The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 141: The Cursed Player Five! (Second Update!)

Li Qing's attack speed has always been very fast, especially with the cooperation of the Body Flicker Technique, it has shown unimaginable assault power.

Is it the curse-sealed player, who reacted the moment he attacked, the sharp Kunai pierced Li Qing's chest, while the other four players also sealed their hands at the same time, making different moves. Ninjutsu.

“Water Style, Big Water Dragon Bomb Technique!”

"Earth Style, Earth Spike Technique!"

"Wind Style: Wind Shuriken!"

"Lightning Style: Cross Shock Technique!"

It has to be said that whether it is their combat power or reaction speed, they are stronger and more difficult to deal with than the Sand Shinobi Chūnin and [Satyr Alliance] players that Li Qing encountered just now.


The Ergouyu [Sharingan] spun rapidly, and Li Qing's scarlet pupils easily captured the players' movements. The next moment, Li Qing's [Decapitating Sword] changed from chopping to sweeping. The flames flashed at the same time, dazzlingly illuminating the dark sky like daytime!

Immediately afterwards, the flame exploded like a detonating talisman, and the terrifying thunder-attribute Chakra hidden in the flame turned into laser lightning, which suddenly put the nearest player into a paralyzed state. His hands also shook in an instant.


It exploded again, and the curse-sealed body couldn't stop Li Qing's powerful attack at all. The nearest player exploded into a pulp, causing a cloud of blood, and the stench was everywhere. Nausea.

Then, Li Qing got into the billowing thick fog generated by the flame explosion, causing the remaining four cursed players to lose his trace for a short time.

The four ninjutsu that blasted towards him disappeared like stone bulls entering the sea after flying into the mist.

It wasn't until this time that the four curse-sealed players were surprised to find out how strong Uchiha Qing's actual combat ability is. He could find obstacles that can hide his body at the moment he killed their companions, so as to find Chance for a second offense.

The few players who had entered the spell printing and were full of confidence were a little panicked at this moment and felt a huge sense of frustration.

"Don't be afraid. In the state of spell printing, our ability has been greatly improved. As long as we complete the task of blocking, we can get the pill to enter the second state. With stronger power, we can dominate the whole world. How can we be suppressed? A little Li Qing got down on the ground...`"..."

One of them immediately lifted morale.

It's a pity that before he finished speaking, a cold light pierced his chest without warning, causing more than 30,000 points of damage, directly blacking out his health bar, turning it into piles of gold coins and equipment, and then being sent to the hospital. Back to Novice Village.

Under the spell printing, the player's blood volume has also increased.

After regaining some confidence, after seeing the death of the second companion, the heart of the remaining one was shaken immediately.

"Although you have entered the curse seal and have stronger strength, but you who don't have any combat experience to control this kind of power, under my [beheading sword], you can only be reduced to scum in an instant!"

Li Qing didn't give the remaining three players a chance.

He himself is the kind of hot-blooded faction who can make a blockbuster if he doesn't make a sound, and kills thousands of people if he doesn't kill. I saw that he instantly formed the [Body Flicker Technique] seal with one hand, and his whole body was like a gust of wind instantly in front of the three players. appeared behind.

" Explosion Style: Fuma Ranwu Sword!"

This ninjutsu that he created himself, rated AAA by the system, was finally released in his hands.

The scorching flames carrying the terrifying power of Chakra, a thunder attribute, engulfed the figures of the three players in an instant like a ferocious fire dragon. The billowing flames seemed to be monsters with their bloody mouths open, blowing the horn of death .

The next moment, the flames exploded, and everything... was silent!

The loud sound was like countless detonating symbols detonating.

Under the double damage of the scorching flame explosion and the unstoppable [Decapitating Broadsword], countless damages flew out... The three voice-invisible players didn't even bother to scream, and completely It turned into blood mist, billowing gold coins and equipment, and scattered all over the ground.

At first glance, the shiny items can blind people's eyes.

Li Qing silently put away the [Decapitating Sword], and stepped on a branch of a tree with one foot, her expression indifferent.

"You killed eight Sand Shinobi Chūnin, and under the reward of [five times experience], you got a reward of ** experience points!"

'.々You killed the player of [Satyr Alliance], and under the reward of [Five Times Experience], you got a reward of 5,000,000 experience points!"

"You killed five players in Yinyin Village, and with the reward of [Five Times Experience], you got a reward of 5,000,000 experience points!"


"You got the ninjutsu scroll [Lightning Style: Cross Lightning]."

"You got the ninjutsu scroll [Water Style: Big Water Dragon Bomb Technique]."

A lot of system prompts flashed, and his inventory that was about to be full was filled instantly, and the experience of the experience bar also skyrocketed, but because he didn't have the Chūnin ninja qualification, there was no upgrade section.

Regardless of the simple calculation [ Li Qing, Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura and Pike City ( who are still in the state of surprise in Zhongtou City) showed a faint smile: "We can continue."

Don't look at the time it took him to kill the enemy, in fact, from the start of his attack to the end of the battle, it only took a few seconds before and after, it's just that the villain wasted some time talking more.

In the eyes of Naruto and Haruno Sakura, it was Li Qing who dashed out instantly, slashing, and when he retracted his sword again, the battle had been resolved.

In the original book, these Sand Shinobi Chūnins still need to be controlled by Shikamaru's shadow binding technique, and the little Sakura and other talents barely escaped the battle. Now, they are solved by Li Qing with a few tricks.

"Uh... ok, ok..."

Parker was stunned for a long time, then gradually eased from his surprise, and then nodded heavily.

Perhaps it was because Li Qing shocked him too much, this time he sniffed for a long time before finding Sasuke's scent!.

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