The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 134: Uchiha Qing's Summoning Beast Legion! (Fifth Update!)

"Genius, genius..." Jiraiya was stunned and speechless for a long time.

"Uchiha Qing can do it, hehe, I can do it too!" Uzumaki Naruto glanced at Uchiha Qing enviously, the fighting spirit that had been broken was immediately aroused, and he began to try to seal the Summoning beast again, as if he had beaten a chicken like blood.

Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng also did not give in, and began to form the seal of Summoning Technique.

It's a pity that no matter how many times they tried, the Summoning beast they summoned was only that big, which made them vomit blood even more when they were full of expectations.

"Hey, are you the one who summoned us?" Just when the few people were practicing hard, the red toad suddenly asked.

"A-how can you talk?"

"Toad, toad can talk "eight seven three"?"

"Is there a mistake?"

Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng felt that their three views were about to be impacted.

"Hmph, ignorant human beings, whoever said that toads can't speak, is there such a fuss? Jiraiya, you should take good care of your apprentice." Wentai said with some dissatisfaction, "However, the one who can Summoning at the same time It is a bit surprising that there are four toad descendants. No one has ever summoned so many clansmen from Mount Myōboku at once.

"Yes, I am Summoning you."

At this time, Li Qing only felt that something was added to his mind, and then he noticed that his Summoning beast system had been opened, and on the column of contract Summoning, there were four names written, Wufeng, Village It seems to be the names of these four toads.

Toad Red, a 324-level superior Ninja Beast, Summoning Beast!

Toad Bai, a 321-level superior ninja beast, Summoning beast!

Toad Blue, Level 320 Superior Ninja Beast, Summoning Beast!

Toad Yellow, Level 320 Jōnin Ninja Beast, Summoning Beast!

(This name is easy to remember.)

And when Li Qing saw the levels of the four Ninja Beasts, she immediately burst into an excited smile.

These four ninja beasts have more than three hundred levels, and they are all Jōnin ninja beasts. I have to say that they can only be described as big profits!

"Boy, you do have some strength. You can summon our four Toad brothers." The red toad's bean-sized eyes examined Li Qing for a long time, and then nodded slightly, "We approve of you." Having said that, the red toad looked away. To Jiraiya: "Master Jiraiya, we are very busy. If you have nothing to do, please don't Summon us. And...

After finishing speaking, he cast his eyes full of murderous intent on Uzumaki Naruto, who was still trying to Summon in the distance, but always Summoned tadpoles every time: "If this kid continues like this, we will have no descendants.

Hearing this, Uzumaki Naruto scratched his head in embarrassment: "Sorry...I'm so stupid."

"Brothers, retreat." The red toad nodded in satisfaction, and then disappeared into a puff of mist without a trace.

"Jiraiya, then I will withdraw too." Wentai took a sip of the huge pipe, and then it also turned into a puff of mist and disappeared.

When the toads left, the few people were embarrassed to Summon the toads, and after a simple practice, they set off on their way home.

The official Chūnin exam is getting closer, and Lin Jiachen and others are getting more and more nervous, but only Li Qing knows that this Chūnin exam is the only one that has not been successfully held. At that time, Orochimaru will launch Konoha's collapse plan...and the plot in the original work is completely changed from here.

According to the temperament of the online game development team, Li Qing feels that there is a high possibility of launching a new version at this time!

In the next few days, under the guidance of Jiraiya, Lin Jiachen, Cheng Mengmeng and Uzumaki Naruto devoted themselves to practicing Summoning, but Li Qing began to think about how to combine his various ninjutsu to burst out stronger Strength.

In the last battle with Locke Lee, although he won the battle easily, he also realized his shortcomings and shortcomings. That is, he still can't perfectly combine his attacking ninjutsu with two different instant ninjutsu to make the strongest and most invulnerable attack!

Whether it is Locke Lee, Gaara, Kankuro, etc., although their ninjutsu may not be powerful, they all bring their advantages to the Ultimate....

Thinking of this, pictures flashed in his mind [Start evolution practice.

How difficult is it to create your own ninjutsu? But Li Qing is not a person who is afraid of challenges, he wants to find his own way.

A road that belongs to him alone, Uchiha Qing!

The afternoon passed like this, and time passed.

The Summoning beast produced by Uzumaki Naruto Summoning has finally improved from a tadpole to a tadpole with a tail. The Summoning beast of Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng has also grown in size

Everyone is working hard.

Suddenly, a hint of inspiration flashed through Li Qing's mind!

There was a clang sound, and the 【Decapitating Sword】 jumped up suddenly and landed in Li Qing's palm. The next moment, he disappeared as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

And when he reappeared, the [Decapitating Sword] was flying out like a spinning windmill, and on the broad blade of the [Decapitating Broadsword], countless huge scorching fireballs were spinning rapidly , Exploded loudly, as if countless detonating symbols exploded in succession.

Terrible damage, carrying an unimaginable 5.3 shock wave hysterically rushed around, making the earth devastated in an instant!

When the [Decapitating Broadsword] was reinserted on the side with a clang, Li Qing landed on the hilt with one foot gracefully, and took a pose." The sound of the explosion suddenly stopped.

Seeing the horrific damage caused, Li Qing nodded in satisfaction.

This is the ninjutsu he learned that combines Uchiha-style Ninjutsu, Body Flicker Technique and Explosion Style: 【Explosion Style: Fuma Ranwu Sword】!

[World Channel] System Announcement: Player [Uchiha Qing] once again created ninjutsu: [Explosion Style: Fuma Ranwu Sword], ninjutsu power level: AAA! Please congratulate him!

As soon as this announcement came out, the whole world was shocked again.

Class AAA Ninjutsu!!!.

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