The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 171: Payne's Wrath, Shenluo Tianzheng! (Third Update!)

"I didn't expect that Rain Shinobi Village would fall so soon!" Seeing the players frantically rushing in, Li Qing burst out laughing.

That's right, the NPC ninjas in Rain Shinobi Village probably don't have hundreds of thousands of them in total. Facing millions of players, they are no opponents at all, and it's normal to rush in.

He reckoned that the missions given to the rushing players were also missions for infiltrating, but the infiltrating was a bit violent... directly violently intruding.

Just as he was thinking, he noticed in the distance that Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui were fighting several ninjas wearing Akatsuki costumes, some of whom he was very familiar with. Shinobi Deidara, and Sand Shinobi's rebel ninja, and the others are soy sauce ninjas who wear Akatsuki's costume and are also members of Akatsuki.

Facing powerful ninjas like Hoshigaki Kisame, Deidara, and Scorpion, Itachi and Shisui handled it well, but it can be seen that as time goes by, Chakra is gradually consumed by the two, and they must be the ones who fail in the end. After all, in the original book, ninjas such as Kisame, Deidara, and Scorpion are also top genius ninjas, difficult to deal with, and at this time Uchiha Itachi has not yet activated Mangekyō Sharingan, and has Kage-level experience against enemies.


As soon as Li Qing showed up at 110, Itachi and Shisui noticed him.

"You can't help here, take this scroll back to Konoha Village!" Itachi took out a scroll from his waist, and was about to throw it to Li Qing, when the mummy ghost shark beside him suddenly got seals on his hands, and a huge water dragon pounced on him. He came over at an extremely fast speed, and separated the two of them in an instant.

"Hehe, do you want to take away the information here?" Ganshi Guixier sneered, but the smile on the corner of his mouth froze there abruptly.

Li Qing appeared next to Itachi without any warning, and she did not bear the [Body Flicker Technique] seal at all.

"You! How is this possible?" Hoshigaki Kisame couldn't help being surprised. Deidara and Scorpion were also full of doubts. You must know that their kage-level masters are extremely sensitive to the enemy's breath. Do you feel like it appears next to Itachi?

"Uchiha Qing, you..." Until then, Itachi and Shisui noticed Li Qing's eyes, in which there were three jades slowly rotating.

"That's right, Sharingan has become stronger (bddi) again!" Itachi and Shisui felt a little excited while being surprised, Li Qing's growth made them happy.

"Hmph, so what about Sharingan?" Gan Shi Gui Shark sniffed, but didn't dare to attack casually.

It should be known that although the little guy who joined suddenly is less than level 300, but has Three Tomoe Sharingan, he is also a character that is difficult to entangle.

"It's time to fight side by side with you." Li Qing smiled slightly, and gently pushed back the information scroll that Itachi handed over, "Isn't it?"

Looking at his younger brother with a confident face, the player, Uchiha Itachi fell silent.

Shisui on the side hesitated for a long time, but didn't say a word.

"Three to three is just right, let's show you how powerful our Uchiha clan is!"

Li Qing's three hook jade [Sharingan] swept across the bodies of the three Kage-level powerhouses one by one, smiled coldly, and the [Decapitating Sword] in his hand flashed a cold light.

Although he knows that his level is still low now, but with the newly obtained Xueji Boundary Wudun, Three Tomoe Sharingan and [Five Times Critical Strike] plug-in, he is confident that he may not be his opponent, and more importantly, he who is familiar with the original work , knowing everyone's weaknesses and abilities, and mastering the intelligence of everyone present!

"It seems that it is not three against three, but six against three."

A cynical voice suddenly sounded, and Kakuzu, Hidan, and Konan appeared together, next to Kisame and others.

Seeing Konan and the others, Hoshigaki Kisame frowned, and said with some displeasure: "Hey, Payne doesn't look down on us too much, does he? He even sent someone over."

The hunched scorpion beside him was also full of depression: "Shisui's Body Flicker Technique hasn't taught me my stinger yet."

"It's not like this, but..." Konan said and pointed to the sky. Gan Shi Gui Jiao and the others looked up strangely, but when they saw the figure in the sky, they frowned tightly. Eyes startled!

The others also immediately stopped talking.

At this time, Li Qing and the others also turned their heads strangely, and a little solemnity passed through their suspicious eyes.

Especially when he is familiar with the original work and saw Payne destroying the entire Konoha Village with a "Shenluo Tianzheng", the corners of his eyes are even more dignified and nothing to add!


At this moment, Payne is flying above the sky, with [Rinnegan] eyes watching the player's surging Rain Shinobi Village, how to look at it, how to activate [Shenluo Tianzheng].

[World Channel] System Announcement: Because the players did not sneak into Rain Shinobi Village, it caused the fury of [Leader of Dawn—Penn], [Penn] is about to launch the ninja [Shin Luo Tianzheng] to clear Rain Shinobi Village Players, players in Rain Shinobi Village please leave quickly!

As soon as the announcement came out, countless players raised their heads in doubt, just in time to see the scene of Payne launching the Shenluo Tianzheng!

"God! Luo! God! Zheng!"

Incomparably terrifying power, carrying a shock wave that would destroy the world, smashed down, countless buildings were destroyed in an instant, and the earth trembled violently...


Kisame, Konan, Deidara and the others used all kinds of strength to leave in an instant.

"What kind of power is this?"

"Okay, so powerful... Is this the power of Captain Akatsuki?"

Itachi and Shisui's hearts can only be described as amazement, because they were too surprised, they didn't dodge the first time.

"Is this Payne's anger?"

And only Li Qing, who has seen the scene in the original book, knows how terrifying this power is. He immediately grabbed the hands of the two, exhausted Chakra and used [Body Instant Body Technique], and took them away from where they were!

The moment they left, the white light swallowed up the place they were just now!.

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