The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 152: Battle Against Five Anbu ChūNin! (Third Update!)

"Actually, the exact time should be 50 seconds. Master Wufeng, you are too slow!" Li Qing chuckled, "I have passed the exam, right?"

"Cough cough cough, you have passed this test, as long as you pass the second practical test, you can officially become a member of Anbu!"

Sarutobi coughed softly, trying his best to calm down his shocked heart, "The content of the actual combat test is very simple, that is, to survive the joint attack of the five Anbu present in one hour!"

As soon as the words fell, the five Anbu members took out sharp kunai from their waists one by one, and showed cold smiles at the same time.

In this Anbu exam, the most difficult part is basically here. You can still use secret techniques to find ninja cats, but this is a test of actual combat ability.

"Your brother Uchiha Itachi survived for an hour and injured two Chūnins, breaking Anbu's record. I don't know if you, Uchiha Itachi, will bring surprises!" Sarutobi smiled slightly and ended up with a Body Flicker The seal of Technique appeared on the tree branch in the distance, "Uchiha Qing, you have a few minutes to prepare now, you can first confirm the surrounding formation

"No need, let's start now!"

Li Qing flatly rejected Sarutobi Huomama's kindness.

"Tsk tsk, the kid is crazy!"

"This is the first time I've seen such a crazy player!"

"Let this snack - suffer!"

A few Anbu ninjas sneered, clenched their palms, and made creaking noises.

The scarlet pupils suddenly lit up, and the two hook jades spun quickly. Under the gaze of [Sharingan], all the data of the five Anbu members were clearly listed.

Sarutobi Sunfire, Level 345 Chūnin, Lord Level BOSS!

Nara Yamada, Level 354 Chūnin, Lord Level BOSS!

Akamichi Lilac, Level 365 Chūnin Lord Level BOSS!

Yamanaka Qiuyi, level 378 Chūnin, lord level BOSS!

Senju Hanabi, level 357 Chūnin, lord level BOSS!

Seeing the levels of the five, Li Qing couldn't help but frowned slightly. Although Jōnin was not present, the configuration was considered luxurious.

Just as he was thinking, a cold voice suddenly came: "Secret technique, shadow binding technique!"

It turned out that it was the people of the Nara clan who made the move, and under the seal of his hands, a shadow flew out quickly, grabbing at Li Qing like an octopus.

The speed of the shadow was very fast, and under the sudden attack, he succeeded in an instant. The shadow instantly controlled Li Qing firmly, unable to break free.

Seeing this scene, several Anbu all showed a touch of ridicule.

At first they thought that Uchiha Qing was so powerful, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that, and he is just an ordinary person.

But soon, the corners of their mouths could not help but froze in place, especially when they saw the figure that appeared at some time, the sneer at the corners of their mouths turned into shock and surprise.

Yes, that's right, just horrified surprise.

Although they have gone through too many Anbu assessments, this is the first time they have seen a ninja with such reflexes and combat experience.

【Decapitation Broadsword】A icy cold light flashed across, smashing down on Nara's Chūnin head-on, his body fell down instantly, his speed was so fast that it was hard to see.

At the moment when more than 80,000 points of damage exploded, Nara Chūnin flew out heavily and stumbled into the distance, and Li Qing, who was controlled by the shadow in the distance, also burst into bubbles in an instant

Nara Chūnin was knocked unconscious and never woke up again.

Everything happened too fast, and by the time the other four Anbu members reacted, their companion had already been killed by a single blow, and they had nothing to say except their astonished expressions.

Senju's Chūnin was the first to react, and the shuriken in his hand spun rapidly. Under the injection of Wind Style, it was full of powerful cutting ability.

And the next moment, the rapidly spinning shuriken slammed into Li Qing. At this time, Sarutobi Chūnin's [Fire Style: Great Fire Dragon Technique] with both hands [Jie Yin] also arrived at the same time.

The two ninjutsu skills threatened Li Qing's life in the next second, showing the superb skills and strong fighting ability of the Chūnin NPC.

‥…seeking flowers 0


It's a pity that all of this has nowhere to hide under [Sharingan]'s gaze.

Everything is in vain.

The moment the two skills arrived, Li Qing's whole body turned into a [stand-in wood], which exploded into a bubble.

"It's a genius to be able to use [Body Replacement Technique] at the very moment of killing the enemy!" Sarutobi Huoma in the distance thought that Li Qing would run away quickly, but he didn't expect him to be so Haki, and turned to him The Anbu ninjas fought, and more importantly, the Anbu ninjas who could still fight had no power to fight back.

Although the two sides just had a simple face-to-face meeting, it was enough to show Li Qing's excellent quality in actual combat.


Seeing Yamanaka Chūnin fainted, Sarutobi Hiruzen became more determined to accept Uchiha Qing into Anbu's heart!

This kind of talent, don't be the loss of the whole Konoha!

While he was thinking, Li Qing had already soared into the air, flying in the air, and four Shadow Clones that were exactly the same as him rushed down quickly.


Yamanaka Chūnin snorted coldly, glanced at Akamichi Chūnin beside him, and the two sides communicated.

The five Anbu members can't even beat a single player. If it gets out, their reputation will be ruined.

I saw Akamichi Chūnin nodded slightly, and the palm that was born suddenly became bigger under the effect of [Double Transformation Technique], and he swept it out violently.

Under the sweep, a gust of wind rose instantly, and with the sound of bubbles exploding, all of Li Qing's Shadow Clones disappeared.

In the end, Yamanaka Chūnin locked his eyes on the last Li Qing, thinking that he was the real body, and in an instant, the secret technique came out: Er Xiao turned around Technique!]

However, the locked so-called real body burst into bubbles in an instant!

"This is also fake? How is it possible?" Just as a few people were surprised, Li Qing volleyed down, [Decapitating Sword] slashed down fiercely, and used ninjutsu: [Uchiha Flow: Blast Sword!]

Under the ultimate move, the two Chūnins were directly sent flying, and then passed out!

The fight happened just in an instant, and two more Anbu members were taken ten by Li Qing!.

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