The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 135: New Version Updated Again! (First Update!)

AAA Ninjutsu!

In this era when B-level ninjutsu is generally worth several million yuan, it immediately caused a sensation in the whole world.

Although the players are used to [Uchiha Qing]'s screen swiping, but seeing this AAA-level ninjutsu created by him, they can only admire and respect, but envy and hate.

In the distance, Jiraiya glanced at Li Qing in astonishment, and a hint of astonishment flashed across those lazy eyes.

Originally, he thought that Uchiha Qing's ability to summon four contracted Summoning beasts in an instant was powerful enough, showing his talent in this area, but he did not expect that Uchiha Qing also had some accomplishments in creating ninjutsu.

"What a genius..." Jiraiya shook her head with a wry smile, and suddenly saw the shadow of Orochimaru on Li Qing.


Compared to Orochimaru, his talent seems to be higher!

As for Naruto, Lin Jiachen and others, looking at the devastated land, apart from being envious, they also felt the gap between heaven and earth.

In the next 13 days, perhaps because of the stimulation of Li Qing's strength, Lin Jiachen and others practiced harder, and Uzumaki Naruto also worked harder.

On this day, as in the original book, Jiraiya suddenly asked Uzumaki Naruto if he had any regrets in his life, and wanted to help him realize it, and then Naruto ran to find little Sakura and wanted to confess, but he didn't say it in the end, and then Jiraiya just kicked Uzumaki Naruto off the cliff..

When Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng were surprised, Uzumaki Naruto finally Summoned a Summoning beast, and this time the Summoning beast, which can only be described as surprise, turned out to be Jiraiya’s Summoning beast Bunta!

Stepping on Wentai's body, Uzumaki Naruto was taken aback at first, then showed a happy smile, and showed off to Li Qing, but it's a pity...Wentai didn't obey his discipline at all, jumping up and down , wanted to throw Naruto down, but Uzumaki Naruto refused to let go. …

"Sure enough, Naruto was forced to use the power of Nine Tails Chakra." Jiraiya looked at Naruto's practice results with satisfaction.

The Chūnin exam qualifiers are getting closer and closer, and under the guidance of Jiraiya, several people are getting stronger and stronger.

Since he didn't get the Chūnin certificate, Li Qing couldn't upgrade, so he has been hovering at level 200. Although the experience bar has far exceeded the experience for leveling up, he has gained a lot in actual combat, and he even created AAA Level ninjutsu.

Compared with Uchiha Qing, the improvement of Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng can only be described as fast. From the original level of 120 to the current level of 170, they have risen by more than 50 levels. It also brought a whole new level of understanding and cognition to ninjutsu.

Of course, if it wasn't for Li Qing's level restriction, during the month of practicing with Jiraiya, he would at least be able to rise to level 40 or 50, after all, there is a cheat of [Quadruple Reward].

Farewell to Jiraiya's practice, Li Qing and others hurried back to Konoha Village, and the Konoha Village at this moment can only be described as very lively, many ninja leaders from other countries, Damin or Celebrities rushed over one after another, even Sunagakure's Fourth Kazekage-sama rushed over, which was similar to the original book.


The keen Li Qing quickly noticed that many players were also invited to watch the official match, and some players got mysterious missions and needed to find the corresponding NPCs to start.

This is the first time that Konoha Village has appeared in such a grand occasion. Players from other hidden villages have also been attracted, wandering around Konoha Village, hoping to start the mysterious mission.

As for Hokage's forum, regarding Konoha's grand event this time, the posts also dominated the entire page, and they all offered huge rewards for clues about the official match.

At this time, a post caught the attention of all players, that is, some players posted screenshots, saying that they found the dead body of Fourth Kazekage, and some players said that they saw Orochimaru and a few strange-looking guys in the Sunagakure Ghost Sneaky, don't know what to do.

These posts instantly detonated the entire forum, and there was a lot of talk about Lord Fourth Kazekage's death.

Several Sand Shinobi players broke the news that they recently started a mysterious mission, which is to sneak into Konoha Village to collect the location and information of Konoha Guards, which can be exchanged for experience and equipment. At the same time, there are Rock Shinobi, Mist Players of Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi said that they have received the same task. ……

Thus, the official match of the Chūnin exam, like a white mist that cannot be cleared away, has become even more mysterious in the hearts of the players!

And the night before the official competition of Chūnin, the Hokage online game team released a new version, and this time it was released in two consecutive chapters!

[Chapter 4: Chūnin Exam Official Competition!]


The post once again detonated the entire Hokage forum, and in just a few minutes, there were more than 100 million hits.

Li Qing clicked on the video, and soon the 3D hologram showed a picture of geniuses gathered and oppressed by dark forces in front of him. In the video, Gaara, Hyuga Neji and the players shined brightly, attracting cheers from countless ninjas, but at this moment, a pair of cold snake eyes suddenly appeared, seeing all this in their eyes

After closing the video, Li Qing saw that there was a version change behind the video.

1: Increased the number of ninjas in Yinyin Village.

2: Added new characters and new blood succession boundaries.

3: The power of [Curse Seal] has been increased again, and now it can be opened to "Status 2", and the main task of "Taketori Clan" is opened!

4: Added Orochimaru's laboratory base...

5: The story of Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen has been added, and the main task of "Orochimaru's past" has been opened!

Looking at the updated content, Li Qing knew it clearly, her eyes sparkled with hot flames, has the official Chunnin exam finally started?

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