The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 130: The Li Family Consortium Sweeps Everything! (First Update!)

"Operation team?" Li Qing was taken aback when he heard that.

Sha Mei stroked the brown curly hair that was tucked around her shoulders: "Brother Qing, I believe you are very clear... like those guild elite players such as [Super God Alliance], [Ninja League], [Shenlong Alliance], etc. Behind the scenes, there is often a team of tens of thousands of people as support, helping them earn money, level up and equip, so that those few elite players can work on the front line of the game without worrying about anything else matter."

"So I thought, although you have always been the strongest in the game, but the whole earth is so big, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no low-key unions developing silently, and if you don't make a sound, you will become a blockbuster. Therefore, I I just thought of building an operation team for you alone, from advertising endorsements, celebrity packaging, to the operation of equipment and scrolls in the game, around the name of Uchiha Qing, to build the Li's consortium into the entire China, and even the whole world. One of the best group listed companies."

"An excellent player not only needs superb skills, rich experience, and high level, but also needs countless funds."

Sha Mei said what was in her heart, and she nodded on Li Qing's neck with her finger: "I think so, that's why I bought a large number of companies, by the way... about your Chūnin exam I also talked to the boss of the live broadcast company about that popular video, and they promised to share 100% of the income from the live broadcast with us.-"

Hearing Sha Mei's thoughts, Li Qing's eyes were slightly wet. He didn't expect that Sha Mei would do so much for him secretly, and even stopped playing games.

It can be said that the current scale of Li's consortium is due to half the credit of Sha Mei, but he himself is like a hands-off shopkeeper, just playing games every day.

"Hot video?" Li Qing was taken aback.

"Yeah, don't you know?" Sha Meicong nodded, and a 3D projection screen immediately appeared in front of her eyes. On the screen, a player broadcast live the grand occasion of the Chūnin exam preliminaries. The curtain of bullets was fired, and it almost dazzled people's eyes.

Li Qing looked at it and found that this short ten-minute video alone has more than 4 billion hits, including 400 million comments, 10 billion likes, and 100 billion bullet screens. Among them, there are a total of 10 billion in rewards, and if converted into RMB, there are 100 million.

One can imagine how popular his video is.

And the 100 million funds are all his.

"It's all for your name, Uchiha Qing, and now all major websites are still serializing it. I didn't expect that you didn't know..." Sha Mei held her forehead, showing a helpless expression, "I believe so It's been a few days, and you've seen my ability. Anyway, you don't need to worry about the company's affairs, just leave it to me to take care of it. It's fine to come and get free money every day. I want to use your fame to create the most A powerful group. Hehehehe..."

After that, Sha Mei moved her eyes, sat on the table, and glanced at Li Qing with some resentment, her eyes were full of charm, "Besides, I have done so much for you, won't you reward me?" said I still don't forget to support myself as a woman's capital.

I have to say that the capital is really big, and it is round and natural, plus Shamei's professional suit of a strong woman, brown hair that is not short or long, black-rimmed glasses, sexy red lips and that hot figure, no matter where she is It's all provocative at all, making people's blood spurt, and it's not an exaggeration to describe it as perfect.

In particular, this outfit and the charming and coquettish eyes are simply a murder weapon, any man can't help but turn into a wolf and ruthlessly kill him!

Li Qing has seen many top-notch women, but this is the first time she has seen such a top-notch woman who is also good at using female weapons.

Involuntarily, the flames in his heart also surged up.

At that moment, the CEO's room was locked, and he pounced on it without hesitation... He wanted to reward this beautiful woman who secretly did so many things for her!

‥…seeking flowers 0

Fortunately, the CEO's room is completely soundproof, and you can't hear any movement inside, otherwise, the blood of the employees outside will definitely be pumped up.

A moment of spring night is worth a fortune, Li Qing has absolutely no reason to waste the spring night, allowing Sha Mei, a beautiful woman, to completely complete the transformation from a girl to a woman...

In the following time, Li Qing stayed with Sha Mei for a few days, and spent money to buy many advertising companies, live broadcast platforms and other game-related platforms in the name of "Li Qing Consortium". The original funds were not enough, but at this time, Sha Mei took out her wallet to advance most of the funds for him. Only then did he know how rich Sha Mei was.

With the completion of a series of platform acquisitions, the Li's consortium rose suddenly and successfully went public, entering the public's attention.

On the first day of listing alone, it made more than 100 million yuan.

As for Li Qing's advertising packaging advertisement, it was sent all over the world in an instant, and Uchiha Qing's advertisements were flying everywhere. As long as there are game supplies endorsed by Uchiha Qing, they can often bring huge profits instantly.

In terms of live broadcast, Li Qing simply took a five- to six-minute explanatory video of the game experience, and in just half a day, the number of clicks reached 100 million, and there were nearly 60 to 70 million RMB in rewards!

Although players from other alliances are also doing this, their reputation is obviously not as good as Uchiha Qing, and sometimes they have to bear the risk of losing money!

Seeing the gradually rising Li's consortium, many giants expressed their intention to acquire, and some companies even invested tens of billions, but they were all taken by Bao Meiwan.

In this way, under the famous name of "Uchiha Qing", the Li's consortium has made a name for itself... and the name of Uchiha Qing has gradually radiated to various industries, everywhere!

Li Qing, who is the boss behind the scenes, said that she was under a lot of pressure and never thought that she would become so rich. .

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