The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 161: New Expansion Pack—Akatsuki's Attack (Second Update!)

"What? Failed?"

South Asia, the mysterious special forces base!

Numerous electronic and sophisticated electronic devices are running rapidly.

A man with a scar on his face, his eyes fell on a pale special soldier in front of him, a trace of astonishment and shock flashed across his deep expression.

"Yes, yes, sir, lost, failed..."

The surviving special soldier answered almost tremblingly, his tone full of unbelievable, unbelievable and other emotions.

"How is this possible? The combat effectiveness of the special forces under our South Asian special forces unit is not to say that it is in the forefront of the world, at least it will not..." The special forces chief was a little puzzled.

"But that guy named Uchiha Qing really killed all of us in an instant, and with us are the special forces from the island country and the eagle country. Like us, under Uchiha Qing's weird attack, they didn't There was no way to fight back. A total of more than a dozen special forces were all wiped out, except for me who survived with a little injury."

Thinking of the horror of Uchiha Qing, the special soldier still had lingering fear on his face.

In fact, for their 430, the battle-tested special forces who came here, their expressions were as firm as ever in the face of any danger and difficulty.

But Li Qing's combat strength surpassed theirs so much that they had huge doubts about their own strength, and even broke their rock-hard hearts in an instant.

Seeing his subordinate's face so pale, a chill flashed across the corner of Chief Scar's eyes.

"If Uchiha Qing is really as powerful as you describe, then this person is not easy to deal with. It seems that it's time to have a chat with the Huaxia military." Speaking of this, the corner of Chief Scar's mouth revealed a touch sneer.

"Sir, do you want it?" The special soldier seemed to think of something suddenly, a little excited and excited.

"Well..." The officer nodded slightly, "The Huaxia military will definitely agree to our conditions..."

Li Qing didn't know anything about it, or to be more precise, she had no interest at all. At this time, she went to an optical shop to buy a pair of sunglasses, and then changed her clothes.

It's not that he's afraid of people in the military, (bdei) but that he doesn't want these bastards to spoil his rare vacation.

In the next few days, Li Qing spent a peaceful day.

Under the secret blockade of various forces, the forgetful human beings gradually forgot about the appearance of the zombies, and some people who witnessed the appearance of the zombies were also quietly taken away by the government in a special name.

Today's Li Qing can be regarded as a small multi-millionaire. Since he has exposed his target, he simply bought a villa in another city in the name of Shamei, and there are dozens of guards with tight security at the entrance of the villa. .

After buying a house, Li Qing and Sha Mei lived in it together.

On the third day, the Hokage online game restarted its server.

As early as 5 minutes before the start of the server, Li Qing sat upright and waited, just waiting for the server to start. Not to mention, he hasn't played the Hokage online game for the past few days, and his hands are still itchy.

At this time, a picture appeared in front of his eyes.

It was a welcome screen, followed by a scene where Konoha Village was thriving after reconstruction, and in this scene, suddenly a grimace secretly smiled and sneered, which made people feel trembling after hearing it.

At this moment, the players all over the world who heard the voice shuddered, and were frightened by the sudden grimace.

Li Qing, who is familiar with the plot, naturally remembered that grimace, it was Orochimaru's face with a sneer, under the flickering lights, it was so ferocious and terrifying.

As Li Qing expected, after the screen ended, a new expansion pack was released, but it was different from the original work. The title of the expansion pack this time was: [Knowing the Attack], and the black faces of the twelve members were revealed at the end of the credits. movie, and then it's over.

"Do you know what's coming? I didn't expect a new expansion to be released so soon."

Looking at the newly released expansion pack, Li Qing frowned, and immediately showed a look of anticipation.

In the original book, the members of the Akatsuki organization are more powerful than each other. They are all S-level rebels, and some have strengths beyond Kage-level, which is quite terrifying.

Li Qing had always fantasized about being able to fight with him, but he never thought it would come true so soon.

Naturally, with the release of the new expansion pack, the Hokage forum was instantly overwhelmed by the topic of the new expansion pack, and players all over the world were actively discussing the new expansion pack.

And the forces all over the world have also acted quickly, hoping to seize the first opportunity.

1: The new expansion adds new characters.

2: The new expansion adds a new plot...

3: The new information piece adds a new system.....

Five minutes passed quickly, and as soon as he set foot on the land of Konoha Village again, Li Qing immediately had a kind feeling.

The place where he was born was still in Uchiha prefecture, those players were more miserable, once again crowded in the crowded novice village.

As soon as the players went online, Wu Yangyang went to Konoha to sweep around and talk to NPCs, hoping to activate the main mission of [Dawn's Attack].


Found a new mission, Uchiha Itachi seems to have something to do with you, please find him! He is now in the back mountain of Uchiha Mansion.

At this time, a reminder sounded in Li Qing's ear.

"It seems that Xiao's attack has something to do with the task I received." Li Qing nodded slightly, and quickly walked towards the back mountain.

In the original book, Uchiha Itachi has two purposes for launching the genocide night, one is to stop the Uchiha people who are in a daze, and the other is to join the Akatsuki organization as a traitor, lurking beside Akatsuki, anytime Grasp Akatsuki's movements.

Now the plot has changed, the night of genocide did not happen, and Itachi did not become a traitor, but he is willing to make contact.

Just as he was thinking, he had already arrived at the back mountain.

"Qing, you are here!"

At this time, Uchiha Itachi standing on a big tree was watching him quietly, and the scarlet [Sharingan] was spinning rapidly. .

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