The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 150: The First National Data Synchronization (The First Update!)

At this moment, another system announcement was released, causing a sensation in the entire world again.

But this time it's not about Uchiha Ao, it's about all human beings!

[World Channel] System Announcement: Hello everyone, I am the director of the online game development center [Mysterious Cloak]. I want to tell you something. The first time that this online game is synchronized with reality has started. Originally, it could only strengthen the real world 10 % ability, now with the efforts of countless development team members, the number has been increased to 30%! However... Humans must wait for the data to be synchronized after going offline if they want to obtain the 30% quality and physical fitness reminders. This is also a great feat in the great history of mankind! Let us cheer and be happy for the ability to be improved!

This server will suspend operations at 7 o'clock tonight to carry out a data synchronization plan for all human beings. At that time, all players are asked to go offline as soon as possible and wait for the data synchronization!

As soon as the announcement came out, countless players left 13 words and comments one after another, all of them couldn't help being happy.

That's right, once this online game is synchronized with the real data, how many people who don't have abs will gain surreal force?

Seeing this announcement, Li Qing is also very excited. As the number one player in online games, I am afraid that the improved data will be very pervert, right? Looking at the current time, it is past twelve o'clock at noon, and there are still a few days before data synchronization. During the hour, he took advantage of this time to look around Konoha to see if there were any main tasks that could be performed.

At this time, Konoha Village has become a bit devastated during the operation of Konoha Crash, with broken bricks and tiles everywhere, giving people a dilapidated feeling. Many NPCs are busy

Participated in the restoration of Konoha. Many players also received the task of recovery, and several people formed a team to participate in it, and there were black clouds everywhere.

The noisy Konoha returned to calm again.

"Brother Uchihaqing, what are you thinking about?" While Li Qing was wandering around, enjoying the rare time, the carefree Uzumaki Naruto suddenly appeared.

"I don't think so." Li Qing smiled slightly and shook her head. I don't know why, but he was very happy when he saw Uzumaki Naruto, presumably this is the power of the original protagonist?

"Cut!" Uzumaki Naruto snorted coldly, resting his hands on his head, showing a hint of disgust: "This time the Chūnin exam only a few players and Shikamaru became Chūnin, it seems that I have to work harder! Brother Uchiha, there is always One day I will beat you!

Having said that, Uzumaki Naruto showed a very serious expression.

"To defeat Brother Qing, only I, Uchiha Sasuke." At this time, a dark and lazy voice sounded slowly, and Uchiha Sasuke showed his figure and appeared in everyone's sight.

"Cut, it's me!" Seeing Sasuke and seeing this competitor, Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help feeling angry, and gave Sasuke a hard look. The latter immediately responded with blank eyes, and also stared back.

Then the two got closer and closer, looking at each other.

Li Qing put on a helpless look, walked up to the two, and suddenly slapped them with both hands, Naruto and Sasuke suffered gravity, and kissed together at once. Immediately, their faces turned green!

The first kiss, unexpectedly, it was, just like that, it was gone!

"Wow! Uchiha Ao, you!"

Naruto and Sasuke turned their heads angrily, but Uchiha had disappeared.

"Hey, Naruto and Sasuke really are true love, I'm very suitable for this month." When he thought of Naruto and Sasuke's face turning green when they kissed together, he felt inexplicably funny.

"Qing." At this time, a voice sounded slightly, and Uchiha Itachi appeared beside Uchiha Qing.

"Brother Itachi?" Seeing Itachi, Li Qing was taken aback and became puzzled.

"I'm looking for you today because I hope you can join Konoha's Anbu." Itachi pondered for a moment and said to Li Qing.

"Anbu?" Li Qing frowned slightly, when a system prompt sounded in his ears: "Itachi invites you to join Konoha Anbu, do you agree to become a member of Anbu? Please answer directly"

"Well. Konoha's high-level executives have seen your performance, so at my request, they finally agreed to open a quota for you to become a member of Anbu, but you need to take an exam before, and only those who pass the exam Only then can you successfully enter Anbu. When Itachi said this, he patted Li Qing on the shoulder, "After entering Anbu, you can learn more combat experience and ninjutsu. As your brother, I really hope you can join . "

"Since brother said it, then I'll join!" Li Qing happened to have nothing to do at this time, so he agreed.

"Very good!" It could be seen that Itachi was very happy, he nodded heavily, "Then I'll take you there!"

The side mission [Join Anbu] has been activated, mission details: Uchiha Itachi wants to invite you to join Anbu in Konoha to gain more experience, but it is not so easy to pass Anbu, and you need to pass the assessment at 280 points, Uchiha Itachi has a great favor for you Very confident. Task level: 250, task difficulty: SSSSS, task reward: Konoha Anbu membership certificate, 35% data synchronization, [Advanced Three Body Technique], 5,000,000 rewards.

Hearing the reminder sound in his ear, Li Qing knew it in his heart.

Advanced Three Body Technique? With this ninjutsu, I believe his ability can be further improved!

When he saw that 35% of the data was synchronized, he was stunned! He didn't expect Anbu members to have such benefits!

"Come with me!" Uchiha Itachi said and walked towards a place, Li Qing quickly followed.

At this time, many players noticed Li Qing and Itachi, and each of them became a bit curious, and quickly followed up to see if they could receive any main quests or the like.

There was even a player who opened the live broadcast room with a live broadcast machine he just bought: "I bumped into Uchiha green god-tier on the road, and he seems to be doing some mission, so I will broadcast it live!" Attracted tens of millions of hits.

It's just that the host vomited blood a little, but Uchiha Qing had disappeared before he could broadcast live, and he couldn't find it!.

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