The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 169: Plug-In Update, Looting Blood Continues To Hang! (First Update!)

The ninja's speed is so fast that ordinary people can't react at all, and this person's body is covered with fog, which confuses the enemy's sight while walking. If Li Qing hadn't activated [Sharingan] in an instant, it would be impossible to capture his movement trajectory !

"Blood Successor Boundary?" Li Qing frowned, knowing that he had met a master. Moreover, this is the first time he has seen an NPC with blood succession boundaries!

Fog, level 421 Jōnin, owner of the rare Blood Followed Mist, rare boss!

Rain Shinobi Chūnin Armor, Level 378 Chūnin, Elite BOSS!

Rain Shinobi Chūnin B, Level 376 Chūnin, Elite BOSS!

Rain Shinobi Chūnin C, Level 375 Chūnin Elite Boss!

Rain Shinobi Chūnin, Level 378 Chūnin, Elite Boss!

In an instant, Li Qing knew the enemy's state and level clearly.

The moment Wudun Ninja made a move, several other Chūnins also made a move in an instant, and Kunai like a torrential rain swept over like a gust of wind!

Seeing that the Wudu ninja's seven consecutive slashes were about to take Li Qing's life13, he saw that the moment he pierced through the long sword, his whole body entered the state of [hydration]. Immediately, a big MISS, and then is revealed!

Misty escape ninja apparently didn't expect that someone could escape his attack, and when he looked up and saw the scarlet eyes, he understood instantly.

It's a ninja of the Uchiha clan!

The long sword's attack didn't stop. After the cold light, his whole body merged into the mist, like an assassin who hid after a failed assassination attempt.

Ergouyu【Sharingan】spun rapidly, Li Qing wanted to see the target clearly through the fog, but found that his field of vision had been pitifully shortened to within a few steps. see clearly.

"As expected of Mist Escape!"

Li Qing sighed in admiration, fully alert.

At this time, a pleasant voice suddenly came from his ear: "Congratulations, your cheat shop has been successfully updated, and there are several fresh cheats on the shelves, do you want to check it?"

This just happened in a split second. Li Qing clicked Agree without even thinking about it, and then found that in addition to the usual cheats, there are several other cheats in the cheat shop, [Full Screen Display] cheats, [Blood Succession Looting] cheats , [Resurrection] cheats and [Prophet] cheats, these cheats do not consume the book of other cheats, and three cheats can be opened at the same time

And the price of the cheat is a bit astonishing, it needs a full two billion gold coins, and the duration is extremely short.

"Damn it, are you robbing a bank?" Li Qing couldn't help complaining.

"Host, robbing you can make more money than robbing a bank." The pleasant voice of the system came, and Li Qing couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of old blood.

Li's consortium transfers money to Li Qing's account every day, and now Li Qing has 2.5 billion gold coins in her inventory, so I really don't feel bad about spending 2 billion!

In the end, Li Qing set his sights on the cheat of [Student Looting]. Since he met a ninja with a rare blood successor in front of him, if he doesn't plunder his blood successor, I'm really sorry for the newly updated cheat mall!

Thinking this way, he chose to buy.

[Blood Successor Looting] Plug-in: When you kill an enemy, you can plunder its rare blood succession limit and possess the ability of its blood succession. The cheat can last for 24 hours, or disappear after plundering once!

Buying cheats only happened in an instant, and when Li Qing's consciousness returned, only a second passed.

Suddenly, the long sword came through the mist, and the mist escape ninja struck again, making it difficult to distinguish the whole person like a lost season!

“Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique!”

Intense Chakra gathered at the throat, Li Qing spewed out a mouthful of fire, directly dispelling the rushing mist, and the Mist escape ninja flew into the sky, and one person was instantly divided into five.

Mist Escape Secret Technique: Multiple Shadow Mist Clone Technique!

【Decapitation Sword】holding in the palm of his hand, Li Qing swept out and hit the five fog avatars.

Seeing the sharpness of the [Decapitating Broadsword], he was about to cut the fog clones in half, but saw that the fog clones turned into mist in an instant, avoided the attack of the big knife, and hit five misses!


Li Qing has a little understanding of the ability of this mist escape ninja, that is, the ability to switch between body and mist at any time, which reminds him of the family that served for Orochimaru. resemblance.

Just as he was thinking, he saw the five clusters of fog suddenly gather, turning into a gust of wind and rushing towards Li Qing, trying to get into his body and control his actions! I have to say that this rare blood successor is overbearing.


Li Qing was invaded by the mist, and his whole body stood up like a ball.

The Wudun ninja who turned into a mist sneered, thinking that this Uchiha boy was nothing more than that, and then he showed a sneer, but soon, his smile disappeared!

Because, the Li Qing under his control has already exploded into a bubble, obviously just a Shadow Clone.

“Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique!”

Flame is always the nemesis of fog.

The scorching fire turned into a fire dragon and instantly slaughtered the misty escape ninja. The unimaginable heat instantly raised the temperature a lot.

There was a scream, and the flame was under the restraint of 950, and it dealt 350,091 points of damage in an instant! It took down half of the blood volume of the fog escape ninja!

Immediately, the mist reappeared, and the misty escape ninja reappeared, and his whole body was burned piece by piece, looking as embarrassing as he wanted.

It was the first time for several Rain Shinobi Chūnin to see the captain injured, and they all showed expressions of fear, especially the more than 300,000 damage just now, which made them daunting.

Is this the damage that a player can deal out?

"It seems that I can only use a trick!"

Mist escape ninja's eyes gleamed with strong resentment, as the owner of a very rare blood successor, he has never suffered such a huge setback!

"Secret technique, mist blast dragon kill!" Mist escape ninja quickly formed a seal with both hands, and the next moment, his whole body disappeared as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

And following his action, the companions quickly left the room, their eyes full of fear, for fear that they would die here after leaving.


【Sharingan】Spinning, Li Qing, who lost the trace of Mistun Ninja, felt a huge crisis in his heart!

Mist tyrannosaurus killing? What kind of ninjutsu is this? There is no Mist escape ninja in the original book, so I can’t refer to it!.

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