The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 167: Rain Shinobi Village, Three Shadows (Fourth!)

Rain Shinobi Village.

The heavy rain was majestic, and the fine raindrops fell down, patting on this seemingly quiet village.

Countless ninjas who were used to raining slowly raised their heads at this time, with a hint of piety in their eyes.

The rain got heavier.

Akatsuki's leader, Payne, was sitting in a secret room at this time, silent without uttering a single word, and Konan at the side didn't speak either, just quietly accompanying him~

For Konan, Payne and Hirohiko are the two bridges leading to the future, and she is the person on the bridge guarding the two bridges of hope.

"How is the situation in Rain Shinobi Village recently? Are those players training well?" Suddenly, Payne got up slowly and stood up from his seat, with a pair of strange eyes showing a little worry.

"It's okay. Many players have successfully obtained Chūnin's forehead protector and become Chūnin. Especially this time, Rain Shinobi Village's secret Chūnin exam has selected many talents." Konan said slowly, The tone is devoid of any emotion.

"Well, I see..." Payne nodded slightly, and then sat back in his seat without saying a word.

"I really hope that some talents can be selected to join the Akatsuki organization." Konan said secretly.

Unlike other Hidden Village players, players who choose Rain Shinobi Village cannot have any communication with the outside world, even if they log on to the Hokage forum. The closed management is adopted for players. Of course, in Rain When Shinobi Village players go out of Rain Shinobi Village to perform tasks, they can still communicate with the outside world.

At this time, the Rain Shinobi players who were training in several martial arts halls heard a system prompt in their ears at this moment.

【Clues of Dawn】: As players of Rain Shinobi Village, you don’t want others to know more clues and information. Any player who tries to sneak into Rain Shinobi Village should pick the weeds and root them out. Please kill them for your angels. All the enemies trying to sneak in! Your angels will praise you a lot!

Mission level: level 300, mission reward: mysterious, ** experience points!

As soon as the notification sounded, the players in the entire Rain Shinobi Village were excited! After all, the experience value of more than 30 million points is too much, too much!

"This is Rain Shinobi Village."

Li Qing and others, who knew nothing about what happened in Rain Shinobi Village, had already arrived not far from Rain Shinobi Village wearing straw rain capes.

A scarlet light flashed, and Uchiha Itachi carefully watched the front, and said to his companions.

"It seems that sneaking in is not easy." There was a sound of swiping, and Uchiha Shisui appeared in an instant, with a somewhat dignified expression, "I looked around just now, and there are many vigilant guards, and I can clearly feel that A touch of Chakra in this rain."

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi's heart sank: "Brother Shisui, are you saying we were exposed?"

"This is not necessarily the case. Because even if there are Chakra attached to the raindrops, it is impossible for someone to have such a huge Chakra covering the entire village, and... this technique may be more difficult for others to infiltrate, but for us , but extremely easy.”

Uchiha Shisui smiled lightly, suddenly formed a mudra with both hands, and after a long time said: "Ah!"

The torrential rain that originally flowed along their bodies suddenly separated spontaneously as if they had encountered some obstacle.

Li Qing could feel that with Shisui's sound, the spells arranged around had been untied.

"I cast a spell on you. If you don't get close, it is impossible for him to find you. We are now divided into three groups, and then collect clues about Akatsuki. How about it?" Uchiha Shisui is indeed the strongest Uchiha, whether it is Ability or mind, both are terrifying.

"I'm fine." Uchiha Itachi nodded slightly.

Immediately, the two of them set their sights on Li Qing. During this trip, they were most worried about Li Qing. After all, it was Li Qing's first time to carry out such an infiltration mission.

"I'm OK."

Regarding the relationship between the two elders, Li Qing felt warm in her heart. In his heart, he already regarded the two as his elder brothers.

...asking for flowers...


Uchiha Shisui was about to say something, but couldn't help frowning.

It turned out that in the heavy rain while wandering, a few union players walked over slowly, and it seemed that there were some ways to follow them.

"Hmph, isn't it just an infiltration mission? As for making it so nervous." Uchiha Qing god-tier, you can't! Watch us!"

A cynical voice sounded, and the one who spoke was a big fat man with a pig's head and a pig's body, twisting his big buttocks, and his face was full of contempt. Behind him, there are also several fat men with strong bodies.

Their alliance name is very individual, [Fatty League].

The leading fat man raised his head in disdain, and then separated three or four fat men with his hands, and quickly rushed towards the entrance of Rain Shinobi Village. The other fat men also sneered, and followed behind arrogantly.

For such two hundred and five, Li Qing has long been used to it, and he doesn't bother to pay attention to them, but just winks at his companions!

Sure enough, just when the fat guys thought their Clone Technique had betrayed the guards, a few guards who were ambushing elsewhere appeared in an instant and took their lives.

The battle ended so quickly that the fat guys didn't even make a scream.

"Sneaking, it's so difficult to sneak in! A few fat guys with more than 200 levels were instantly killed!"

In the distance, several union players saw this scene, gasped and shivered.

"Yeah, it doesn't look that easy to infiltrate. Judging from those dead fat men, there are still many secret whistles around here." A player frowned and touched his chin with one hand: "It should be what should I do?"

When the players were worrying about how to sneak in, one suddenly screamed: "Look, Uchiha Qing god-tier and two NPCs are starting to move!"

As soon as the voice fell, countless eyes were focused on Li Qing in an instant, all wanting to see how he sneaked into Rain Shinobi Village! There was even a player who broadcast live from far away!

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