The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 145: Natural Energy, 200,000 In One Hit! (First Update!)

In the gust of wind, it carries unimaginable terrifying power!

During the rapid rotation of Ergouyu [Sharingan], Li Qing could clearly see all of Gaara's movements. His original rapid attack became much slower in an instant.

Jumping up, Li Qing dodged the attack of the Crane Hand, and the Crane Hand that hit the air made a bang, causing several trees to be uprooted and fall down!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, a layer of scorching hot flames faintly adhered to the sharp blade of the [Decapitating Broadsword], and sometimes there is thunder attribute Chakra injected into it, faintly flashing thunder.

AAA grade ninjutsu, 【Explosion Style: Fuma Ranwu Sword!】, with the injection of natural energy, it re-emerges with unimaginable power!

Amidst the deafening explosions, the blade shadows of the [Decapitating Sword] were everywhere, as if they were endless and endless. In this blow, he even had a feeling of human unity.

A man is a knife, and a knife is a man!

【Decapitation Broadsword】The terrifying will of an overlord was injected into his mind.

In an instant, Li Qing felt that his only 100 points of natural energy were emptied, and his whole body seemed to be drained of energy, and the weapon in his hand was a little heavier!


Boom! Boom!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Gaara was completely engulfed by the scorching flames and blade shadows, and his face was unprecedentedly solemn. Obviously, he never imagined that Genin could make such a terrifying attack!

At this time, the dark players rushed over according to the coordinates given in the announcement. When they looked up, they happened to see this scene. They all gasped and couldn't believe their eyes. And the next moment, in their wide-eyed eyes, the look of horror was added to an irreplaceable level!

[Beheading Sword] Cut it down, as if an angel swung down a war halberd heavily.

An explosive number was typed out like this!


A total of more than 200,000 points of damage directly shattered the sand armor attached to Gaara's body into cracks, and the blood bar also dropped suddenly, leaving only more than half of it

"200,000 damage..."

"So tall!"

"As expected of Uchiha Ao god-tier... 200,000 hits!"

As for Gaara himself, he fell heavily when the sand armor was shattered, smashing countless trees one after another. The sand that originally protected Gaara seemed to react at this moment, and flew towards Li Qing in a hurry.

Li Qing's face remained unchanged, and with the flashing 【Sharingan】, he slashed out with a single knife, shattering the flying sand in an instant.


Suddenly a hand guarding the crane came out from the ground and quickly grabbed his legs.

The speed is too fast, most people can't react at all, but fortunately Li Qing has quite a lot of combat experience, the moment the hand of the crane attacked, the whole person entered the state of [hydration] and hit a MISS!

Gaara in the distance turned into flowing sand in an instant, but he himself appeared behind Li Qing in an instant.

Originally, Gaara hadn't learned advanced ninjutsu like [Body Flicker Technique], but under the huge trauma, he suddenly realized the essence of [Body Flicker Technique]. horn!


No matter how fast Gaara is, she is not as fast as Li Qing who owns 【Sharingan】!

Especially at this time, Li Qing, under the infusion of [Thunder Attribute Chakra], is full of vitality, with fast speed and fierce attack, it can be said that the state has been adjusted to the peak.


The hand of guarding the crane that hit the air once again caused the earth to tremble. The players who were there were killed by Gaara in an instant and sent back to Novice Village. Dozens of players were killed on the spot!

Seeing how powerful Gaara is, the players felt his terror at this time, and turned around in fright, and some players used various ninjutsu to greet Gaara, but only dealt symbolic damage.




With only one or two hundred damage, even Gaara's Sand Armor can't be broken. Seeing this small number, the players want to die, and instantly have a feeling that people are more popular than others. Even more gamer, he directly dropped the online game helmet and stopped playing!

Nima, this guy Li Qing has dealt more than 200,000 damage, and they didn't even get one percent of his damage. Can this game still be played?

"You... all have to die!"

Gaara let out a deep roar again, only to hear bursts of bone shattering sounds, and another strange hand slowly protruded from his back, and the back of the original human hostage suddenly grew a strange bark. General spikes.

The body of guarding the crane has begun to take shape!

Under 【Sharingan】watching, Li Qing could clearly see that Gaara's level kept rising, and now it has reached more than 400 levels, which was still at level 380 before!

[World Channel] System Announcement: Big BOSS [Sandstorm Gaara] is becoming the body of guarding the crane, the coordinates are in the outskirts of Konoha (1224,1334), please go to stop it! Under his command, 182,024 players have been killed! Success! Players who kill the big boss will get huge rewards!

[World Channel] System Announcement: The morale of Konoha Village players is low, and the side that destroys Konoha will dispatch four Otohid Jōnin to join the battle. Konoha players are invited to kill them!

Two system announcements were issued, Li Qing knew that time was running out, and the battle had to be resolved quickly!

At this time, Gaara's strange hand swept away, and several players were sent flying, and their bodies were cut in half in an instant, causing the number of Konoha players' casualties to rise rapidly.


Suddenly, two figures fell beside Li Qing, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke.

"It hasn't been resolved..." Uzumaki Naruto was about to say something, when he saw Gaara's inhuman appearance, his eyes widened in shock.

Sasuke on the side couldn't help but gasp: "What kind of monster is this?"

At this moment, players from [Super God Alliance], [Ninja League], [Shenlong Alliance] and other alliance unions rushed over and joined the battlefield, forming a large area.

Their mission: kill Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, and stop the player guarding Konoha!

Seeing Naruto and Sasuke appearing this time, how happy they are!.

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