The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 160: All Forces Come To Encircle And Suppress? (First Update!)

In this regard, Li Qing had been prepared for a long time, [Sharingan] was spinning slowly, watching every move of the special forces.

Their movements are so slow, like tortoises crawling.

Seeing the bullets flying towards him, Li Qing twitched into a faint sneer, and under the surprised eyes of all the special forces, he easily caught one of the bullets, while he easily dodged the other bullets.

"Your speed, is it too slow?"

Li Qing shook the bullet in his hand, his cold eyes swept across.

Seeing this scene, all the forces couldn't help but gasp. Unexpectedly, under the strengthening of online games, Uchiha Qing's strength has reached such a level.

Catch a bullet with your bare hands? This, this... Do you want to be so heaven-defying?

In an instant, the confidence of several special forces soldiers was crushed instantly as if they had been hammered by a heavy hammer! The momentum was sharper than a sharp knife, and it was like melting ice in an instant.

And just when they were stunned, Li Qing had already rushed towards them at high speed, and the places he passed were as fast as lightning.

Even though Li Qing only got 40% enhancement, you must know that he has a level of 253 heaven-defying in online games, the attributes are pervert, the attack speed and movement speed are fast, it is not that these levels only have one A special soldier of level 160 or 70 can be compared, not to mention that he inherited five abilities from online games at once.

He is the only one who has the identity of Anbu ninja in the whole world. Others have only been strengthened physically, but in terms of abilities, they are still only real.


The dark-skinned special soldier had dropped the submachine gun in his hand at this time, and was about to fight Li Qing hand-to-hand. Several special soldiers beside him also showed the same gaze.

However, no matter how they look at them, there is a touch of dignity in their eyes.

It's hard to imagine that these invincible killing weapons in reality showed such an expression when facing a master like Li Qing.

Li Qing's speed was very fast, and the moment his feet landed on the ground, the black-skinned special soldier took out the military spikes from his waist and stabbed them fiercely. A cold light flashed, and the target pointed directly at Ji Sai's chest.

His shots are quite sharp and quick, and they don't leave any leeway. It is the orthodox melee combat technique of the United States. It can bring the advantages of daggers and long legs to the ultimate. Ordinary people often have not reacted to it when they encounter it. was killed.


Any fighting technique, under [Sharingan], has nowhere to hide, as if being slowed down.

Li Qing's body easily avoided the dagger's attack with a strange footwork, and the next moment, he jumped up suddenly, and kicked the special soldier's face with a flying leg.


Accompanied by the sound of a heavy sound, sometimes mixed with the sound of bone shattering, the special soldier was kicked out in an instant, slammed into the distance fiercely, and the billowing dust and mist stirred up.

As embarrassing as that is, how embarrassing it is!

Seeing this scene, the other companions were terrified, and immediately rushed towards Li Qing, like a hungry tiger seeing its prey, and using all the skills and abilities in its life

Li Qing smiled coldly, Uchiha Fluid Technique was imprinted in his mind, the next moment, he struck out suddenly with both fists and legs, and the special forces around were instantly knocked out.

Before they got up from the ground, several silent gunshots killed them completely!

"Quick, run away~!"

There were only two special soldiers from the island nation left in the distance. At this time, they chose to escape, their faces as pale as they wanted.

"Want to run?"

Li Qing would definitely not give these deserters a chance, sneered, and used the Body Flicker Technique again, almost instantly, they appeared in front of the two.

"I'm very disappointed with your country's special forces, who chose to run away!"

Li Qing taunted, took out the long sword from his waist, and gave the two of them a heavy blow. The blood instantly filled the air, and the smell of blood was everywhere.

These human weapons that kill people do not know how many are easily solved by one person.

Looking at the dead body on the ground, thinking that before he was a little dick with no strength in his hands, this tall, handsome and rich counterattack made him feel like he was flying into the sky.

At this time, the sound of dense footsteps came, and countless Huaxia officers rushed out with submachine guns in their hands. They were all surprised to see the corpses all over the ground at a glance.

In particular, this touch of surprise instantly increased to an insignificant level when he saw the corpse's face clearly!

They are all familiar with those faces, they are all powerful special forces and mercenaries listed as S-level figures by the Huaxia military!

"Okay, so strong... Is this the true strength of Uchiha Qing?" A group leader gasped. As soldiers, they rarely get emotional, but this scene is really too much. It was shocking. Even if they tried their best to suppress their emotions, they still couldn't stop their emotions from spreading.

".々Playing online games can change your life..." Several military officers were a little bit emotional, and they strengthened their confidence in playing games hard.

At this time Li Huo rushed out of the crowd and was shocked to see the corpse on the ground, but he quickly stabilized his emotions.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, are you alright?" asked cautiously.

Because of too much respect and admiration, he deliberately added the word "god-tier".

In fact, when the chief valued Li Qing so much, he felt a little strange. What exactly did the chief set his eyes on in this kid? But when he saw the corpses on the ground, and those S-level characters who were easily killed, he wondered Passed the arms.

Such a talent, not to mention the commander-in-chief, is...

"I'm fine, it's just that they harass me. I'm a little tired (Zhao Haohao), so I'll leave these people to you."

It's hard to imagine that Li Qing's answer was so calm and calm. After speaking, he turned around and left in a cool way, hiding his merit and fame.

"Slow, go slowly!" Li Huo froze in place for a moment, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"Brother Huo, we..." At this time a soldier came up to him, Li Huo turned his head and glared at him, and said viciously, "Have you seen the effect of online game enhancement?"

"I see!" The soldiers replied in unison, excited.

"From now on, double the training intensity!"

Li Huo left these words and left.

(There is only one update this morning. I have to go out with my friends to go shopping in Beijing during the day. I may not be able to guarantee the fifth update today. I will try my best tonight! If it is not enough, I will make it up. I believe everyone has seen Yueyao’s persistence these days , Thank you for your support, thank you in advance!).

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