The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 148: The Twisted Form Because Of Li Qing! (Fourth Update!)

At this time, a news that made the [Guardian Konoha] players very excited was sent out like this!

[World Channel] System Announcement: Player [Uchiha Qing] successfully repelled the big boss Gaara, [Guardian Konoha] player morale increased, and Konoha will send [Aburame Clan], [Nara Clan], [Uchiha Clan] and other NPCs Go out and kill the [Destroying Konoha] players! Pervy Sage Jiraiya, one of the Sannin, descends on Konoha Village (124,133) and joins the former Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. They will pose a direct threat to Orochimaru of Yinyin Village!

As soon as the announcement came out, the whole world was shocked.


The players of [Destroying Konoha] were shocked to notice that the Konoha army that had been routed originally had countless NPCs pouring out from every corner of the streets and alleys of Konoha Village. There was a strong fighting spirit, and in the distance, the giant pythons that were raging in Konoha Village were cut in half by the huge toad that Jiraiya Summoning came out amidst the screams!

Even the battle between Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato and Orochimaru changed dramatically at this moment due to the rapid changes in the battle situation. First Hokage and Second Hokage, who had originally attacked Minato, suddenly broke free from Orochimaru's control with their own tyrannical will, and then automatically Lifted the soul up to the sky.

Orochimaru, who had lost the first and second hokage powers, was forced by Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique to show his weakness, his face turned pale, and finally he had to use a snake substitute to barely escape!

Originally, Konoha Village fell into a huge decline, but after Li Qing successfully repelled Gaara and others, the situation reversed!

With the help of Konoha Village NPC, countless Konoha players brandished Kunai and quickly launched a counterattack, determined to drive out the players who destroyed Konoha!

And soon, Uchiha Qing's name swiped the entire world channel again.

[World Channel] System Announcement: The player [Uchiha Qing] and his Summoning Beast Legion entered the player group of [Destroying Konoha], completed 12441 kills, and entered a state of rampage, please go ahead and kill him!

[World Channel] System Announcement: The player [Uchiha Qing] and his Summoning Beast Legion entered the player group of [Destroying Konoha], 14,554 kills have been completed, and the number of kills is still increasing sharply. Players please Go ahead and kill him!

Three system announcements came in succession, and the player guarding Konoha received several system announcements in one connection.

[Guardian Konoha] The player's morale has increased, and you have gained 10% attack movement speed!

[Guardian Konoha] The player's morale has increased, and you have gained 10% attack movement speed!

But the players in the camp of [Destroying Konoha] are more bitter, and they keep ringing in their ears:

[Destroying Konoha] The player's morale has decreased, and your attack movement speed has been reduced by 10%!

At this time, Li Qing and others have eliminated all the players from the enemy camp who came, and he himself has reached more than 20,000 kills.

Seeing the Konoha Village still filled with gunpowder, Li Qing led Sasuke Naruto and others to kill it fiercely. In the end, Li Qing locked the number of kills at 110,000, ranking first in the kill list of this confrontation mission Location!

But the second player only killed more than 10,000 players, and the gap with Li Qing is unreasonable.

A Konoha collapse plan that was carried out around Konoha ended in the failure of the [Destroy Konoha] camp. As the biggest winner this time, "Li Qing also heard the most item rewards ever .

"You got【Chūnin Ninja Proof】*1"

"Under [Five Times Reward], you got 2,500,000 experience points!

"You got HP potion*20, Chakra potion*20. 27

"You got [Rare Level] [Poison Kunai]!"

"You got [Artifact] [Sand Armor]!"

"You got the A-level ninjutsu scroll: [Sand Shigure]!"

Reminders sounded from time to time, and Li Qing's inventory that had been vacated was filled with shiny items in an instant.

...asking for flowers......

When the reward notification sound completely disappeared, he simply tidied up the inventory. If he didn't tidy it up, he would be shocked.

This time he got two artifacts alone, as many as 20 pieces of [rare level] equipment, and the recovery potions were too many to count. As for ninjutsu scrolls, there were two A-level scrolls, There are 6 B-level scrolls, and 23 C-level scrolls, including a secret art scroll.

After a brief glance, Li Qing found that, except for the two artifacts, which could give him higher defense and attack power, the other equipment was basically rubbish, and the scrolls were basically the same, but the only one A secret art scroll still attracted his attention.

[Secret Technique: Sand Armor]: Players can use the sand floating around to mix with Chakra to make a personal armor with strong defensive power. This armor can be recovered at any time when Chakra is sufficient, and consumes 50 Chakra per second. Points, 50% of the damage received by the player will be absorbed by the sand armor, 1 point of Chakra can absorb 3 points of physical damage, and 3 points of ninjutsu damage. When the player's Chakra is exhausted, the Sand Armor will disappear!

This secret technique scroll that Gaara claims to be absolutely defensive [was actually exploded by him.

Looking at the properties of the Sand Armor again, I can’t help but say that it can only be described as pervert, it’s like a mage’s magic shield! It can offset the damage by consuming Chakra without consuming HP!

Although he basically cleared the level without injury, it is hard to guarantee that he will not be hit by someone. With this armor of sand, he will have a stronger capital.

Thinking of this, Li Qing clicked to use without hesitation.

"You have learned [Secret Art: Sand Armor]!"

Hearing the pleasant system prompt, Li Qing nodded slightly. At this time, he clicked on the Chunin ninja certificate to use it, and then saw streaks of golden light bursting out crazily, illuminating himself again and again!

you break through!

you break through!

you break through!


Li Qing, the upgrade king in Crazy!.

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