The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 154: Reality Enhanced, Get Five Abilities! (Fifth Update!)

[World Channel] System Announcement: Player [Uchiha Qing] successfully passed the [Anbu Assessment] and became a full member of Anbu. Congratulations to him!

An announcement was made, which once again caused a sensation all over the world.

Nima? What the hell is Anbu? An official member of Anbu, what is this for?

Countless players have left messages and comments.

The whole world is in a moment of confusion, and only a few social elites and high-level government officials know what Anbu's identity means.

Game bases in the United States, island countries, the Middle East, and South Asia immediately sent many players to collect news and clues about Anbu, and they all wanted to complete the Anbu assessment task like Li Qing and become Anbu's ninja.

The clues about Anbu's assessment even rose to 5 million RMB at one point!

Konoha, Hokage Prefecture.

Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Itachi were talking, when a Body Flicker Technique from Sarutobi Huojian appeared in front of them, holding Li Qing's Anbu report card in his hand.

But Sarutobi Homama's expression is a bit strange.

Uchiha Itachi frowned: "Homama, what's wrong? Uchiha loves him... Didn't pass the exam?"

Namikaze Minato smiled lightly: "With Uchiha Qing's strength, it should be very easy to pass the Anbu exam. Huoma, your expression..."

"No, it's not..." Sarutobi shook his head in the fire, and had no choice but to hand over the report card. He still doesn't know how to explain it to Master Minato, after all, Li Qing's performance is too heaven-defying.

"What's the matter?" Namikaze Minato was puzzled, and brought over the report card. He was fine if he didn't read it, but when he read it, the shock and surprise on his face became more and more intense.

Uchiha Itachi on the side saw Minato's expression, and felt a little bit in his heart: "Master Minato..."

"Itachi, take a look!" Minato deliberately put on a straight face, with a serious look.

In doubt, Itachi picked up the report card, and the frown instantly relaxed, and a pair of cold eyes shone with excitement and surprise.

"I didn't expect this kid to pass so quickly!" Uchiha Itachi was very happy, and slapped the transcript heavily on the table.

"Yeah, it's the first time I've seen someone who passed the Anbu exam so quickly." Namikaze Minato secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He thought Li Qing would fail the exam, but I have to say that Uchiha Qing's performance surpassed that of Anbu's. than he expected.

Being able to find Ninja Beast in an instant and defeat five Anbu Chūnin within a few minutes, just these two short sentences are enough to prove everything.

"As expected of Itachi's younger brother!" Minato chuckled and turned his gaze to Itachi: "It seems that you will have a companion when you perform missions in the future!"

"En." Uchiha Itachi nodded slightly, excited.

Li Qing, who knew nothing about the outside world, then did some more tasks and raised her level to 252.

At this time, the time has come to night, and the first data synchronization has begun!

[World Channel] System Announcement: There are still five minutes until the first enhancement of online game data. At that time, the attributes in the online game will be fed back to reality at a rate of 30%, strengthening the bodies of each online game player. Please be prepared.

Reminder: Players who are lucky enough to become members of Anbu and Akatsuki in various hidden villages will receive 35%-40% reinforcement, and randomly inherit the skills and abilities of online games in reality. Warning: Players who have temporarily left the game and can use various ninjutsu will not be able to use any ninjutsu. This server will complete all synchronization within three days, please wait patiently, see you all at 12:00 in the morning three days later!

As soon as the announcement came out, the eyes of countless players wearing online game helmets widened in shock.


Anbu members and Akatsuki members can obtain stronger reality-enhancing attributes? Moreover, can they also randomly obtain an ability in online games in reality?

Nima? This......

Love to eat ice cream: It seems that [Uchiha Qing] is a member of Anbu from Hidden Village in the entire online game, what a fortress!

I want to eat wolves: it's not just a bunker, if this kid uses a fireball technique in reality, I'm afraid a city will disappear, right?

I will shoot you: Yes, by that time, no one will be his opponent, unless the hydrogen bomb is used.

Has been rushing to the street: Hydrogen bombs don’t work, right? If he had [Body Flicker Technique], he would run away in an instant, there is no solution!

I want to be a Superman: It's okay, what if this kid has the ability to play online games? Haven't you seen so many troops playing online games?

In the midst of countless comments and envy and hatred, Li Qing quit the game with a smile in anticipation. At the same time, his heart was full of anticipation. What kind of abilities would he get?

Slowly took off the online game helmet, at this moment he suddenly felt a powerful force injected into his body, and at the same time, a reminder sound came from his ear.

"Synchronizing your online game data, it will strengthen your body with 40% online game data, there may be some pain during the process, please be patient!"

As the reminder sounded slowly, Li Qing only felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter, as if his whole body was being grilled fiercely on a scorching stove. then

He felt bursts of cold air invade his body again, bringing bursts of icy cold.

First fire, then ice.

Ice and fire blend...

In this feeling, he felt that the power in his body was getting stronger and stronger, and his body was becoming more and more vigorous. The power of the ninja seemed to strengthen his body little by little.

Although my body would have been properly improved by playing online games when I was temporarily away from the game, but at that time it was only strengthened by 10%, this time it was 40%, which is unreasonable!

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the flames and ice cold that invaded the body gradually dissipated.

When Li Qing opened his eyes again, Ergouyu suddenly appeared in his scarlet eye sockets, it was Sharingan!

"Unexpectedly, I got the [Sharingan] ability."

When Li Qing was pleasantly surprised, he discovered that he could also use ninjutsu such as Fire Style and Explosion Style!

Then, he heard a reminder: With the [Five Times Reward] plug-in enabled, the player immediately retained five abilities: [Sharingan], [Explosion Style: Explosive Fireball Technique], [Body Flicker Technique], [Ninja Body] Technique: Uchiha Flow], 【Multiple Shadow Clone Technique】!.

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