The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 149: Raised To Level 50 In An Instant? (Fifth Update!)

Yes, upgrades in madness!

Since he didn't get the Chūnin ninja certificate, his experience has been accumulated and he has never been upgraded. Now he has successfully become a Chūnin ninja. The level is open, so naturally break through!

[World Channel] System Announcement: The player [Uchiha Qing] got the [Chūnin Proof] and became the first player to become a Chūnin. Please congratulate him!

This announcement has just been issued, and the announcement about Uchiha Qing once again swept the 【World Channel】.

The player [Uchiha Qing] is upgrading crazily. He has been upgraded to 20 levels in a row, setting a record of [Upgrade King] in this server. Now [Uchiha Qing] has reached level 220. Please other players work hard!

The player [Uchiha Qing] is frantically upgrading "Zero Two Three" and has been upgraded to level 40 in a row, setting the record of [Level King] in this server. Now [Uchiha Qing] has reached level 240, please work hard for other players!

The player [Uchiha Qing] is upgrading crazily, and has continuously upgraded to level 50, setting a record of [Upgrade King] in this server, and now [Uchiha Qing] has reached level 250

Please other players work hard!

A series of announcements were posted all over the entire world channel, making the whole world boil again like boiling water!

The old wolf just eats chicken: Nima!? Raised 50 levels all of a sudden?

If I don’t take Daliwan, I feel uncomfortable all over: Oh my God, Uchiha Qing’s god-tier has risen to 50 levels in an instant!

My name is Dali: As expected of the Uchiha green god-tier in my mind, even the upgrade is such a sensation all over the world...

Girls love one-night stand: Uchihaqing god-tier, I'm a very beautiful girl, leave your address and let me dress you up!

Cocks can also counterattack: Upstairs, Uchiha Qing god-tier will not pay attention to you, why don't I leave my address........

Earth, Middle East.

In a luxurious palace, a prince suddenly stood up from his seat, frowning tightly: "This Chinese man...has been promoted to fifty levels all at once.

How can this be...

Earth, Huaxia.

In a mysterious military base.

A general with countless stars on his chest casually put a piece of information on the ground, put his hands together and sat behind the table thinking for a long time, then calmly picked up the phone beside him: "Get me the military command I want to know more about Uchiha Qing.”

Earth, America.

In a large game base with luxurious decoration and sophisticated machinery, countless scientists gather.

Several dark-skinned officers slowly picked up the intelligence data stolen by several agents through the theft of confidential information, stared at the four words "Uchiha Qing" written in English, and fell into a long silence.

After a long time, one of the black-skinned officers stood up and quickly walked towards the game base.

His passionate words echoed in the empty room: "At all costs, destroy Uchiha Qing, destroy this Huaxia man."

Earth, island nation.

"Aren't you alright?" The Prime Minister of the island country put his hands behind his back and looked coldly at the shivering assistant below.

"Not yet... Uchiha Qing is really too mysterious." The assistant bowed his waist, his face full of humbleness and nervousness, "Besides, the Chinese military seems to be secretly protecting Uchiha Qing, so we have been The exact address of his activities has never been obtained."

"You are limited to ten days. If you can't find it, you can come to see me!" The Prime Minister waved his hand impatiently.

"Yes, yes..." the assistant sighed, nodded heavily, turned around and trotted away

Earth, Thirty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Pirates of the Caribbean Base.

"Interesting... I never imagined that Uchiha Qing, who suddenly rose to level 50, didn't know how to do it."

After taking off the online game helmet, a pirate man with disheveled hair and bright eyes said lazily: "Second brother, pay more attention to this kid."

At this time, Li Qing knew even with his toes that he had suddenly risen to level 50, which must have caused a sensation all over the world, and now there must be many forces secretly tracking his location...

However, he is not worried about this, after all, there is everything with strength, and all troubles will disappear under the iron fist.

With the failure of Konoha's collapse operation, the dejected Sand Shinobi and the dark ninja returned to their respective hidden villages.

What happened afterwards was similar to the original novel. Sand Shinobi sent envoys to sue for peace, and explained that he was bewitched by Orochimaru for his rebellion. The wily Konoha Village accepted this Sunagakure who almost ruined his family, and established a deep friendship.

However, this time it is a little different from the original work. Because of the morale boost brought by Li Qing's defeat of Gaara, Hokage, who should have died, did not die. The original "Hiruzen's death" scene did not happen. The original plot Successfully under his influence, a complete reversal took place, the damned person did not die.

Immediately afterwards, Namikaze Minato, who is Hokage, awarded medals to the players who performed well in this operation.

"Thanks to all of you this time, especially you, Uchiha Qing, if you hadn't organized Gaara's guard crane in time, I'm afraid the consequences would have been disastrous!" Namikaze Minato patted Li Qing's shoulder heavily, showing a sunny smile, "This Fire Guardian Medal, 3.7 is your reward for killing the enemy bravely!"

"This is what a Konoha Village ninja should do." For the sake of the medal, Li took a rare flattery.

"Hahaha." Namikaze Minato smiled happily.

The attribute of the medal is very pervert.

[Guardian of Fire (Medallion)]: It can increase the player's attack speed by 10%, movement speed by 10% and damage by 10%!

Although the increase is only 10%, but for tens of thousands of points of damage, the increase is not just a little bit.

Putting the medal on his chest, Li Qing immediately felt a force in his body, which improved his various abilities, and his whole body was like a flame that could explode at any time!

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