The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 146: Summoning Beast Army, Dispatch! (Second Update!)

"Gaara, who is neither human nor ghost, is handed over to me, players, I will leave it to you!"

Li Qing swept her eyes and quickly assigned the task.

He is the most capable among the few people in the team, so naturally he will be the captain at this time.

"Tch, let's play with power and prestige!" Uzumaki Naruto curled his lips, "Sasuke, you attack the left..."

Before he could finish speaking, a dazzling thunder light rose from Sasuke's right palm. The thunder light made a sharp sound, illuminating the dark sky, as if countless birds were chirping crazily, which is exactly ninjutsu [ Chidori], under the opening of [Sharingan], the state is adjusted to the best time in an instant.

He quickly charged towards the rushing players. Wherever he passed, the players were all instantly pierced by his chidori, or defeated by his superb physical skills, showing Sasuke's genius side.

"Cut! Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

Uzumaki Naruto curled his lips, feeling that the limelight was completely taken away by Sasuke. Looking at the rushing players, he [Jie Yin] with one hand, and in an instant, countless Uzumaki Naruto appeared, and then quickly rushed towards the players.

Compared with Sasuke, although Naruto's combat effectiveness is a bit weaker, it is better because of the large number of Shadow Clone, which suppressed the players in a short period of time. After all, the visual impact of multiple Shadow Clone Techniques is quite strong!

Just as the two sides were fighting, Gaara, half of her body turned into a crane guard, appeared behind Li Qing in an instant, and two huge hands of guarding the crane slapped down fiercely.

For a moment, Li Qing felt a suffocating feeling like a mountain was overwhelming, as if his chest was being squeezed by some kind of terrifying force.

"Is this the coercion of the Tailed Beast?" Li Qing felt it a little bit and was shocked. He couldn't help thinking in his heart, if Gaara really turned into Shuhe, then, with their current combat power, they couldn't compete with it at all. right?

[Sharingan] Spinning rapidly, the color of fear that was entangled in my heart dissipated in an instant, and Gaara's rapid attack slowed down instantly.

【Decapitating Broadsword】Swinged out fiercely, Li Qing and the strong wind merged into one, passing a cold light, passing through Gaara's chest.

Uchiha Flow: Blast Sword!

Gaara was sent flying again, breaking several trees one after another.

This time it caused 57212 points of damage!

"It's time to summon you! Summoning Technique`~!"

Before Gaara could attack, Li Qing knocked down a bottle of blue potion and slapped it heavily on the ground, only to see several jet-black patterns appearing, and in the bursts of mist, the figures of five toads appeared When they came out, there was a purple toad after the red toad, yellow toad, blue toad, and green toad.

The five toads each hold different weapons. Although they are only human-sized, they look murderous!

The effect of [Five Times Critical Strike] appeared, and five toads were summoned in no time!

"Someone finally summoned us." The red toad smiled coldly, staring at Gaara not far away: "I feel the power of the tailed beast, could it be One Tail Jinchūriki? Judging by his appearance, he is about to be occupied by the guarding crane gone."

"Could it be that you want to defeat this guy?" Blue Toad's big eyes flashed a touch of solemnity.

"Ah, it seems so." Huang Toad nodded, "Wen Tai often said that we don't work, it's time to prove our strength, what do you think?"

"I have no objection." Green Toad smiled.

"I have no objection either." Huang Toad followed suit.

"Very good, let's fight." Red Toad's fighting spirit climbed up, and he played the nunchaku faster, "Let Shouhe have a taste of the nunchaku!"

After all, five toads rushed towards Gaara from all directions, blocking all possible dodging angles for him.

Seeing five talking toads in the distance, the players cast envious eyes on Li Qing one by one, while Naruto and Sasuke could only envy and hate!

"Naruto, I heard that you followed Master Jiraiya to practice Summoning. What did you Summon?" While fighting, Sasuke asked curiously.

"Uh, well...." Uzumaki Naruto was a little embarrassed, he wouldn't say that he could only be summoned, would he?

"Everyone use the Summoning technique, and quickly resolve the battle with the cooperation of Ninja Beast!" At this time, a player of [Destroying Konoha] suddenly said.

In an instant, countless mist rose up, and thousands of strange ninja beasts appeared. There were ninja lions, ninja turtles, and ninja tigers, which seemed to be quite powerful.

Uzumaki Naruto and Sasuke frowned when they saw the players summoning ninjas.

".々Look at me!" Uzumaki Naruto bit his finger and slapped the ground hard.

A scene that made people laugh out loud came out, in the mist [Ten loyal tadpoles jumping...

This scene aroused bursts of laughter from the players, and the word 【#】 appeared on Sasuke's forehead, and his small disgusted eyes were full of complex eyes of "Why do I have you as a pig teammate".

Explosion Style: Fireball Technique!

Suddenly, a loud voice sounded, and a fireball bigger than a millstone flew out instantly and exploded towards Gaara!

At this time, Gaara was restrained under the attack of five toads, and from time to time, the toads could hit 10,000 to 20,000 attacks.


Carrying the explosive power of the thunder attribute and the terrifying lethality of the flame, the explosive fireball burst open like this, and the flame engulfed my (de's) Gaara in an instant. The five toads, who had a heart-to-heart relationship with Li Qing, jumped up in an instant and avoided there.


Another damage of more than 200,000 was hit, and Gaara's blood volume was only a quarter left! After flying out, he broke a lot of trees again, and his injured appearance would be so embarrassing. How embarrassing.

Standing up unsteadily, Gaara finally lost all sanity in the severe pain with the last sliver of clarity!

"You all have to die!"

A deep voice sounded, and he closed his eyes with one hand in mudra.

Fake! Sleep! The! Technique!

Yes, he is going to wake up Shouhe, so that the "Shouhe" sleeping in his body will be fully awakened.

In the blink of an eye, suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him without any warning!.

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