The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 155: A Sign Of The End Times? (First Update!)

Seeing these reserved abilities, Li Qing smiled slightly, it was an unexpected surprise.

Taking advantage of the three days of online game data synchronization, Li Qing decided to simply take a break and take a good rest. After all, the consecutive days of games have exhausted him physically and mentally.

Thinking this way, he took off his online game helmet, just in time to catch up with Sha Mei who was coming home from get off work.

At this time, Shamei was wearing a professional women's suit, with a black suit on the outside and a white collar on the inside, and with a ponytail, she had a unique charm.

Seeing Sha Mei, and thinking of all that Sha Mei has silently paid for him these days, Li Qing couldn't help feeling a little warm in his heart. He hurried up to help Sha Mei take off her high heels gently, and said with some distress, "This Don't go anywhere for three days, go out with me and have a good time!"

"Well, it just so happens that the online game is also closed, so let's go around with you, have to promise me one thing!" Sha Mei touched Li Qing's head, fell silent for a while, showing A secret smile.

"What? I promise you everything!" Li Qing's answer was straightforward.

"That's..... Watch the sea with me once!" Saying that, Sha Mei threw herself into Li Qing's arms, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, her posture extremely ambiguous.

Faintly sniffing the faint fragrance from Sha Mei's body, and then looking at the eye-catching female capital, Li Qing couldn't help but his desire rose, but he quickly restrained it.

"Okay, just watch the sea!" Thinking that there is still more time, Li Qing nodded heavily, "But you promise me, you won't be allowed to work for these three days..."

"Hey, okay!" Sha Meiqiong put her nose close to Li Qing's forehead and nodded like a dragonfly on the forehead, and her pair of beautiful big eyes blinked: "It's good to have you." As she said, she handed the Her sexy lips were bright red, exuding a strong charm, like a deadly red rose.

After this teasing, Li Qing had completely fallen, and hugged the delicate body in her arms and kissed her fiercely.

Sha Mei's body was very soft, and she quickly rode on Li Qing's body like an octopus...

Soon, the lonely men and widows living in the same room began the most enjoyable activities in the legend... Not only Li Qing was greatly satisfied, but even Sha Mei was as happy as the rain after a long drought.

One day was spent in the tender land of women, Li Qing got up early the next morning, glanced at Sha Mei who was still sleeping on the bed, and couldn't help showing a smile.

"Little lazy pig, I'll prepare breakfast for you~!" Li Qing hooked Gou Shamei's Qiong's nose with her small hand, took a gentle breath of the fragrance, turned and went downstairs.

Due to the suspension of online games, many idle players wandered around the streets and alleys. As soon as Li Qing came out, he immediately saw a lot of people, bustling and crowded, occupying the entire street.

It seems that the whole city is so quiet and quiet.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound in the distance, as if something exploded suddenly, and then, the soaring flames illuminated the dim sky like daytime.

Many people were startled by this sudden movement, subconsciously looked up.

But at this time, there were bursts of screams coming from afar again, and I saw the dark human beings running towards here at high speed while turning their heads back in horror. Fast Zombie!

Yes, zombies!

These zombies are as tall as humans, with sharp fangs, haggard faces, and poisonous mist from their mouths, exactly the same as what Li Qing saw in the movie world.

Whenever a zombie throws a human down and kills it, that human will soon be resurrected and become a zombie again!

"Where did these zombies come from?"

Li Qing frowned, and suddenly remembered that when he crossed over, there was a sudden gap in culture, which seemed to be due to the arrival of the end of the world.

In many movies and TV shows, zombies often mean the end of the world, the coming of the end of the world!


Is it the end of the world?

While he was wondering, Shamei's trembling voice suddenly came from his ear: "I heard from my brother that this Hokage online game was born not only to improve the quality of players, but also to resist the coming of the end of the world. Zombies are just the first wave of end-of-the-world disasters, and there are many more disasters to follow. The timing of the synchronous reinforcement is set here because of this."

".々There are still many disasters in the future?"

Hearing what Sha Mei said, Li Qing suddenly felt that this world was not safe. That's right, if the world is really safe, there won't be such an online game, and so many forces will participate!

"Well, yes...but these zombies are only at the first level, and they seem to be easy to eliminate. After that, the monster lord is the main event, but I don't know the details." Sha Mei frowned when she said this frown.

At this time, the human beings have gradually reacted, and turned around in panic and fear, for fear of becoming a meal in the mouth of the zombies.

Of course, there are also some high-level players who have already improved their physical fitness and rushed up against the flow of people, killing these so-called zombies!

"Go back first, leave this place to me!"

Li Qing gave Sha Mei a word, and resolutely joined the retrograde team. Her snow-white clothes formed a beautiful landscape in the frightened and frightened crowd (Zhao's good)!

Under the rapid rotation of 【Sharingan】, all levels of zombies appeared in his eyes.

Most of the zombies are only around level 200, with blood volume around 100,000!

"Everyone get out of the way!" Li Qing yelled, the strong Chakra gathered in the throat: [Invisible Road: Explosive Fireball Technique!

The huge fireball, carrying the terrifying explosive power of Chakra with the thunder attribute, exploded in the crowd of zombies. The terrifying lethality directly blasted the zombies to pieces. Hands, feet and heads flew everywhere, and the disgusting blood mist began. spread up.

The sudden loud noise quieted the flustered and terrified flow of people, and people stared at Li Qing in amazement.

"I am Uchiha Qing, who is not afraid of death, kill me!".

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