The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 142: Fragments Of The Curse Seal! Natural Chakra? (Third Update!)

"I found it, at eleven o'clock!" Parker sniffed for a long time, then looked in one direction.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Uzumaki Naruto and little Sakura nodded and chased after them. They were really worried about Sasuke's safety.

Li Qing was about to catch up with the crowd, but suddenly found a system announcement.

[World Channel] System Announcement: [Curse Seal Fragment] dropped during the player's mission, at the outskirts of Konoha Village (1124, 1234), this item allows the player to open the natural Chakra, please go there immediately!

"Curse seal fragments?" Seeing the announcement, Li Qing was taken aback for a moment before noticing her own coordinates, which were actually at (1124,1234)!

He looked down, and under the cover of countless giant tree leaves, a thumb-sized object shone brightly. Fortunately, he had a Sharingan with relatively strong insight. If you don't look carefully, it's really not easy to notice.

With a dodge, Li Qing picked up the [Curse Seal Broken].

[World Channel] System Announcement: Player [Uchiha290qing] picked up [Curse Seal Fragment], please congratulate him!

Ignoring those envious and hateful comments and messages behind the announcement, Li Qing opened the attribute of [Curse Seal Fragment]:

Players or NPCs with the spell printing ability have a chance to drop it. When the fragments are gathered together, they can become an ability scroll: [Sage Transformation], allowing players to learn the ability [Sage Transformation]. This [Sage Transformation] is not a copy of Orochimaru Comparable, it can fully exert the power of 【Immortal】, allowing players to enter 【Sage Mode】. The time when the player enters [Sage Mode] is related to the quantity and quality of [Curse Seal Fragments].

Wearing [Curse Printing] fragments alone can give the player 100 points of natural energy and can learn special abilities. When natural energy is injected into ninjutsu, it can enhance the power of ninjutsu. Note: The special abilities need to be comprehended by the players themselves, and there is no such thing as direct use of ninjutsu scrolls.

Seeing this introduction, Li Qing was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed. He never thought that he was so lucky that he got [Curse Seal Fragment (bdbj)] after killing the player who was cursed. Fortunately, the system announcement just now reminded him Some time, otherwise he will really miss it.

Without hesitation, Li Qing clicked to use it.

Immediately afterwards, he felt an unusual feeling, as if he had merged with nature for a short time, a feeling of harmony between man and nature.

Then he saw that besides the red blood bar and the blue Chakra bar on top of his head, there was another green blood bar, like the qi in many stand-alone games, the kind that can release qi skills .

"Is this natural energy?" Li Qing felt it a little bit, and the experience was a bit subtle, but he couldn't tell exactly where it was subtle.

But at this moment, a reminder came from his ear.

"Congratulations, you have activated the natural energy, and automatically learned a special ninjutsu: [Natural Energy Injection], this ninjutsu can increase the power of ninjutsu, consumption: 100 points, CD: 6OS."

Hearing the prompt, Li Qing understood. It seems that this natural energy can only be used once in a battle, but how much power can it increase? He is a little curious.

At this time, Uzumaki Naruto and little Sakura had gone far away, and Li Qing quickly caught up.

Just when several people were chasing Gaara who left quickly, Konohagakure is now in chaos, full of players everywhere, some from Kirigakure, some from Iwagakure, and some from Sunagakure, all because of this Large-scale confrontation missions fought and fought together.

After Li Qing and others left, Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng joined the [Guard Konoha] camp, but there were too many players who chose [Destroy Konoha], and Konoha The performance of the NPCs in the Village was also not good enough, causing the players of Konoha Village to retreat steadily, and they were once huddled in the inner city.

Many players are full of doubts in their minds. Where did Uchiha Qing, the god-level player who saved players from suffering several times?

Those elite players who were once overshadowed by Uchiha Qing's edge, such as [Super God Alliance], [Ninja League], and [Holy See Alliance], finally took advantage of Uchiha Qing's absence and killed many Konoha Village companions. !

Among them, Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng were repeatedly targeted by several alliances, and many players were sent to kill them, and they had to take the heads of Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng. Fortunately, the two had the help of Xianglin and Shui Wuyebai at this time, otherwise they would really be crushed by the enemy's crowd.

"Uchihaqing, we are waiting for you here. Waiting for you, the player returns!" Cheng Mengmeng looked up at the sky while treating her companion, with a little expectation in her eyes.

"Wait for you, the king is back!" Lin Jiachen nodded accordingly.

Almost all players are secretly looking forward to the appearance of Uchiha Qing, who can lead them to kill a bloody road!

Meanwhile, the battle between Namikaze Minato and Orochimaru in the Four Purple Flames continued.

Is it Fourth Hokage? With the Flying Thunder God Technique and his own transcendental wisdom, Orochimaru has no way to deal with him. After several fights, Orochimaru used the Reanimation Jutsu with his two-hand seal to summon First Hokage and Second Hokage !

For a while, Namikaze Minato, who was originally in the upper hand, was at a disadvantage under the left and right pincers of the two generations of Hokage, and was beaten back and forth.

Outside of the Four Purple Flame Array, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Anbu have no way to break through the terrifying defense of the Four Purple Flame Array! They can only watch Minato being beaten to death by Orochimaru

As the large-scale confrontation missions continued, more and more Konoha Village players died and were sent back to Novice Village.

A corner of the earth, the most mysterious Hokage online game development center.

A guy wearing a cloak who couldn't see the face clearly looked at the realistic holographic projection, showing a look of expectation, "Uchiha Qing, what will you do?"

At this time, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes came up with a smile on his face, his tone full of excitement.

"Sir, the first link in the human quality improvement plan has been completed, and the initial strengthening of the whole people has been completely completed, and it can start at any time."

"Although the previous players got a certain physical improvement because of the Hokage online game, it was only about 10%. This time, the preliminary strengthening can increase about 20%!"

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