The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 131: Version Update, Summoning System Launched! (Second Update!)

The actual funds undoubtedly provide Li Qing with sufficient funds to use as game capital.

After briefly playing with Shamei for a few days, Li Qing boarded the game, and just in time for the minor version update of the Hokage online game—————— "Summoning system", when players get the Summoning beast, activate Summoning system, so as to manage your own Summoning beasts, each player can have up to six Summoning beasts at the same time.

In the Summoning system, there are two large contracts.

One is Summoning of blood, and the other is Summoning of non-blood.

In the Summoning column of blood, it is divided into five types of Summoning methods.

1: Contract Summoning, which requires players to sign blood contracts with major holy places, and can summon most of the creatures in holy places in various places according to the amount of Chakra.

2 "Two Fifty Zero": Animal Summoning, which only requires the player to defeat the beast and sign a contract in reality.

3: Ninja Summoning, which requires players to defeat Ninja and sign a contract. After signing the contract, the ninja will be supported by the player and trained in ninjutsu skills, with a ninja-like forehead protector0

4: Props Summoning: Some kind of artifact can Summon a powerful holy object.

In the column of not blood Summoning, there is only one item, that is "human" Summoning.

Turning off the Summoning system, Li Qing knew it in his heart. At this time, he heard a main task: "The new version has enabled the Summoning system, hurry up and catch the ninja summons you want!"

At the same time, all the players in the game were dazed when they received the mission message.

Capture Ninja? What the hell is this? Contract Summoning? Animal Summoning? Ninja Summoning... What the hell are these?

There were also some witty players who instantly remembered the powerful ninjas on the outskirts of Konoha, and immediately many players spontaneously formed a team to go.

"Let's go too." Looking at the Konoha players rushing out, Lin Jiachen suggested excitedly.

Cheng Mengmeng on the side also nodded again and again.

There is still one month before the official competition of the Chūnin exam, and there is plenty of time. During the battle, the Summoning beast may be able to help them a lot.

"Don't worry... what those players get is just some Ninja Summoning contracts.

Li Qing smiled. He is familiar with the plot, of course he knows that the most powerful Summoning beast is the Summoning beast of the Three Holy Lands. Whether it is Bunta of Jiraiya in the original book, Ten Thousand Snakes of Orochimaru or Katsuyu of Tsunade, they are almost the same. It's a beast-level creature. In the original book, Naruto summoned Bunta and suppressed Gaara's One Tail Shukuru in one fell swoop. It is conceivable how terrifying its power is.

These ninjas are by no means comparable to Kakashi, Might Guy's puppies and ninja turtles.

"So, Uchiha Qing, god-tier, knows a stronger contracted beast?" Cheng Mengmeng's eyes sparkled with stars, Uchiha Qing always creates miracles, they are used to it.

"Ah, yes." Li Qing nodded heavily, thinking in his mind how to deal with Jiraiya. After all, this old guy has always been eccentric. In the original book, he gave Naruto the toad's blood contract, but he might not give it to them.

While he was thinking, he suddenly looked up and saw Uzumaki Naruto not far away was talking with a middle-aged uncle with white hair and a strange dress. The middle-aged uncle showed lewd expressions from time to time, and also showed a wretched smile.

Seeing the middle-aged man, Li Qing's eyes lit up, and she thought that there was nowhere to go, and it took no effort to get here. Isn't that man Jiraiya?

Can not think of such a coincidence.

But Li Qing immediately realized that as soon as the Summoning mission is opened, there will naturally be some characters who can open the hidden mission. It is not surprising that Jiraiya appears here

"Follow me." Li Qing winked at Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng, who followed immediately.

At this time, Jiraiya and Uzumaki Naruto surrounded many players, obviously many players noticed the sudden appearance of the NPC character, but after they talked to Jiraiya, Jiraiya's answer made them confused: "Hot in heaven, It's so good to see..."

Look good? Look good at your sister!

Although the players faintly feel that the appearance of Jiraiya must be related to the opening of the Summoning task, but Jiraiya's prompt, Nima, is too simple...

Some players left in embarrassment, only some players stayed, not quite reconciled.

While the players were thinking about Jiraiya's words, Li Qing and others walked over. The players were excited when they saw Uchiha Qing, but then they were dumbfounded.

Uzumaki Naruto, who had been "silent" without waiting for Li Qing to speak, suddenly waved to Li Qing and others, and Jiraiya also looked over at Li Qing's side.

“Pervy Sage, he is Uchiha Qing, and the other two are teammates in the same industry... They are all very powerful!’

"How many times have I told you, don't call me Pervy Sage!" Jiraiya's face was full of depression.

Seeing this scene, the players almost vomited blood and died.

Nima, they don’t even talk to Jiraiya and Uzumaki Naruto. It’s better for Li Qing. The NPC took the initiative to say hello to him before he came over. Does the difference need to be so obvious?

"Pervy Sage, just teach me how to practice... I will be in the official competition of the Chūnin exam in a month. There are so many strong players. If you don't teach me, I will be eliminated soon. "

Uzumaki Naruto begged, shaking Pervy Sage's arm.

Pervy Sage snorted coldly, turned his face away, completely ignoring Naruto's pleading.

"Master Jiraiya, I'm Uchiha Qing from Uchiha. I heard that you like to collect some things that can stimulate Inspiration 2.2. We have specially found some collections." When Naruto didn't know what to do, Li Qing smiled and put This "Tokyo Fever" collection is handed to Jiraiya.

He bought this Tokyo Fever from unscrupulous traders. The pornography industry in the original book is very developed, so it is not troublesome to buy such things.


Originally, Jiraiya was about to leave, but when she saw the sexy cover photo of Tokyo Hot, her face turned a little red, her eyes couldn't move, and she showed a very obscene and obscene expression.

Then, the system prompts.

Jiraiya's affection for you has increased!

Jiraiya's affection for you has increased!.

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