The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 159: The Man The Whole World Wants To Fuck To Death! (Fifth Update!)

Yes, it is a bullet, and it is a silent bullet.

If it wasn't for his [Sharingan] being turned on from the beginning to the end, and his body was strengthened by online games, he immediately discovered the threat of bullets, otherwise he would really be pierced through his chest by bullets.

A sneer hooked the corner of his mouth, and the moment the bullet whizzed by, he became a piece of [stand-in wood], and then the bullet passed through the wood with a whistling sound, and hit hard on the big place in the distance. tree.

far away.

Several white-skinned mercenaries carrying sniper guns looked at the suddenly turned wood, and the sneer at the corners of their mouths turned into dullness and surprise.

That pair of eyes added a deep shock.

They never imagined that Uchiha Qing, who left the online game, could perform such a pervert ninjutsu as 【Body Replacement Technique】!

However, their shock didn't last long. It wasn't that the spiritual impact Li Qing brought to them had diminished, but... Li Qing appeared behind them in an instant, flying fiercely into the air. The foot happened to kick the 13 of them in the face, causing them a burning pain in the face, not to mention the expression of shock, even other expressions could not be made.


A few sniper rifles fell into Li Qing's hands in an instant, and several white-skinned mercenaries were kicked into the distance, kissed the earth, and ate a piece of shit.

Everything happened so fast, the white-skinned mercenaries never expected that Li Qing could appear behind them in an instant.

When they opened their eyes again, they had fallen to the ground.

"Tell me, where are you from?" Looking at these white-skinned mercenaries, Li Qing secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it wasn't the Huaxia army who attacked him, otherwise he really didn't know how to deal with it.

"South, South Asian special forces." Several mercenaries answered honestly with pale faces.

Li Qing's kick just now caused them to suffer a severe blow. Their bones are almost shattered now. If there is another kick, I'm afraid they will hang here.

"South Asia Special Forces? Why are you attacking me? Tell me!"

Li Qing's eyes narrowed, and Ergouyu [Sharingan] spun rapidly, shaking the will of several mercenaries again, especially when the word "Shuo" fell, it sounded like an alarm bell in their hearts.

"Because, Mr. Uchiha Qing, your head is now worth 200 million U.S. dollars and is on the black market." One of the mercenaries replied honestly.

In reality, without Chakra, they cannot stop the illusion of 【Sharingan】at all.

Even if they got a 30% boost, they were no match for Li Qing, who got a 40% boost and immediately got five ninjutsu abilities.

"Two hundred million dollars? it that high?"

Li Qing chuckled, unceremoniously took out a long knife from his waist, and one of them gave the mercenary a knife, sending him into the abyss of death. These people wanted his life, so naturally he wouldn't leave him alive.

Standing up slowly, Li Qing [Sharingan] spun rapidly and swept around.

His resonant voice sounded: "I know that there are still many forces from different forces hiding around here who hate me to the bone. Since they are here, please show up!"

As soon as the voice fell, the wretched heads of several island country soldiers protruded from the top of the short building in the distance. On the left side, a few muscular black-skinned men gradually appeared, while on the right side there was a muscular Middle Eastern man wearing a Middle Eastern turban. special forces.

Each of them is the elite among the elites of various forces, and the genius among the talents.

However, like the Central Asian special forces, they all came for the 200 million bounty.

"Uchiha Qing, I heard about you killing the leader of the zombies. I'm here to express my respect to you, but for the sake of money, you still have to die." The person who spoke was a man wearing black sunglasses, The sturdy man with a submachine gun in his hand came from the United States.

"Yeah, Uchiha really took the limelight in the online game, let countless forces lose because of this, and hate you to the bone. In fact, I am willing to come even if I don't have the 200 million dollars. "Another voice sounded, and it was the dwarf of the island country who spoke.

"I have always wanted to compete with Uchiha Qing god-tier in the game, but...maybe there will be no chance after this!" This time, it was a man and woman from Lao Yue who spoke Guy, with two short caliber Zorro's in his hand.

As the three of them spoke, all the people surrounding Li Qing sneered at the corners of their mouths, as if seeing 200 million US dollars beckoning to them.

"Even if you actually have weapons, so what?" Li Qing smiled lightly.

"People from the Huaxia military will arrive in a while, let's do it quickly!" The dwarf from the island country urged, "As for the two hundred million dollars, we will share them equally!"

Hearing these 573 words, all the forces pulled the trigger and shot together.

In an instant, countless bullets shot at Li Qing quickly, like a hail of bullets!

It's a pity that no matter how fast these bullets are, they are still within the capture range of Li Qing's [Sharingan]. Under the rotation of his [Sharingan], those flying bullets are like slowed down movies, slow turtles come crawling.

In the hail of bullets, Li Qing's body turned into a [Stand-in Wood], and with the help of the [Body Flicker Technique], he appeared behind the dwarf of the island country in an instant, and the sharp weapon burst out suddenly.

In the puffy blood mist, the smell of blood quickly spread, covering the whole audience, making people sick.

The dwarf from the island country fell to the ground in an instant. He didn't know how he died when he was dying, and there was a little unwillingness in his eyes. The companion of the island country dwarf just wanted to take out the Japanese sword to fight back

Li Qing went up with a few flying kicks and kicked it fiercely, smashing the wall in the distance.

Time happened so fast, before these well-trained murder weapons could even react, they discovered that their companions had died!

Surprised, they rang the trigger again!.

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