The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 170: Unexpected Surprise, Three Tomoe Sharingan? (Second More)

[World Channel] System Announcement: The new version [Akatsuki's Clues] has been released. Players will encounter some ninjas with special blood successors during missions. Defeating these ninjas will give them huge experience and rewards. Its blood succession limit ability plunder! Get stronger ability!

An announcement was made, but Li Qing was engrossed in it and didn't notice it.

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, his Ergou Jade [Sharingan] suddenly shone brightly, and a white mist instantly rose up in the surroundings that were originally empty.

The next moment, the dense fog exploded, like firecrackers lit instantly!

Seeing the fog, Li Qing's complexion changed slightly, but he quickly returned to normal.

He now understood that this guy probably mixed Chakra into the mist, and then used countless tiny and fine explosions to destroy people. Such an explosion can be said to be flawless!


"Earth Style, Earth Wall Technique!"

Li Qing is not a vegetarian either, although he is only less than 300 levels, but his actual combat experience can still hurt a genius like Orochimaru, this is a misty escape ninja who is many levels lower than Orochimaru, so why not be afraid where?

During the violent shaking of the ground, the walls on all sides instantly rose up, blocking most of the explosion damage of Wu Dun in an instant, but the explosion around him could not be avoided no matter what.

After all, as long as there is air, it will explode unless it is completely isolated from the air!

Li Qing finally showed his first injury.

But the damage seems a little...





They only dealt less than 600 points of damage to Li Qing, which is nothing short of drizzle for Li Qing who already has 30,000 HP!

It can be clearly seen that on Li Qing's skin, there are dirt-like things slowly falling off, like pieces of armor.

Yes, that's right. It is the ability of the A-level ninjutsu he learned.

"How can this be?"

The shock brought by Li Qing was really too deep. First, he dealt 300,000 points of damage with one blow, and then with such a high defense, the face of Mist escape ninja changed all of a sudden.

My heart sank to the bottom.

And just when he was in despair, the 【Decapitating Sword】has roared, and the icy sharp edge whizzed past his waist.

Another hit!

More than 300,000 points of damage were dealt instantly.

Amidst the screams, the body of the misty escape ninja exploded, turning into a vast amount of gold coins, equipment and scrolls.

Even to the point of death, the mist escape ninja couldn't do the same. His own secret technique only dealt a little bit of damage.

[World Channel] System Announcement: The player [Uchiha Qing] successfully kills [Fog] who has the blood-successor limit [fog escape], and becomes the first person to kill the blood-successor ninja, and he will gain the ability of the blood-successor limit [fog escape] !【Boundary of Blood Succession—Mist Escape】: This is the mysterious ability of the mysterious family of Rain Shinobi Village. It can smash your body into mist, drill the enemy's limbs and tibias silently, and kill ninjas silently. A mystical ability.

With the release of this system announcement, the whole world is boiling.

Especially when all the players saw the ability of [Fog Escape], they were even more surprised. Nima [You can actually break your own body into sacs? Isn't this string invincible?

Seeing the system announcement, Li Qing was also stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he would get 【Fog Escape】 before looting Xueji, so wouldn't he buy the cheat for nothing?

He was still a little depressed for a while, and he didn't even notice that he had gained tens of millions of experience and his level had risen to level 296.

Suddenly, a clanging sound came, and Li Qing felt that her [Sharingan] became more transparent than ever before, and her originally rigid vision was expanded again!

[World Channel] System Announcement: Player [Uchiha Qing] has further developed the abilities of the Uchiha clan and opened [Three Tomoe Sharingan]. Please congratulate him!

Those players who were still in the shock of Wudun saw the subsequent system message, and for a while they even thought about hitting the wall.

Nima, it’s not enough to get Xueji Boundary Mist Dungeon, and further evolve 【Sharingan】, can you have some professional ethics and give people some opportunities for fair competition!?

"Fuck!? My Sharingan has finally evolved? Looks like it's because of cheating!"

As soon as the announcement came out, Li Qing burst into swear words with excitement, and quickly experienced the changes in 【Sharingan】in detail.

He clearly felt that his insight and hypnosis eyes were not only a little bit stronger, but also his ability to copy ninjutsu was enhanced a lot!

Of course, because he was too excited to evolve 【Sharingan】, he ignored his newly acquired wife escape ability.

Resisting the excitement in his heart, he checked the skill column, and found that the following skills were added.

【Fog Escape: Mist】: Passive skill, Chakra is injected into the mist, so that every attack and every move of the player is covered by the mist, confusing the enemy's sight.

[Fog Chakra Mode]: active skill, Fog Chakra is injected into the body, allowing the player to enter the state of [Fog Chakra]. In this state, the player can become a mist

And condense the mist into Shadow Clone at will to confuse the enemy, immune to physical attacks, but the ninjutsu resistance to fire, water, wind and other ninjutsu is reduced. The fog blows away, and the player may die instantly.

[Fog Escape: Mist Tyrannosaurus Killing]: Active skill, Chuck (had it) is injected into the mist, the whole person and the mist merge into one, and countless serial explosions occur! Explosion damage: 300% ninjutsu attack!

[Fog Escape: Multiple Shadow Fog Clone]: Active skill, it can create more than 2 indistinguishable fog clones according to the amount of Chakra of the player to confuse the enemy. All fog clones are immune to physical damage and have 50% Blood Emperor!

Looking at the newly obtained fog escape ability, especially the indistinguishable [fog escape Chakra Mode], Li Qing couldn't be happier!

The ability of this misty escape is simply the nemesis of taijutsu ninjas!

After closing the skill bar, Li Qing quickly rushed towards the firelight!

With [Sharingan]'s stronger insight ability after evolution, he noticed that the entrance of Rain Shinobi Village has been breached by nearly 10,000 players from the periphery, and there are people everywhere!

Really, there are so many people, Xi!

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