The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 144: Konoha Crash Mission, Li Qing's Home Field! (Fifth Update!)

Just when all the forces were mobilized due to the "Operation Konoha Collapse" confrontation mission, Li Qing's [Decapitating Sword] slashed fiercely at Gaara's forehead.

With the blessing of the Body Flicker Technique, his speed has reached an unimaginable level in an instant, which is simply hard to capture.

In the end it was the big boss, Gaara known as "Sandstorm". Before Li Qing's attack came, the sand protecting him had already formed a shield automatically, blocking Li Qing's attack.

Seeing that Li Qing's body was about to crash into the shield formed by the sand, two huge palms formed by the sand quickly caught it, blocking all the angles he could dodge!


There was a sneer of disdain on the corner of Gaara's mouth. In his opinion, no ninja from "Five Two Three" could be his opponent.

Including, this one in front of you.

But soon, the smile on the corner of his mouth froze abruptly, and it froze there like a sculpture.

Li Qing, disappeared again!

But this time, Li Qing is using the Body Flicker Technique.

He appeared behind Gaara in an instant, unstoppably [beheading with a big sword and chopping down.

His speed was so fast that the sand surrounding Gaara had no time to react and formed a decent shield. When the sand condensed and came, the 【Decapitating Sword】has already slashed down from Gaara's forehead, smashing Gaara hard. He flew out violently.

One damage hit, 44561!

With the blessing of [Five Times Critical Strike], it was able to deal more than 100,000 damage, but it only hit more than 40,000 points!

And the damage of more than 40,000 points is a drop in the bucket for Gaara, who has more than 800,000 HP, and only a trace of HP!

Li Qing's complexion changed slightly, and he soon noticed that the armor formed by countless sands slowly fell off his face, as if peeling off his skin. Soon, Gaara returned to normal

Obviously, this is Gaara's absolute defense. The surrounding sand forms an armor, and I am protected by the sand armor to minimize the damage.

With such an opponent, it's no wonder that Locke Lee, who has opened the Fifth Gate in the original book, cannot be defeated. This double defense alone is very difficult.

While he was thinking, suddenly countless sand rushed towards him quickly, forming a hand shape.

Gaara sneered, and with a sudden wave of his hand, the hand-shaped sand was suddenly clenched, as if to crush Li Qing.

At this moment, Li Qing entered the state of [Hydration], dodged the attack of [Sand Hand], and a character string of MIS$ appeared!


Gaara, who was in the air, was a little angry. Seeing Li Qing's agility and speed, he thought of using a large-scale attack.

He snorted coldly and made seals with his hands: "Sandstone rain!"

The moment he put his palms together, the sand floating on Li Qing's head suddenly fell down violently like a violent storm, and at the same time, the sand that appeared on the ground at an unknown time transformed into countless hands. , trying to catch Li Qing's feet and firmly control him!

The range of Sand Time Rain is very large, and there is a lot of sand on the ground. Don't think that as long as you are hit by these, you will lose at least half of your HP. Li Qing quickly formed a seal with one hand. Since the Body Flicker Technique is in CD, He can only use this technique for the time being.


The sand and rain fell, piercing through Li Qing's chest, and the next moment Li Qing turned into mist and turned into 【Stand-In Wood】.

"Body Replacement Technique?" Gaara swept his gaze, turned around and saw Li Qing falling from the sky, and immediately stretched out his hand, the sand surrounding him immediately formed two big hands, grabbing Li Qing fiercely.

And at this moment, Li Qing threw the decapitating sword viciously, and saw the sword spinning rapidly, like a turning windmill, stirring up gusts of wind, carrying unimaginable terrifying killing power.

"Ah!" Gaara sneered, but couldn't laugh anymore at the next moment.

The big hands clasped together again, and the caught Li Qing turned into a [substitute wood] again, while the thrown [beheading knife] was spinning rapidly, turning into Li Qing holding a pitch-black dagger!

Yes, Li Qing repeated the same trick again, turning herself into a [Break-off Sword], thus giving Gaara a heavy blow....

At this time, all Gaara's attention was on the fake Li Qing, and the sudden change in the battle situation caught him off guard.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!

"【Uchiha Flow: Uchiha Green Combo】!"

The two seals were completed in an instant, and Li Qing's flowing movements showed Li Qing's superb fighting skills. There were only six Uchiha greens blocking all possible dodging angles for Gaara.

One of them kicked Gaara hard into the air, and the other avatars quickly followed up, reproducing the scene of Naruto's continuous bombing in the original book, but with more power!






Under the sudden attack, he recruited critical strikes, coupled with the activation of [Five Times Critical Strike], in this instant, Gaara's blood volume of 160,000 was wiped out, and his blood bar was finally reduced by one-fifth. !

Gaara flew out again, this time his body broke several trees one after another, and his whole body lost countless nails, his appearance could be as terrifying as 4.2, or as hideous as it looked. ferocious!

"Roar...... Roar......"

Under the severe injury, Gaara roared in a low voice, his originally clear eyes suddenly became tyrannical, and one of his hands swelled instantly, turning black and elongated into a monster's hand!

"Others say that I am a monster, but I am not... I also want to live a happy life like others, but my father regards me as a weapon and a dangerous bomb...

Gaara was a little delirious and said inexplicable words, and suddenly, his bloodthirsty eyes fell on Li Qing.

"It's you, all because of you!"

The next moment, he rushed towards Li Qing ruthlessly, the speed was like lightning, and the suddenly growing arm also swung out, forming an unstoppable gust of wind!.

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