The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 157: Invitation From The Huaxia Military Headquarters (3Rd Update!)

Seeing the damage of more than 100,000 yuan, all the players took a deep breath, excited and excited.

"What a strong human being, I can't imagine that only 30% of the reinforcement is so strong, and it also has advanced ninjutsu like [Body Flicker Technique]!"

The big zombie let out a scream, and wanted to fly out its tentacles to firmly control Li Qing, but it was a pity that Li Qing had already noticed this, and the strong chakra gathered at the throat, and the billowing flames spurted out again, and the flying tentacles instantly melted For billowing ashes.

Just as the big zombie was surprised, Li Qing slashed down fiercely again, once again dealing around 120,000 damage, directly splitting the big zombie in half.

I saw the fluffy blood mist bursting suddenly, and the stench quickly permeated, filling the entire space with a disgusting smell.

It seems that this zombie has the title of [God-level BOSS], but in fact its combat ability is extremely weak. It seems that this [God-level" is reflected in other places.

When Li Qing retracted the knife again, the limbs and head of the big zombie had also fallen to the ground.

A golden light flashed, and this time he actually got a reward of ** experience points, from level 252 to level 253! As for items, he got 1 B-level scroll, 5 C-level scrolls, [rare level] 】Equipped with 1 piece,【Normal Level】equipped with 1 piece.

When he came to the city, he did not carry any equipment on his body. Li Qing used all the equipment unceremoniously, but kept the ninjutsu scroll.




Countless players swarmed towards Li Qing, throwing him into the air while being excited.

The players are not fools, they naturally know that it was Li Qing who solved the end of the world... You must know that once the zombies have formed a large scale, the spread of the zombie virus is almost devastating, and no human being or any army can block.

That's a biochemical virus!

This was the first time Li Qing felt the enthusiasm of the players in the city, and couldn't help grinning.


The corners of his mouth suddenly retracted, because he clearly felt several threatening figures approaching here quickly.

No, not a few, but hundreds!

The players seemed to feel something, and suddenly put Li Qing down.

The hundreds of figures had already appeared, surrounding the crowd from all sides of the square. The masters of the figures are fully armed soldiers holding submachine guns. They stared at each other with a tyrannical aura. They were well-trained and quickly surrounded the place, and then raised their submachine guns in unison, pointing their black muzzles at everyone. .

Although the era has passed a thousand years and more advanced weapons have been developed, this group of soldiers was ordered in the face of danger, so they had to bring submachine guns first.

The feeling of suffocation formed in an instant made countless players unable to breathe.

The leading soldier has countless medals on his chest, and has a distinctive aura.

"We received an order saying that there are zombies here, where are the zombies?" The soldier raised his hand, signaling his companions not to do anything.

Li Qing scanned through [Sharingan] and found that the physical fitness of these soldiers is obviously far superior to that of ordinary people, which seems to be the reason for playing online games.

"The zombie was just killed by Uchiha Ao god-tier."

"Yeah, it was Uchiha Qing god-tier who took us to fight back and killed all the zombies here!"

Several players answered cautiously, and looked at the soldier fearfully.

"Uchiha Qing?" The leading soldier narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Yes!" All the players secretly breathed a sigh of relief. With Uchiha Qing here, these soldiers will not do anything to them.


Not long after they let go, their hearts hung in their throats again!

"Give it to me..." The hand that was raised by the leading soldier was about to fall when a long sword that flew out suddenly pierced into his chest without warning, piercing through his chest!

Seeing the officer's sudden death, the soldiers were filled with grief and indignation. Just as they were about to make a move, Li Qing sneered suddenly: "Why don't you see the real identity of your officer?"

‥...ask for flowers...

These words made the soldiers full of doubts, and then they were shocked to find that the dead soldier turned into another person after a puff of mist. That man looks ugly, he is completely different from their officer, he looks more like an islander!

"This islander must have used the Disguise Technique to deceive you." Li Qing smiled lightly, "The purpose is to use your hands to get rid of me."



The soldiers looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

When the officer gave the order to shoot and kill, they were also full of surprises. After all, the player Uchihaqing is also a Chinese, and he is an existence they admire in the game. Unexpectedly, he was passed out by the spies of the island country. Thanks to Uchiha Qing who reminded them in the first place, otherwise they would have made a big mistake.

At this time, a soldier came out slowly, probably at the rank of adjutant, and his face was full of respect: "Uchihaqing god-tier, we apologize for what happened just now, I hope you don't mind. I am the 32nd Army of the Chinese Special Forces Adjutant Li Huo, the commander has issued an order early on, telling us to invite Uchiha Qing to go to the special forces if we bump into Uchiha Qing. Since we bumped into Uchiha Qing god-tier today, it seems that god-tier needs to go with us gone."

"What if I don't want to leave?" Li Qing asked with a chuckle.

"Then we may have to take some violent measures." Li Huo beckoned, and several well-trained soldiers surrounded Li Qing straight up.

Li Qing smiled, and the scarlet [Sharingan] suddenly spun, and the soldiers surrounding him suddenly staggered and fell as if they had been drinking.

"Uh, this..." Seeing this scene, Li Huo was a little embarrassed for a moment, and he understood in his heart that with their strength, they couldn't be tied at all.

"Let's go, lead the way ahead, I just want to know more about the end of the world." Li Qing accepted [Sharingan], and the eyes of several soldiers returned to clarity, and the whole person returned to normal. .

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