The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 153: Losing Streak Anbu ChūNin, Fifth Place! (Fourth Update!)

In a short period of time, only two of the five Anbu members remained.

Sarutobi Chūnin and Senju Chūnin communicated with each other, seeing the surprise and shock in each other's eyes.

If it is said that Li Qing killed one of their companions in an instant, it can also be attributed to their slackness. The defeat of these two companions truly reflected Uchiha Qing's strength, especially the seven or eight blows. Wan's injury made them so surprised that they couldn't believe their eyes.

They have never encountered such a tough opponent.


Met two.

That is Uchiha Shisui, who is said to be the strongest in the Uchiha family, and Uchiha Itachi, who is invincible in illusion!

Except for these two……….

No one else!

"I don't think that people from "627" to the Uchiha clan are all so powerful, and they are all monsters!"

Senju Chūnin said with emotion, and took out two shurikens with the other hand. With the sound of metal friction, the shurikens spun rapidly in his hand, vaguely forming a terrifying And the bitter wind.

On the other side, Sarutobi Chūnin also touched his hands to his waist, ready for Kunai at any time, maybe this can make them feel more at ease. It's hard to imagine that they, who showed disdain and contempt for Uchiha Qing just now, now have such a serious and depressed expression.

They got serious!

Suddenly, 【Decapitation Broadsword】 slashed towards Senju Chūnin's back, splitting him into 【Stand-In Wood】in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Senju Chūnin appeared behind Li Qing without warning, stabbing out the sharp Kunai fiercely!

Everything happened too fast, seeing that Kun Wu was about to penetrate Li Qing's body, Li Qing also turned into a [stand-in wood] at this moment, and the rising mist seemed to be mocking the opponent.

Seeing this scene, Senju Chūnin's face changed slightly, and an imperceptible sneer appeared in the corner of his eyes. He took out five kunai and threw them out in four directions.

The cold light instantly illuminated the dim sky like daytime, and the five Li Qing rushing in instantly turned into bubble explosions, and the figure of Sarutobi Chunnin appeared behind Li Qing himself at some point.

Everything was too chaotic. During the fierce battle, all parties used Body Replacement Technique and Clone Technique one after another, bringing their respective abilities to the Ultimate!


The shuriken in Sarutobi Chūnin's hand turned into a rapidly spinning fan, swallowing towards Li Qing at an extremely fast speed, like a raging beast with its bloody mouth wide open, giving people a terrifying feeling.

Seeing that the shuriken was about to engulf Li Qing, Li Qing turned into a [Stand-in Wood] again, and a figure hidden in the dense forest rushed towards him at an extremely fast speed.

The shuriken that hit the air returned quickly under the influence of Sarutobi Chūnin, and the extremely sharp blade was like a fast-rotating god-killing wheel, stirring up bursts of ear-piercing sounds.

At the same time, Senju Chūnin also came up with his own stunt: 【Fire Style: Great Fire Dragon Technique】!

The shuriken was stained with butter, which was instantly ignited by the flames, bringing with it a terrifyingly hot and rapidly rotating flame. The fire dragon, which was originally only the size of a person, also instantly swelled a little with the help of the oil, becoming Several times bigger!

With the two joining forces, Li Qing must be defeated here to restore Anbu's reputation!

It's a pity that the flames were only Li Qing's [Stand-in Wood], but the [Decapitating Sword] that he ruthlessly threw turned into Li Qing himself in an instant.

The battle turned around too quickly, just when Senju Chūnin and Sarutobi Chūnin thought they had won, Li Qing's [Decapitating Broadsword] slashed out fiercely, like the autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves!

Two more than 80,000 points of damage were instantly hit.

Surprised and shocked, the last two Anbu members fell heavily and fell under the big tree beside them. The pain was severe, and the two of them gritted their teeth and mouths in pain.

The two have been performing missions for so long, and they have encountered dangerous missions many times, but this is the first time they have been injured.

The pain made them feel ashamed, especially when they thought that the one who defeated them was still a player, this shame increased to a strong level...

"You are defeated."


【Decapitation Sword】Slanted on the ground, Li Qing stepped on the handle of the knife, glanced at several people with cold eyes, and announced the result coldly.

It only took a few minutes from the beginning of the battle to the end of the battle.

Sarutobi Huojian chuckled, and landed in front of Li Qing in a puff of mist. The eyes that looked at Li Qing were full of appreciation and excitement like never before.

He is thrilled and happy to have a strong addition to Konoha Village.

"The one who can solve the battle within a few minutes, you are the first one, you are qualified, you can join us Konoha Anbu!" Sarutobi Huojian handed the Anbu certificate to Li Qing, and grinned.

"Hmph..." The defeated Anbu Chūnin all curled their lips, but after being glared at by Sarutobi Huomama, they showed a gloomy expression.

At this time, the system's reward sound sounded in Li Qing's ears.

"Congratulations, you have obtained the Konoha Anbu member ninja certificate!"

"You became a member of Konoha Anbu!"

"You got [Advanced Three Body Technique]!"

"Under [Five Times Reward], you have obtained a reward of ** experience points!" 2.0

"You break through, you have reached level 251!"

"You got Anbu membership, you got the roster, and turned it on!"

As reminders came one after another, Li Qing only felt that his body was filled with the influx of power, and there seemed to be something more in his mind.

"Roster?" Seeing the prompt, Li Qing subconsciously clicked in, and then a huge booklet appeared in his mind, filled with the names of ninjas, including S-level wanted ninjas and A-level wanted ninjas ninja.

Among so many ninjas, Li saw Akatsuki's existence! Orochimaru, Konan, Scorpion and others were impressively on the list!

"The Anbu main quest [Dawn and Orochimaru] has been activated automatically!".

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