The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 168: Rare Blood Successor, Fog Escape? (Fifth Update!)

The name of the live broadcast is [full live broadcast, Uchiha Qing sneaks into Rain Shinobi Village]!

In just a few minutes, the entire live broadcast had tens of millions of clicks, millions of bullet screens, flowers and rewards flew over countless times, driving the live broadcast players crazy

But soon, the live broadcast couldn't keep up with Uchiha Qing's footsteps, because his speed was too fast, and then disappeared in an instant.

"Nimma, I can't find it!"

Seeing the gradually losing popularity, the live broadcast players complained a little depressed, "Uchiha Qing god-tier, wait for me..."

With the help of Shisui's interpretation technique, the originally extremely difficult infiltration became much easier. At this time, Li Qing secretly came to the outskirts of Rain Shinobi Village, turned into a farmer, and followed several farmers "five" Behind the "Three Zero" husband, he successfully sneaked into the city.

It looks similar to the Rain Shinobi Village in the original book. Once you walk in, you will see a lot of towers and buildings, all of which are particularly waterproof structures.

The rain in Rain Shinobi Village is heavier and more intensive than outside.

"How to find clues?"

Li Qing didn't forget her mission, and kept thinking about it in her mind.

Suddenly, he noticed a tea shop in the distance, and an old woman was struggling to carry things, panting from exhaustion.

In order to increase her favorability and collect some useful information, Li Qing immediately walked over and said kindly: "Grandma, come, let me help you!" Then she moved a few things aside.

Soon, a system notification sounded in Li Qing's ears.

Granny's favorability towards you has increased!

Granny's favorability towards you has increased!

The old lady was still bowed, she glanced at Li Qing gratefully, and coughed twice: "Young man, thank you for helping me, but why does your face feel a little strange..."

Li Qing didn't expect the people of Rain Shinobi Village to be so vigilant, so he laughed and replied: "Maybe it's because I live in the suburbs, I finally entered the city today...Grandma, such a big one Flower shop, how can you take care of it by yourself. Don't you have children or something?"

"My sons and daughters, I have them, and I'm still a Chunin! But I died in the third Ninja World War. Let the old lady give me a white-haired person to a black-haired person. Fortunately, Lord Angel often gives us old ladies some Subsidies and benefits, or the old lady may starve to death."

Having said that, the old lady coughed a few times, a little violently.

"Master Angel? Then do you know about Hanzō of the Salamander..." Before Li Qing could finish the last sentence, the old lady hurriedly took his hand: "Master Hanzō is a taboo in Rain Shinobi Village, you Hurry up and go! Don't ask others the same question, otherwise, you will be caught by the angel!"

After speaking, the wife showed a particularly frightened and taboo look.

"Thank you!" Seeing that she couldn't ask any more questions, Li Qing had no choice but to leave the flower shop and look for her next target.

At this time, he noticed a custom shop. At the door, a woman with a sexy figure and plump breasts was soliciting customers, and from time to time she fired at the passing ninjas.

"It's a custom shop..." Suddenly, Li Qing turned his eyes and thought of an excellent place to explore Xiao's information, and only such a romantic place can be mixed with fish and dragons!

Thinking of this, he walked over slowly.

"Hey, this handsome guy, come to our small shop to rest your feet!" The woman saw a guest coming, and a strong smile burst out of the corner of her mouth immediately [Pull Ji's shoulder to pull it in and throw it away.

Li Qing was also arrogant, directly took out several thousand taels of gold coins from his pocket, threw them to the woman, and then hugged her: "Follow me!"

Seeing the money, the sexy woman was not to mention how happy, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became even brighter.

In just a short moment, the woman's favorability for him increased from 50 to 69! Obviously, he is a guy who has an eye for money.

"Here it is!"

The woman and Li Qing hugged each other, and walked up to the second floor in a short while.

Not to mention, in the Hokage online game, in order to show the reality, even these customs ladies act very like real people, and they can feel the difference at all, as if they are real..

Of course, there are also many players who spend money on NPCs to enjoy themselves after playing tired, so the Fengyue place is often a very profitable place.

"Master, you are in a hurry!"

As soon as the door was opened, Li Qing pushed the custom woman onto the bed, causing the custom woman to roll her eyes. But immediately she just stood there in a daze,

It turned out that Li Qing's [Sharingan's Hypnosis technique was hit.

Li Qing didn't dare to use this ability outside, for fear of exposing herself, but she was not afraid of it inside the room.

Under Li Qing's interrogation, the custom woman who had been subjected to the Hypnosis spell quickly told what she knew.

There were indeed ninjas from other hidden villages here, and the ninja forehead protectors of these ninjas were scratched, and they were wearing Xiangyun cloaks. Even their angels, she had seen them wear them.

After receiving Xiao's clue, Li Qing closed the eyes of Hypnosis, making the customs woman drowsy, and prepared to join Itachi and Shisui.

Although he was familiar with the original work, he knew nothing about Akatsuki.

Suddenly, on the window sill, he noticed a large number of Rain Shinobi ninjas rushing towards a place, there seemed to be some movement, and there was a fire.

"Could it be Itachi and the others encountered danger?" Li Qing suddenly had a bad premonition.

Payne with Rinnegan can destroy the entire Konoha Village by himself. His strength is so terrifying that Itachi and Shisui cannot defeat him.

Thinking in his heart, he was about to leave with hands in seal, but there was a bang from behind, several Rain Shinobi Chūnin rushed in, the leader was still a Rain Shinobi Jōnin.

"Master Angel's instructions are indeed correct, there are ninjas sneaking here, die!"

Rain Shinobi Jōnin appeared behind Li Qing almost instantly, struck out the long sword, and made seven moves in a row, killing each move!

"Fog escape continuous slashing technique, seven consecutive dragon slashes!"

His speed is too fast, and when he moves, there is still a mist covering his body, which is obviously a very special blood succession limit!.

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