The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 158: The Truth About This World (Fourth!)

A military department in Huaxia.

There is no one of the most mysterious places in China!

At this time, Li Qing has arrived at a mysterious underground base under the leadership of Li Huo and other officers.

The place is extremely lively, with countless electronic devices lined up in a row, and sophisticated instruments shining with dazzling light.

And behind the electronic equipment, countless soldiers in green military uniforms are conducting special internal training under the guidance of several scientists. These are the elites of the elites in the Huaxia Military Department, and each of them is a one-in-a-million existence. It is also all the reliance on protecting Huaxi from being invaded by foreign countries.

When Li Qing came here, he immediately felt a cold murderous aura rushing towards his face, pressing on his chest like a solid body, making it difficult to breathe heavily.

Today's Li Qing's body has been "four six seven" strengthened, and he is extremely sensitive to all kinds of dangerous auras. He felt this murderous aura in an instant.

Only a place like the army can cultivate such a terrifying murderous aura, such a terrifying spirit!

While he was thinking, several officers who reported the message had rushed back in small steps. After a while, several soldiers rushed out, and then walked out a middleman with white hair and a standard Chinese face.

Although his expression was very kind, Li Qing could clearly feel the aura that only those who have been in the top position all year round can exude from this person.

Presumably, you can't buy it back.

"Uchiha Qing, I have heard of you for a long time. I heard from Li Huo that you killed the zombies this time." The middle-aged man smiled at Li Qing, "You made it easy for our military to find! Hehe..." Having said that, the middle-aged man glanced at the soldiers at the side and gave them a look.

Immediately, countless soldiers lined up in two rows, made way for the avenue, and formed a well-trained welcome team.

Seeing this welcome battle, Li Qing frowned.

In the army, this is an honor that can only be enjoyed by those in positions such as chiefs, commanders, or special heroes.

"As a hero of our Huaxia Kingdom, I think you, Uchiha Qing, are qualified enough to enjoy these things." The middle-aged man saw Li Qing hesitate and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Qing stopped hesitating and walked in with great strides.

With [Sharingan] in hand, he is really not afraid that these soldiers will suddenly resort to any special means. Although these are his Chinese compatriots, there is no guarantee that they will not attack him

In fact, he was already ready the moment he revealed his identity and killed the zombies.

Welcomed by countless soldiers, Li Qing quickly walked into the secret base, and was immediately shocked by the luxurious configuration and sophisticated equipment here.

"I'm not a person who likes to play tricks, let's stop talking nonsense." At this time, the middle-aged man had brought Li Qing to a small study with classic decoration, and sat down solemnly, with a heavy face.

Hearing this, Li Qing smiled and pricked up her ears. It happened that he was also very eager to know what happened to the arrival of the zombies.

At this moment, a soldier paid a military salute, walked over quickly, and handed something similar to an IPAD to Li Qing.

With a flash in Li Qing's eyes, he immediately saw the word "Top Secret" on it, and then he clicked on the video.

With the tap of his finger, the 3D holographic projection immediately presented a illusory picture, and in this picture, Li Qing frowned more and more.

The content of the original screen is basically some scenes of the end of the world, some are zombies attacking the city, some are storms, some are alien invasions, and some are the arrival of strong men. In the animation of the last scene, a strong man The punch will smash the earth to pieces!

Among so many scenes, Li Qing even saw some familiar scenes that appeared in movies.

In short, every picture is difficult to calm down.

Slowly closing the screen, Li Qing fell into deep thought.

"Yes, that's right, the top-secret information you just received is a confidential document issued by the highest level of my Huaxia government. When obtaining this top-secret document, the Huaxia government used countless resources and funds to investigate this matter, and found that our earth was once destroyed by these doomsdays, but for some unknown reason, the earth was resurrected, and the time point returned to the eve of the doomsday..."

"At this time, a mysterious person launched the Hokage online game that can improve the quality of the whole people. After he has taxed more than 200 countries in the world, he launched the online game for the whole people that aims to improve the quality of the people. And Our country, in order to avoid the doomsday and at the same time strengthen ourselves, so the Chinese military actively participated in the minister."

The middle-aged man spoke very slowly and logically, but after Li Qing heard this, the mystery in his heart became even bigger.

The earth is resurrected? The time point has returned to the eve of the end of the world?

How is this similar to the beginning of some doomsday novels? Even the scenes he just watched seem to be scenes from some movies...

"Mr. Uchiha Qing may not be able to digest this information yet, but it doesn't matter. We will give Mr. Uchiha Qing time to think about it. Of course, what Mr. Uchiha Qing needs to think about is to join our Chinese military and become the general manager of our Chinese military elite players." Command, in addition, Shun saves the world."

When the middle-aged man said this, he smiled, turned around and closed the room without any entanglement.

Room 1.2 quickly became empty.

Li Qing sat on the chair, deep in thought, without saying a word for a long time.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a heavy burden on his shoulders.

"Save the earth? Interesting... My goal is to dominate the earth." Li Qing showed a cynical smile, then walked out of the room, and left the Huaxia military under the adoring gaze of the soldiers.

He is used to being free and lazy, so let someone else do the commander-in-chief!


As soon as he left, he immediately felt several cold breaths lock him in!

The silent bullets, under his 【Sharingan】watching, quickly galloped towards him, flashed a cold light, and aimed directly at his chest!.

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