The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 132: Tokyo Hot Exchange Summoning Contract? (Third Update!)

Immediately afterwards, Li Qing noticed that the favorability between herself and Jiraiya increased from the initial 50 points to 60 points.

And Jiraiya's somewhat cold gaze on him gradually softened.

"Ahhhhhhh, it's really something that can inspire me to create." Jiraiya snatched Tokyo Fever from Li Qing's hand, glanced at it secretly, and put it in her waist solemnly, "cough cough Cough...what are you looking for from me?"

Seeing that Jiraiya's attitude eased too much, Uzumaki Naruto glanced at Li Qing in surprise. He obviously didn't expect Li Qing to be so capable that he could even handle Jiraiya.

"Mr. Jiraiya, it was Mr. Ebisu who introduced me to you..." Uzumaki Naruto was a bit stupid, not very good at organizing words, and stammered for a long time to say a word.

"Ah, that's how it is..." Li Qing glanced at Naruto, beckoning to leave everything to him, and then explained to Jiraiya: "We have heard a lot about Master Jiraiya's glorious deeds from Mr. Kakashi, He is the great hero of Konoha Village, and one of the respected Konoha Sannin. Back then, even Master Hanzō of the Salamander, who was known as a demigod, was terrified by Master Jiraiya's we One is to ask Jiraiya-sama for some ninjutsu, and the other..."

Speaking of this, Li Qing deliberately put on a trick, then looked around, and at the same time showed a very wretched smile, lowered her voice and said to Jiraiya: "I have a lot of treasures at home, not only Dabo Oh, and there are also cloves...a bunch of lilies too."

Jiraiya was already very proud of Li Qing's flattery, and when she heard "stock", she immediately showed Li Qing a comprehensible expression.

"Ah, since that's the case..." Jiraiya rubbed her chin and hesitated for a long time, "But I still need to collect and find inspiration. As you know, as a well-known writer, if you want to create something, you must To be stimulated all the time, lest I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Qing took out a (bddd) disk with a rather sexy cover from his waist and shook it.

Jiraiya has sharp eyes, and can see the words "Collector's Edition" on the disk at a glance.

"'s not impossible to be your teacher and teach you how to practice." For the sake of the porn disc, Jiraiya gritted her teeth and prepared to sacrifice: "It's just... Uchiha Ao, let's communicate more often..."

"Teacher, don't worry, I understand." Li Qing and Jiraiya showed wretched smiles together. No matter how you look at it, the two of them look like two big perverts having an academic exchange.

"Is this the Uchiha Qing in my mind?" Cheng Mengmeng was frightened by Li Qing's wretchedness, and felt that her tall image in her heart collapsed.

"Hey hey, they're all old drivers." Lin Jiachen suppressed a smile.

"Old driver? What does that mean?" Cheng Mengmeng asked innocently, and Uzumaki Naruto on the side said stupidly: "Damin's favorite son seems to call the groom a driver...Brother retainer, Is this what you mean?"

"Ahem, ahem, I don't want to spoil children..." Lin Jiachen blushed.

"Kid........ Uchiha Qing?" Uzumaki Naruto asked in a daze.

At this time, a system prompt sounded in the ears of the three: "Congratulations, the Summoning mission has started, please follow Jiraiya to learn Summoning ninjutsu!"

Hearing this sound, Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng were overjoyed, they didn't expect their Summoning beast mission to start, and immediately cast admiring gazes at Li Qing.


Li Qing chuckled, it seemed that his tactic was successful.

At this time, a system announcement was issued:

[World Channel] System Announcement: Player [Uchiha Qing], player [Cheng Mengmeng], player [Lin Jiachen] successfully started the [Contract Summoning] mission, and became the first player in Konoha Village to start the [Contract Summoning] mission. Please Congrats to them all!

As soon as this announcement came out, those players who were still working hard to catch Ninja Beasts and prepare them to be Summoning Beasts were suddenly stunned and full of doubts.

I love to eat wolves: Nima? [Contract Summoning] task? What the hell is this?

Eat chicken and eat chicken: rub? [Contract Summoning] How to start the mission? Ask for a lot of money!

Players who asked how to open the [Contract Summoning] mission for a while dominated the entire Hokage forum. Posts asking about the conditions for opening the Contract Summoning mission were everywhere, and there were even local tyrants who offered huge rewards for clues to the opening of the [Contract Summoning] mission.

One clue, one hundred thousand RMB!

A few players happened to watch the entire conversation between Uchiha Qing and Jiraiya, and they narrated it carefully on the forum. In just a few minutes, this reply has already had tens of millions of views, but most players didn’t remember it. I only remember three words: "Tokyo Hot"

All of a sudden, countless players rushed out and snapped up all the porn movies in the nearby stores, and then got the Hokage World to gain favor with the NPCs.

At this time, the Hokage version can already bring some modern items into it, but some weapons are expressly prohibited.

Obviously, not everyone is as lecherous as Jiraiya. Before the sad players figured out what was going on, they were taken back to Novice Village by angry and blushing NPCs. Some players even annoyed Fourth Mizukage Terumi Mei , was directly imprisoned in Mist Shinobi's prison for "molest"...

Li Qing and others, who knew nothing about it, had already walked out of Konoha Village under the leadership of Jiraiya, and then, as in the original book, they were taken to a mixed bathing place for men and women.

Uzumaki Naruto, Lin Jiachen, and Li Qing didn't care much about the men, but Cheng Mengmeng, the girl who suffered, under the lewd eyes of Lin Jiachen and Jiraiya, Cheng Mengmeng resolutely chose to give up.

Naturally, Li Qing would not let Cheng Mengmeng delay her homework, so she immediately proposed him to teach Mengmeng, and Cheng Mengmeng nodded shyly under the surprised eyes of Lin Jiachen and others.

Seeing this scene, Jiraiya, who had been chasing Tsunade for several years, immediately asked Li Qing in private for the technique of picking up girls, and in exchange, he would seriously help several people practice!

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