both of them defeated their opponents to qualify for the promotion. Their opponents in the final match might meet Uchiha Qing. When they thought of this, they felt a little nervous Headache.

Gaara on the side looked indifferent. To be precise, he didn't pay attention to the people around him at all, including Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato who was watching the battle below.

"Your students are amazing, Kakashi."

Might Guy, who has the same watermelon hair as Rock Lee, patted Kakashi on the shoulder, and opened his mouth to reveal his shiny back molars.

It's a pity that Kakashi didn't pay attention to him, only Might Guy was left messing around in the wind...

Coincidentally, this scene was also captured by the live broadcast software, causing many players to laugh at it. Most of the players, in order to watch this wonderful Chūnin exam, didn't even play the game.

If Li Qing was watching this live broadcast at this time, he would be shocked to find that the number of hits in the live broadcast has reached 10 billion, and the number of simultaneous online users is 1 billion.

That is to say, one out of every three people in the world has watched the battle between Uchiha Ao and Rock Lee!

"Cough cough cough..."

At this time, Moonlight Gale, holding the registration form in his arms, slowly walked up to the stage, and the large electronic screen spun rapidly, confirming the two sides of the next battle.

Soon, the screen on the right displayed Lin Jiachen's name, while the screen on the left displayed the name of an island player, written in the island language.

Lin Jiachen slowly entered the stage, and the island player also slowly walked to the middle of the field.

It can be clearly seen that the words [Ninja League] are written in front of the lives of the island players, and it seems that they are players of the [Ninja League] union.

".々Huaxia Soldier King, Lin Jiachen, hehe, I have been famous for a long time... I have always wanted to visit in this world, but unfortunately I have never had time. I didn't expect that I would meet you in the game today.

"The ninja player smiled coldly, and took out the ninja knife from his waist, "The conflict between China and the island country has always been deep. Today, let's resolve it with this sword! I have been looking forward to fighting with the Chinese player Uchiha Qing A game of..."

"If you want to fight Mr. Uchiha Qing, beat me first!"

Lin Jiachen roared impatiently and quickly attacked, and the Ninja League players here also shot in vain.

The battle between the two was not long, and the battle was almost resolved within a few rounds. In the end, Lin Jiachen took out a dagger and put it on the chest of the Ninja League player.

"Huaxia Kung Fu is really powerful..." The players of Ninja League were full of unwillingness.

"No, Mr. Uchiha (De Nuo Zhao) Qing taught it well." Lin Jiachen shook his head, then put away his ninja sword and prepared to leave Bing.

Just at this time, a murderous intent suddenly shot out from the eyes of the Ninja League players, and they picked up the Ninja Knife that had fallen to the side and slashed at the unsuspecting Lin family servants, it was so despicable!

Everyone felt ashamed when they saw this scene.

And in the live broadcast room, it exploded directly and instantly. Some people said that island country players have this quality, and many island country players are selfish and narrow-minded. In short, there is no good word.

Seeing that the ninja sword was about to split Lin Jiachen in half, several kunai flew out suddenly, accurately hitting the ninja sword in the hand of the Ninja League player, and the other several kunai accurately hit the Ninja League player's knee , let it kneel down.

"Skills are not as good as people's, and you still use three indiscriminate methods. It's really embarrassing to you island players!" From a distance, Li Qing sarcastically said, "Kneel down!".

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