The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 162: Mission - Orochimaru's Laboratory (Third!)

"Are you still used to staying in Anbu these days?"

Itachi said and jumped down, appeared in front of Li Qing, patted Li Qing's shoulder with both arms: "Well, as an older brother, I haven't celebrated for you yet!"

"Celebrate?" Li Qing was taken aback. Although he knew Itachi was an NPC, he already regarded Itachi as his brother in his heart.

"Yeah, celebrate." Uchiha Itachi smiled slightly, ticking Li Qing's nose lightly, "Hey, this is a gift for you.

"Kunaijia?" Li Qing lowered his head, looked at what Itachi was handing over with both hands, with a lot of Kuwujiao inserted in it, shining with light, and took it directly without any evasion.

"Congratulations, you have obtained [artifact] [God Endurance Kuwujiao], this Kuwujia can launch 64 Kunai in a row, and you can also attach Nature Transformation's Chakra to the Kuwujia, which is a good way to kill long-range enemies A super sharp weapon. The attack power of the pinnacle is 120%, with 10% penetration damage, and it can be automatically reloaded after 24 hours."

Listening to the prompt, Li Qing realized how valuable this seemingly ordinary kunai clip is. Not only can it hold sixty-four kunai, but it can also be loaded automatically. It really deserves the title of [artifact]. , the general kunai clip can hold up to six kunai.

"I hope he can help you defend yourself." Looking at the smile on Li Qing's face, Itachi was also very happy in his heart.

In fact, if Li Qing and Itachi's favorability had not exceeded 75 points, Li Qing would not have been able to receive the equipment presented by Itachi.

"Hey, I accept this bitterness, okay, brother, you can get down to business!" Li Qing chuckled.

"Actually, my main business is also the task you will accept soon, that is to find Orochimaru's laboratory and destroy it." Uchiha Itachi paused after saying this, "This time the Konoha collapse operation is all Orochimaru Planned secretly, Anbu's medical ninja found several corpses controlled by [Curse Seal] in the death forest, and conducted a very detailed study on those corpses, and found that Orochimaru and others have been conducting experiments in secret. And according to the medical ninjas [Orochimaru's laboratory should be not far from here.]

When Itachi said this, he changed the subject and took a deep breath: "At the same time, I also found that the relationship between Orochimaru and an organization called Akatsuki that I have been investigating recently seems to be deadlocked. Orochimaru has left the Akatsuki organization, and Akatsuki has always wanted to Assassinate Orochimaru. I want to split up with you, and I will investigate Akatsuki's clues along the way, while you, go find the nearby Orochimaru laboratory and destroy them."

As soon as Itachi's voice fell, Li Qing only heard a ding, and a task reminder came, which was the task: [Looking for Orochimaru Laboratory].

The task level of the task is: level 300, the task difficulty is SSSSS, and the task rewards are relatively rich: [Itachi's Illusion Handbook], [Chakra Upper Limit Potion]*10, [HP Upper Limit Potion]*10, A-level illusion scroll [Magic :Mirror Heaven and Earth Turn], A-level illusion scroll [Illusion: Hypnosis], experience points!

Whether it's the Illusion Handbook, or the upper limit potion, the two A-level illusion scrolls can greatly improve Li Qing's ability at this moment.

However, the task level was 300, which made Li Qing frowned subconsciously, thinking that it would not be easy to complete this task.

"Qing, if you think it will be difficult to do it alone, call Shang Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng. I see that they have made great progress under your guidance." Itachi said with a smile He smiled: "If there is no problem, then see you after the task!" After finishing speaking, the seal of 【Body Flicker Technique】disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the departing Itachi, Li Qing smiled and thought about how to quickly find Orochimaru's laboratory.

As a former life game fan, his favorite is to perform this kind of very challenging mission game.

Of course, what he didn't know was that the moment he received the Itachi mission, in the gloomy laboratory, several players with [Curse Mark] imprinted on their necks received the mission reminder of [Protect Orochimaru Laboratory], and Their mission level is actually level 350, which is 50 levels higher than Li Qing's!

...asking for flowers...

Just came out of Uchiha Mansion, watching the players running around in Konoha Village and talking to NPCs, Li Qing instantly thought of how to quickly find the Orochimaru Laboratory!

Smiling coldly, he temporarily left the game, logged on to Hokage's forum, and posted a post anonymously: follow the player [Uchiha Qing] all the way, and discover the way to start the mission of the new expansion pack --- find Konoha Village Nearby underground laboratory, and talk to the NPC inside!

Sure enough, as soon as Uchiha Qing's name was added to the title of the post, the number of hits and comments skyrocketed like a rocket.

In just a few minutes, this anonymous post was pushed to the homepage of the forum by netizens, gaining tens of millions of hits and millions of comments!


Countless players left messages on it.

And soon, Li Qing logged into the game and saw many players running towards the outskirts of Konoha Village, as if they were looking for something.


Li Qing chuckled, as a smart person, he must learn to be good at using resources. These players are resources, resources that can be used.

He waited quietly, and not long after, an angry message was posted on [World Channel], which caught Li Qing's attention.

Xidan Square Dance Grandmother: Grandma, who said that finding the underground laboratory in the suburbs of Konoha can open the new expansion mission? If you have the ability, I will stand up for you, and I will promise not to hack you to death today! I will rush over there, not yet Talked to those snakes, and was sent back to the novice area by the snakes. I was very depressed. I was so depressed! My aunt is fifty this year, and it is not easy to surf the Internet at the moment. I almost have a heart attack!

This statement was followed by countless messages and comments.

There are those who feel sorry for the old lady, and those who feel sorry for Lion Majesty...and those who want to ask for the address coordinates.

Grandmother of Xidan square dance: coordinates Konoha Village suburb (321,345), find it by yourself, don’t blame auntie if you die!

In an instant, countless players flocked to Zibiao!.

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