The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 163: The Snake Massacre Of 100,000 Players! (Fourth Update!)

Suburb of Konoha Village.

Coordinates, (321,345)!

At this moment, at the door leading to the mysterious laboratory, two giant snakes are hovering around and guarding there, opening their bloody mouths from time to time, revealing the sharp fangs in the mouths.

In front of the giant snake, thousands of players are fighting fiercely with these two giant snakes. From time to time, some players will be swallowed by the giant snake, and then sent back to Novice Village completely, even gold coins Neither the equipment nor the equipment will fall, or it will be swept away by the snake's tail, and it will be cut to death directly.

There was an unpleasant smell in the air, which made people sick, and there were more and more corpses of players, gradually piling up like a hill.

[World Channel] System Announcement: Giant Snake B is massacring crazily, and has killed 1422 players, please master "7000" to stop them!

[World Channel] System Announcement: The Giant Snake Armor is massacring crazily, and has killed 1434 players. Please go ahead and stop them!

Two system announcements popped up, showing the number of people killed by the two giant snakes.

Faced with so many players, the two giant snakes were heartbroken at this moment, because they had never seen so many players before, and they had not issued any large-scale tasks at all.

And the players who fought with the giant snake also felt a little strange, after all, the mission of the expansion pack could not be so difficult to open.

Just when both sides were in a daze, a figure suddenly appeared at the door of the passage, and then got in smoothly.

The sudden change surprised the two giant snakes. They were about to drill into the tunnel and devour the infiltrators. The players who didn't know that they were tricked launched an attack again, and countless ninjutsu were directed at the giant snake. Say hello and go.

They didn't have the keen perception of the giant snake, so naturally they didn't notice a figure sneaking in quietly.

In desperation, the giant snakes could only give up the pursuit of the infiltrator, and continued to fight with the players.

The dead players piled up like a mountain, and the wounds on the snake became more and more.

"Sneak in, West."

Ignoring the fierce battle outside the underground laboratory, Li Qing successfully appeared in Orochimaru's laboratory.

It has to be said that the power of the crowd is huge. In just a few minutes, he determined the coordinates of Orochimaru's laboratory and successfully sneaked in. If this matter is known to Uchiha Itachi, he will be surprised, after all, the speed is too fast up.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly countless kunai were thrown fiercely from above, at a very fast speed.

"Huh? I actually touched the mechanism?"

Li Qing frowned slightly, and suddenly remembered that Orochimaru's laboratory was full of traps, and the little Sakura and others entered it several times and narrowly escaped death. They must be extremely cautious when stepping here.

Thinking about it, the 【Decapitating Sword】suddenly raised, and a icy light flashed across, and the shot kunai bounced off immediately, splashing everywhere.

But the mechanism was obviously not over yet, the floor that Li Qing was stepping on shook violently at this moment, and then a rather huge hole was split in it, and under the hole was a erect gun!

Don't think about it, if you fall from here, you will be drenched with blood from the gun in an instant.

Li Qing's expression remained unchanged, and he galloped out with a whistling sound of bitterness, and nailed it fiercely to the wall. Then he took advantage of the power of the Chakra line of the bitterness, his whole body swayed slightly, and easily jumped to the distance. on the floor.

There was a creaking mechanical sound, and the mechanism was shut down instantly, and everything remained as before, as if nothing had happened.

Li Qing looked at this scene, hehe smiled, and was about to move on, but a few players chased him in the distance, and it seemed that they had been following him.

Ignoring these followers, Li Qing continued to walk forward. At the same time, his Ergou Jade [Sharingan] spun rapidly, using powerful insight to guard against everything around him.


A few follower players, seeing Li Qing disappear, immediately chased after him, but unfortunately they didn't have Li Qing's skills and eyes.

Two people were shot into a sieve by the torrential Kunai on the spot, and the others were directly pierced through the body by the vertical gun in the ground, and blood flowed all over the ground.

"Unexpectedly, there are still people who can come here. Could it be that they want to spy on Lord Orochimaru's power... Hehehe, I'm sorry, your fate stops here."

Accompanied by a somewhat gloomy voice, a ninja with a scar on his face slowly appeared with his subordinates...

Fengmo Tianxin, level 367 Chūnin, elite boss.

Fengmo Tiansha, level 368 Chūnin, elite boss.

Wind Demon Skystorm, Level 399 Chūnin, Lord Level BOSS!

"The Wind Demon Clan?"

Li Qing's [Sharingan] flashed. In the original book, this is a race that is gradually declining. In order to revitalize the whole race, it had to take refuge in Orochimaru, but in the end it was used by Orochimaru and became an experimental specimen of the curse seal. Quite a pathetic and tragic race.

"Hehe, I didn't expect people to know about us. It seems that our Fengmo clan is also very famous." No, this is Lord Orochimaru's laboratory, there is only one ending for you..."

As soon as the words fell, several ninjas of the Fengmo clan rushed to Li Qing and killed them very quickly.

"Are you really going to fight?"

Li Qing sighed, even though he was only 250 levels, but he really didn't pay attention to ninjas of these levels.

A flash, under the cold light, instantly illuminated the dark and damp laboratory, and the next moment, the Fuma ninja who rushed forward was shot in the waist by the full moon of the [Decapitating Sword], and turned into a fluffy blood mist.

The battle ended too quickly, it was over before Feng Motian could show a cold 0.9 smile.


Feng Mo Tianbang was about to strike in surprise, but Li Qing appeared behind him in an instant, and the [Decapitating Sword] slammed down hard on the head, and the cold light once again illuminated the dark sky!

In an instant, Fengmotianbao exploded like his companions into gold coins and equipment all over the floor.

"Okay, so scary......

Seeing Uchiha Qing's attack, more than a dozen Fuma players who were hiding in the room immediately trembled with fright, shrinking back one by one, not daring to come out at all.

Originally they planned to cooperate with the Fengma NPC to launch an offensive, but when they saw the word [Uchiha Qing], their legs were suddenly limp from fright, not to mention launching an attack, even the courage to cooperate with the NPC dissipated. .

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