The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 133: Summoning Technique, Summoning Four At Once? (Fourth Update!)

In the next few days, Jiraiya asked Li Qing and others to control Chakra on the soles of their feet as in the original book, and then walked on the boiling water in the bathing place.

Since Li Qing and others have learned to put their feet on the tree during Kakashi's practice training, they don't pay much attention to this practice, thinking it is very simple

But soon, they suffered a big loss.

Except for Li Qing who had mastered the trick from the very beginning and walked freely on the boiling water, Lin Jiachen, Cheng Mengmeng and Uzumaki Naruto all fell into the water after walking a few steps.

It is worth mentioning that Cheng Mengmeng deliberately wore very thick clothes in order to prevent herself from being exposed and the seductive Jiraiya to be taken advantage of. If she fell into the water, she would not be able to see her sexy parts, let alone her curves. A little bit, this made Jiraiya a little disappointed.

Then, Jiraiya asked Li Qing to teach the three Chakra's control and skills, and hid in the dark alone to watch pornographic movies for inspiration.

It has to be said that among the three, Uzumaki Naruto is the stupidest and the slowest to learn. As Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng gradually mastered the control of Chakra, he is still standing still.

For this reason, Li Qing specially conducted a special training for Naruto.

A few days later, all four of them were able to successfully walk on the water, and they all had a new understanding of the control of Chakra.

And through the training of walking on water, Li Qing, Lin Jiachen and others obviously felt that their ninjutsu power has improved a lot, while Chakra's consumption has weakened a lot.

According to Li Qing's preliminary estimate, his ninjutsu power has increased by at least 20%, and his Chakra consumption has been reduced by at least 10%. Lin's situation is worse, but his ninjutsu power has also increased by as much as 15%. As for Cheng Mengmeng... ..Although she only increased 5% in ninjutsu power, her healing ninjutsu increased by a full 30%.

And Naruto has basically learned that he can use less Chakra to create more Shadow Clone.

The time in the online game and the real time are basically 3 to 1. Three days in the online game have passed, but only one day has passed in reality.

After the practice of walking on water is over, Jiraiya finally stepped into the main event, which is signing the contract and Summoning the summoned beast.

"This is the contract book of Mount Myōboku Holy Land, as long as you sign your name on it, you can use the Summoning technique to summon the toad from Mount Myōboku.

On this day, Jiraiya took a few people to practice again, but this time it was not in the bathing place, but in an empty meadow.

Holding a scroll in his hand, Jiraiya spoke to everyone solemnly.

After finishing speaking, he opened the scroll, then bit his fingers and quickly sealed the seal with both hands: "Summoning Technique!"

There was a puff of mist, and a huge toad with a huge body and a pipe hanging from its mouth appeared under Jiraiya's feet. Obviously, this is the boss of Mount Myōboku.

Seeing Bunta, Lin Jiachen and others who was pulling the wind Haki, they were excited for a while, their eyes shone with hot light, and they looked forward to their contract Summoning beast. The happiest among them was Uzumaki Naruto, who was jumping and waving his hands, looking eager to try.

Then, the four of them pressed their fingers at the end of the hand of the contract.

After finishing all this, Uzumaki Naruto couldn't wait to use the Summoning technique!

In a burst of mist, a tadpole jumped up, which didn't kill Naruto, but Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng looked at each other, thinking that it must be an empty joy.

The mist rose again, and Lin Jiachen summoned a toad that was only half the size of a person, while Cheng Mengmeng summoned a toad that was only the size of a palm.

The two looked at the toad without any fighting ability, and felt like crying for a while.

"The contracted Summoning beasts from Summoning are summoned according to the ninja's own strength. The stronger your strength, the stronger the Summoning beasts you summon. It's normal to only summon little toads at the beginning. Come and try." Jiraiya's eyes fell on Li Qing.

For Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng, he didn't have any expectations. What he really looked forward to was the godlike player Uchiha Qing and Uzumaki Naruto who owns Nine Tails Chakra.

...asking for flowers...

Li Qing was also very much looking forward to his contracted beast. He nodded his head heavily, and then quickly stamped his hands together: "Summoning Technique!"

His hands landed on the ground, and countless formation marks appeared immediately, and then, four white mist rose up!

Seeing four streaks of white gas, not only Lin Jiachen, Cheng Mengmeng and the others were stunned, but even the well-informed Jiraiya had to widen his eyes and hold his breath.

Although the contract Summoning technique can also summon four Summoning beasts at once, it needs at least a Jōnin-level Chakra to do it. Even if Uchiha Ao can summon four tadpoles, it is enough to prove that he is Heaven-defying talent for this!


The mist gradually dissipated, and four human-sized toads in red, white, blue, and yellow appeared in front of everyone.

The red ones are holding nunchakus, the white ones are holding long spears, the blue ones are holding long swords and shields, and the yellow hands are pointing to knuckles, just like a team of toads waiting for battle!


"Good, so strong, four of them were summoned at once."

"Each of them holds a different weapon."

Lin Jiacheng and the others are speechless now, there is no way, they are simply more angry than others.

Jiraiya on the side also fell into silence, speechless, and summoned four human-sized toads at once. "It can only be described as a genius among geniuses.


In fact, Li Qing never imagined that he would be able to summon a team of toads at once, but he thought about it carefully. He bought the plug-in of [Quadruple Critical Strike]. With the addition of [Quadruple Critical Strike], he could only It is reasonable for him who summoned one to have four at once.

But soon he thought, if he activated the [Ten Times Critical Strike] hang, and he had Kage-level strength, wouldn't it be possible to Summon ten toads with Wentai strength at once?

At that time, let alone one hundred thousand players, even millions of players and tens of millions of players, I am afraid that they will be crushed!

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