The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 166: The Mission Of The National Activity: Akatsuki's Clue! (Third Update!)

[World Channel] System Announcement: Player [Uchiha Qing] successfully destroyed Orochimaru's laboratory base, and accidentally obtained [Akatsuki's clues]. , The activity mission of hundreds of millions of players has officially begun!

Following a system announcement, the eyes of players all over the world were strange.

Akatsuki's mission? Akatsuki's clues? What is Akatsuki? How can I start the mission? The players looked confused and confused, and didn't know what to do for a while.

But soon some players noticed that the key point to start the mission is on the player [Uchiha Qing]!

Soon, many alliances and trade unions offered huge rewards, hoping that players could provide Uchiha Qing's location coordinates.

Even one of his coordinates is worth millions of RMB!

And when the whole world was looking for Li Qing, Li Qing was frowning at this time, quietly waiting for Uchiha Itachi's appearance in Uchiha's backyard.

When destroying Orochimaru's laboratory, the two made an agreement, and the troops were divided into two groups, and now they should come back after calculating the time.

Just as he was thinking, a figure fell down without warning, and the three 343 Goyu Sharingan slowly spun up, and the tall and strong body was Uchiha Itachi.

Behind Itachi, Uchiha Shisui also slowly showed his figure, also showing a pair of Sharingan, but it was 【Mangekyō Sharingan】.

"Your speed is very fast, Qing, we thought we would have to wait for you for a long time!" Uchiha Shisui smiled slightly, and patted Li Qing on the shoulder, looking like a big brother, "Itachi has a good younger brother, than Speaking of that guy Sasuke, his talent is much higher than Sasuke!"

Itachi smiled faintly, and changed the topic to the main topic: "Qing, I know about the fact that you destroyed the Orochimaru laboratory. It just so happened that Shisui and I were out of the village this time, and we also caught a trace of Akatsuki's clue."

Having said that, Itachi took out a scroll from his waist, and under the seal of his hands, the scroll opened automatically to reveal a map.

The five major countries are all painted on the map, and many iconic buildings are clearly visible, showing the professionalism of the cartographers.

"Shisui and I have sneaked into Kirigakure, and there is no trace of Akatsuki, and there are no traces in other major countries. Finally, I locked my eyes here." Itachi's finger fell on Rain Shinobi Village, " This is the buffer zone of the border of the three countries, and Rain Shinobi Village has been uncharacteristically refusing to communicate with the outside world since a few years ago... and I haven't heard the news of Hanzō of the Salamander for a long time, so I suspect that here, It is likely to be Akatsuki's stronghold."

"Itachi's analysis is not unreasonable, and I also think it is very possible." Uchiha Shisui nodded slightly, "Now Uchiha Qing has also become a Chūnin, and has the ability to fight side by side with us

Why don't we form a team of three and go here to explore. "

"I thought so too. Itachi nodded slightly, then looked at Li Qing: "Qing, what do you think?"


The mission prompt came: Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui want to sneak into Rain Shinobi Village to collect clues about Akatsuki. Do you accept it? Please answer directly verbally.

Task level: level 400, task reward: mysterious reward, ** experience points.

"Mysterious reward?" Seeing the mission reward, Li Wei couldn't help being a little curious.

Immediately, he nodded without thinking: "It just so happens that I also want to go to Rain Shinobi Village to take a look. After all, I have become a Chūnin, and it's time for me to experience myself."

Seeing Li Qing's reaction, Itachi and Shisui nodded in agreement, feeling that Li Qing had grown up and could stand in the way. (bded)

"Hey, so Uchiha Ao is here!"

Just when the three were about to leave, several players who walked into Uchiha Mansion by chance saw Li Qing, and suddenly cried out in surprise.

"Ah, Uchiha Ray is there!"

"Found it, found it!"

Originally, the huge Konoha Village was full of players who were looking for Li Qing and wanted to start the story mission. This howl immediately attracted the attention of many players. The rambunctious players smashed through the gate in front of Uchiha's mansion in an instant, and rushed towards the backyard aggressively.

In the mansion, Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Fugaku were fighting each other, practicing martial arts, when the loud noise outside immediately caught their attention.

Driven by curiosity, they came out, it didn't matter if they didn't go, as soon as they came out, the two of them stayed where they were, like petrified wooden chickens.

A huge Uchiha mansion, several walls and dozens of rooms were forcibly squeezed down by the black and white players... Where the crowd passed by, it was like a wasp crossing the border. Looking at it, it was full of broken bricks Rotten tiles, devastated everywhere.

"Destroyed my mansion!" Uchiha Fugaku was furious, and swallowed the Great Fireball Technique at the players, taking thousands of players away in an instant. Even Sasuke took the opportunity to take the lives of hundreds of players.

The scene became chaotic in an instant.

However, Li Qing, the culprit of this incident, rushed towards Rain Shinobi Village with Itachi and Shisui at an extremely fast speed. Naturally, there will be many players encountered along the way, but before these players can react, they lost a few traces!

"Nimma, I disappeared in an instant!" A scolding sound came, and a [Super God Alliance] player couldn't help complaining.

"A bunch of trash, even a little Li Qing can't stop it!" A man with a scar on the side couldn't help cursing, "The Shengshi Group invested hundreds of millions of dollars in our brother a few days ago, can't What a waste!"

"Hmph, this time I will definitely not let Uchiha Qing get away with it."

[Super God Alliance] captain Tianba, who has won the game championship many times, he slowly appeared with a mouthful of [artifact] [Explosive Knife Spray], "In order to take down this artifact, our Super God Alliance has died a few times Thousands of people, these losses will not be wasted in vain. Uchiha Qing, I don’t know if your beheading sword is powerful, or my explosive sword spray is better! Hehe DO..."

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