The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 147: Defeat The Crane Keeper, Li Qing! (Third Update!)

Li Qing's shot was too fast, Gaara, who was about to fall into a deep sleep, never thought that his speed was so fast, and he could see through his ninjutsu.

You must know that although this doze technique is powerful, it can be broken as long as it is interrupted before the caster is about to cast a spell, or the caster is awakened during the battle. This is a huge disadvantage of this technique!

Unexpectedly, before he could wake up the sleeping Shouhe, Li Qing had already appeared in front of him!

Uchiha Flow: Blast Sword!

With the cooperation of [Body Flicker Technique] and [Sharingan], Li Qing's speed reached Ultimate in an instant, and the [Decapitating Sword] in his hand was brandishing, setting off waves of violent storms!

I saw that where the wind and waves passed, the surrounding trees were violently shaken, and countless leaves rustled down.

And Li Qing hid in the strong wind, and merged with the strong wind, reaching the realm of the unity of man and nature.

A cold light flashed across, piercing through Gaara's chest fiercely, and when Li Qing's feet landed, Gaara, who was about to enter a dormant state, was sent flying by his knife, and fell heavily, long 463's two huge strange hands on his body even broke a lot of trees.

Looking from a distance, one can clearly see the traces of Gaara falling and flying out on the ground, shocking as if a shell was fired suddenly.

A terrifying number came out!


A total of more than 200,000 points of damage was dealt out again in the critical strike of the surprise attack, causing Gaara's health bar to bottom out at once, leaving only a trace of blood volume!

Seeing the damage of more than 200,000 yuan again, the players all took a breath, thinking that the highest attack of their own was only a few thousand, good guy, here Li Qing actually hit hundreds of thousands with a single shot, it's really shocking Feel a sky and a ground.

And Uzumaki Naruto and Sasuke, who were fighting with the players, looked up and saw the damage, and secretly took a breath.

Even though they have been performing missions with Li Qing for so long, they have never seen Li Qing's true strength, but they never imagined that Li Qing is so powerful that he can deal such terrifying damage all at once, which seems invincible Gaara, was hit hard by him just like that.

Involuntarily, the two felt a deep admiration and admiration for Li Fu in their hearts.

At this moment, with the sound of dense footsteps falling, Sakura, Aburame Shino, Inuzuka Ya and others landed on the big tree in the distance. They happened to see this scene, and they all showed astonished eyes.


The deep roar sounded again, and Gaara stood up slowly from the sunken ground a few feet away. The sand armor fell off one by one on the ferocious face, and even the body fell off as quickly as if the skin was shed. .

This is because he has absolute defenses such as [Sand Shield] and [Sand Armor], which offset most of the damage. If he were any other ninja, he would have been killed by Li Qing in a single blow.

"You, you are so powerful that I didn't even think of it, but, ahem, Uchihaqing, don't think that this is the end!" Gaara was staggering, shaking her monster-like big hands indiscriminately , Destroyed the surroundings from time to time, and said deliriously, "I, I still have fighting power, as the ultimate weapon of Sand Shinobi, before Sand Shinobi fails, "I will not fail......

When the surrounding players saw him like this, they subconsciously took a few steps back. Even the players in the [destruction camp] also took a few steps back in fright, for fear of being accidentally injured by the monster-like Gaara.

"Hehehe...they all think (bdbe) that I am a monster, hehehe, originally I had a perfect childhood, it was all because my father put the monster Shukaku in my stomach, Let me become neither a human nor a ghost, what kind of experiments do I need to do..."

Standing up unsteadily, suddenly, Gaara's eyes flickered, and his two big hands grabbed at the two female players not far away, extremely fast!

The faces of the two female players turned pale in an instant. Seeing that they were about to be tightly held by big hands, a cold light split their arms in two.


Amidst the blood, the strange hand flew into the air, and Gaara let out a scream, her face was full of pain, and she looked very uncomfortable!

"Uchiha Ao, I'm going to kill you!"

Gaara didn't care about anything, he was already dazzled by anger at this moment, and he quickly entered a state of losing his sanity. The two big hands that were originally cut off by Li Qing not only recovered quickly, but also grew several times. One, from a distance, looks like a monster creature with countless palms.

The female players screamed, and many male players took a few steps back in fright. This scene is really too scary, too disgusting.

Suddenly, several of Gaara's arms shook and grabbed Li Qing fiercely. At the same time, Gaara's body was completely snatched by the crane guard.

Shrine of the Sand, a tailed beast with terrifying Chakra energy, just showed up!


Before Shouhe could celebrate his rebirth triumphantly, Li Qing's [Decapitating Broadsword] was already galloping fiercely, like a fast-rotating windmill, with strong winds sweeping everywhere it passed. Gaara, who fell into a deep sleep standing on the top of the crane, was hit hard by the broad blade of the [Decapitating Sword], and flew out again...

"Ah, after finally being resurrected, are you going to be locked in the cage of despair again?"

Accompanied by Shukaku's screams, Shukaku exploded like a balloon, and Gaara, who fell into a coma, fell heavily from the air.

Two figures flew out, quickly hugging Gaara in their arms.

It is Kankuro and Temari.

Looking at Gaara who was injured in his arms, the two were extremely shocked. After all, since Gaara was born, no one has ever been able to hurt him, let alone beat him like this.

"We withdraw!"

Temari exchanged glances with Kankuro [quickly hug me and leave!

They never imagined that after planning and calculating for so long, it still failed in the end!.

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