The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 156: Earth Calamity! The Truth About Hokage Online Games? (Second Update!)

The crowd who had panicked due to the sudden appearance of the zombies, when they heard Uchiha Qing's name, they all showed surprise expressions, and at the same time, their panic hearts gradually calmed down.

Who is Uchiha Qing?

Hokage online game number one!

With such a person appearing here, what is there to be afraid of?

And many people present remember that it was Uchiha Qing who led them to complete the scoring tasks time and time again and won a lot of rewards.

"There's Uchiha Ao here, holy!"

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, wait for me!"

"Don't forget, there's me!"

More and more humans joined Li Qing's team, some of them found shovels from one side, and some of them brought bricks. The original panic gradually calmed down, replaced by their passionate counterattack!

Li Qing glanced at the rear, seeing more and more humans joining in, he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

Just at this time, two zombies rushed over one after the other, showing their sharp fangs. Li Qing's face remained unchanged, and the strong Chakra enveloped his whole body, making his body full of vitality. The next moment, he punched Like candied haws 630, the two zombies were shattered and turned into flying bubbles [the gold market, equipment and scrolls burst out.

To his surprise, as the zombies died, there was a reminder sound in his ears.

"You killed a mid-level zombie and gained 10,000 experience points! (Five times the reward)"

"You killed a mid-level zombie and gained 10,000 experience points! (Five times the reward)"

I didn't expect to get equipment by killing zombies. Li Qing was a little surprised by this, but at the same time, he was even more puzzled. You know, this is the real world, not some online game world!

But there was no time for him to think too much, more and more zombies noticed him, and rushed over. Those ten hideous faces were filled with bloodthirsty expressions.

Especially in the group of zombies, there are several large zombies with a level of more than 300. The color of their bodies is different from the others, showing a dark green color.

The key is that these zombies can also use ninjutsu, releasing terrifying ninjutsu such as 【Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique】.

There are more and more mysteries in Li Qing's heart, but because he has five abilities at the same time, he is not afraid.

Every attack can often take away a large number of zombie casualties.

"You killed a mid-level zombie and gained 10,000 experience points! (Five times the reward)"

Before he knew it, the number of zombies he killed reached five hundred! At the same time, other players only killed dozens of zombies.

Suddenly, two huge fireballs rushed towards Li Qing head-on, and under the rapid rotation of [Sharingan], he easily captured the zombie's movements.

The moment the fireball engulfed his body, he turned into a [substitute wood], and with the help of the Body Flicker Technique, he himself instantly appeared behind the two zombies.

Punch hard!

Uchiha Fluid Technique displayed terrifying power at this moment.

Seventy to eighty thousand damage was hit in an instant!

The bodies of the two zombies exploded like cannonballs, and stinky blood splattered like blood flowers. From a distance, the scene was extremely bloody and terrifying.

After a successful blow, Li Qing didn't stop. At this time, he also struck down a sharp weapon and held it in his hand.

【Explosion Style: Fireball Technique!】

Intense Chakra gathered at the throat, and the next moment, the terrifying, explosive flames engulfed everything in it. Amidst the shrill screams, the zombies turned into gold coins and equipment.

With Li Qing and other players killing wildly (bdfb), there are fewer and fewer zombies in the square, and there will be very few left in a short while.

Fortunately, Li Qing and the others stopped it early, otherwise once the zombies spread, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Led by Li Qing, the players began to gather in the square.

A deep voice sounded, and a huge dark zombie appeared on the square, with extremely sharp fangs in its mouth, and a faint huff came out of its mouth.

Big Zombie, Level 500 [God-level BOSS!

Seeing the level of the zombies, especially the word "god level", Li Qing frowned. It seemed that this was the first zombie.

But what he didn't expect was that the big zombie could still talk.

"The reaction speed of human beings is much faster than before. I was restrained abruptly before I spread it. Interesting..." A sneer appeared on the corner of the big zombie's mouth

"You are Uchiha Qing, who is called a god-level player. You are really different... As the first wave of disasters on the earth, maybe this is my fate, hahahaha...

"Earth catastrophe? What's going on with all this?" Li Qing frowned, eager to know the answer.

The opening of the Hokage online game is definitely not that simple!

"Hehehe, it's very simple... You humans start the human quality improvement plan because of our appearance... Every once in a while, the end of the world will come, in order to fight against this, in order to To protect the Earth, you have to use the power you learned from the Hokage to defeat us. I am the third wave of the apocalypse. The first two waves succeeded in destroying you, but in the end it made you grow."

When the big zombie said this, he showed a sneer, and suddenly, countless tentacles flew out of his body, flying towards the surrounding humans, and his deep voice sounded: "Turn me into zombies! "

The speed of the tentacles was so fast that it was impossible to react, but all of this was invisible under [Sharingan]'s gaze.

【Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!】

The scorching fire that ignited suddenly formed a terrifying wall of fire in an instant, engulfing countless flying tentacles in an instant, turning them into ashes in an instant.


Just as the big zombie was surprised, a figure suddenly appeared behind him, dropped the weapon in his hand, the sharp blade, and instantly illuminated the dark square.



With more than twelve points of damage, he directly killed half of the blood emperor who was caused by zombies!.

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