The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 136: A Level 200 Player? (Second Update!)

This time the update speed of the release team was very fast. The moment the video was released, the version of the online game Hokage went from version 3.0 to version 5.0!

Players who log in to the game again feel nothing but that Konoha Village has become more lively.


The sharp-eyed players still read something from the specific content of the version update, and rushed to the surroundings, wanting to start the main task such as "Taketori Clan" or "Orochimaru's Past", but it's a pity that they have only one bamboo None of the NPCs from the Qu family met, let alone started the mission.

There are also lucky players who encountered Orochimaru who was rushing to Konoha Village on the way from Sunagakure to Konoha Village, but... Orochimaru seemed to be unfriendly to the players, and directly punched them back to Novice Village. Poor players not only did not gain useful information, but also dropped gold coins and equipment.

Just when the forces all over the world were secretly preparing to plan, the official Chūnin exam finally ushered in its own climax with the presence of all forces!

[World Channel] System Announcement: The official competition of the Chūnin exam will start soon. Players who have passed the preliminaries of the Chūnin exam should quickly go to the arena and compete!

As soon as the system announcement was finished, Li Qing heard the mission prompt: "【Chūnin Exam Official Competition】The mission has started, please go to the arena quickly, players who get the Chūnin ninja quota will receive huge rewards. Task level: level 200, task difficulty: SSSSS, task reward: Chūnin ninja certificate, **experience value, and then get [artifact], open level 200!"

I have to say that the rewards are indeed generous, whether it is the Chūnin ninja certificate, or more than 10 million experience points and [artifacts] are things that can greatly improve his combat ability

"Not bad..." Li Qing smiled and entered the arena with the flow of people.

At this time, the battle table for the official match has also been posted. Li Qing noticed that his opponent was a player named [Mountain Village Wild Wolf], and glanced over from the battle table

He found that basically the first round of battles was player vs. player, NPC vs. NPC. The two sides were basically the same as in the original book, Uzumaki Naruto vs. Hyuga Neji, Uchiha Sasuke vs. Gaara... Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng , also met the players respectively.

The rest is pretty much the same as the original book, first there is the battle between Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuga Neji.

This battle, which almost everyone thought Naruto would lose, finally ended with Naruto using Shadow Clone to attract Hyuga Neji's attention and then sneaking from underground, and finally won.

At the moment when Uzumaki Naruto won, the entire viewing platform was surprised at first, and then burst into strong applause and slow cries, and they all began to change their views on Uzumaki Naruto.

Namikaze Minato, who sat in the highest position with Fourth Kazekage, showed a proud and proud smile.

As a father, he has always seen Naruto's efforts. From being looked down upon and hated by others to being welcomed, he has always been concerned about Naruto's growth.

Fourth Kazekage on the side smiled faintly: "As expected of Minato's son, he actually defeated the genius of the previous session.

"It's all his own efforts, I didn't help him anything." Namikaze Minato scratched his head embarrassedly.

In the original book, it was originally the old Sarutobi Hiruzen, but after Li Qing changed the plot, it became the young Namikaze Minato.

"Uzumaki Naruto defeated Hyuga Neji and won. Next is the second match of the official match. The player [Uchiha Qing] will fight against the player [Yamamura Wild Wolf]. The two players will go to the arena to fight."

Shiranui Xuanjian held a thousand copies in his mouth, and then slowly retreated.

Then, Li Qing slowly stepped onto the stage, and at the same time, his opponent gradually showed his figure.

However, what surprised him was that his opponent's level had reached level 200!

And this person's name is prefixed with [God Wolf Alliance], it seems that he is another low-key alliance master.

This was the first time he met a player of the same level as him.

Recalling 【Mountain Village Wild Wolf】's performance in the qualifiers, he found that he was not deeply impressed.

Immediately, he felt that the player in front of him was not easy to deal with.

".々You probably noticed it. Countless players have become god-like players... In fact, there are many alliances and unions that have not surfaced, and they have very powerful players. And the God Wolf Alliance, I [Mountain Village Wild Wolf] is in charge, and I have the same strength as me, as far as I know, there are many...all are representatives of underground forces."

Mountain Village Wild Wolf showed his sharp claws at this point, "Compared with other forces, we have obtained more information and resources. Behind me alone, there are millions of staff, Hundreds of professional companies worry about my upgrades, equipment, ninjutsu."

"And today..." Speaking of this, the mountain village wolf's fighting spirit became stronger, "It's the time when our [God Wolf Alliance] soars to the sky!"

"It doesn't matter what god wolf alliance or satyr alliance you mean, the victory belongs to me alone!" Li Qing sneered, but her heart was full of surprise.

If it is true that there are millions of staff behind him as the mountain village wild wolf said, then his strength will definitely be very strong!

Just as he was thinking, a gust of cold wind suddenly hit his face.

"Huh?" Li Qing was first taken aback, then surprised. The wild wolf of the mountain village can also instantly use the Technique!?


There was a violent sound [The flames of the sudden explosion instantly blew up the place where Li Qing was standing just now.

Before Li Qing could react, he suddenly realized that he was surrounded by countless detonating symbols, and the detonating symbols exploded in the next moment, another deafening explosion!

The wild wolf of the mountain village is quick to shoot and move so quickly that even NPCs can hardly do it!.

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