The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 151: Anbu Ninja, 35% Data Synchronization? (Second Update!)

At this time Itachi brought Li Qing to the back mountain of Konoha, and then saw Itachi holding a special device and gently placing it on the ground, making seals with his hands.

After a while, a mysterious door appeared quietly.

Itachi walked in with Li Qing.

Anbu's base camp is not the same as in the original book. It is a large underground palace with countless rooms, and you can see many busy figures.

"Anbu has a total of six departments, the intelligence department, the mission department, the logistics department, the Hokage department...etc. The accusations of each department are different. I hope you can quickly understand these." While walking, Itachi then instructed, "Ninjas from the mission department are usually responsible for carrying out missions, and those like the intelligence department collect information about hidden villages, so that Konoha Village can learn more about other hidden villages. As for the ninjas of the Hokage Department, they are directly ordered by Hokage, or they are responsible for protecting Hokage."

Itachi briefly introduced the introduction.

After a while, the two came to an office.

In the office, a middle-aged man named "Sarutobi Huoma" was sitting. He silently glanced at Li Qing: "Itachi, is this your brother? I believe you are very clear about Anbu's rules. Come in."

"Of course I know." Itachi chuckled.

"Hmm..." Sarutobi nodded slightly, and took a resume from Uchiha Itachi, his silent expression gradually turned into a look of surprise.

The voice of the middle-aged man also became a little lisp.

"He, he is Uchiha Ao? Is it Itachi your younger brother?" Sarutobi immediately stood up, showing a humble smile, and no longer had the slightest airs: "The man who is regarded as a god by the players... ...Sure enough, the temperament is different. I will take you to take the Anbu exam, as long as you pass the exam, you can become a member of this place." "

Li Qing didn't expect her reputation to be so famous even in Anbu, where there are many talents, and she couldn't help but feel happy.

"Thank you."

"Don't dare dare!" Sarutobi shook his head in the fire, and then took out a form: "The Anbu exam is divided into two rounds, both of which are actual combat. The first round is to assess the player's intelligence gathering ability, and the second The round is to assess the player's actual combat ability."

While talking, Sarutobi Huoma took Ji Qing to a relatively large open land.

At this time, five Anbu members fell down and appeared around.

"There is a ninja active in the dense forest, Uchiha Qing, you need to find him within two hours. If you fail, you will be attacked by five Anbu ninjas. If you do not find the ninja within four hours, or you will be attacked by Anbu If the ninja is severely wounded, the mission will fail. In order to ensure justice, the attacks of the five Anbu members are merciless.

Li Qing followed Sarutobi Huojian's finger and looked over,

The dense forest is very large, and the target is very small. Except for the big trees, not to mention the ninja beasts, even the wild beasts did not see a single one.

Presumably, it's hard at home.

"Boy, you can also choose to admit defeat, but in that case, you will have to wait until next year to take part in the Anbu assessment and become an official Anbu member." The leading Anbu member smiled faintly, "By the way, I forgot to tell you You said that less than one-tenth of the people who pass this assessment."

Speaking of this, several Anbu ninjas showed a faint smile. They thought that they had worked hard to pass this test, and some of them had to pass the test for three consecutive years.

Directly ignoring Anbu Ninja's faint taunt, Li Qing chuckled and asked, "I would like to ask, how long is the fastest passing record for this exam?"

Anbu ninja was taken aback, and subconsciously replied: "The fastest time is Jōnin of the Inuzuka clan, Inuzuka Yu, the fastest record is 24 minutes!"

"Thank you!"

Li Qing nodded slightly, full of confidence.

"Hey, this kid really thinks he can complete this task, right? Finding a ninja in such a big forest... Even the ninjas of the Yamanaka clan took a lot of effort!"

"Hehe, how naive..." Several Anbu taunted again.

In their view, a player who wants to pass Anbu's exam and join Anbu is almost like a dream!

"Please time!"

Li Qing smiled lightly and didn't say much.

Then, several Anbu ninjas widened their eyes in shock, because they saw Li Qing and disappeared in an instant!

".々Unexpectedly, this kid can know Shisui's Blinking Body Technique! I really don't know how this kid learned it?" Li Qing's sudden move caused everyone in Anbu to exclaim: "Ah, look, that's it!"

When several people were surprised, the figure who had just galloped back now returned again, holding a fist-sized white kitten in his arms. This cat looks like its claws are very sharp, and it can be seen that it is extraordinary at a glance.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's this one, right?"

Li Qing gently caressed the kitten in her arms, and Ergouyu [Sharingan] with strong insight was slowly spinning, "[Ninja Cat] has sharp claws, and its fighting power is no less than that of Genin

"You, how could you change!"

"Okay, so fast!"

"It didn't take me even a minute to find the Ninja Cat, this, this... (Hello Wang Zhao)..."

Seeing Li Qing's appearance, several Anbu ninjas who were not optimistic about him were so surprised that they couldn't say anything.

"Uh..." Even Sarutobi was stunned for a while, and didn't remember to stop the stopwatch until Li Qing reminded him.

"58 seconds." Several people took a look at the stopwatch, gasped, and couldn't believe everything in front of them.

The test record holder needs more than 20 minutes to find the Ninja Beast at the fastest, but this kid only takes less than a minute?

【Sharingan】When did you become so strong?

Sarutobi Huoma has seen too many talented ninjas over the years, but this is the first time he has seen such pervert talents. Not to mention how difficult it is to find a fist-sized ninja cat in such a large dense forest, it will take half a day just to get out of this dense forest!.

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