The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 173: Dungeon Mission: Xue Ji Ninfa Tie (Fifth Update!)

Li Qing didn't expect that once the dungeon task was started, the efficiency would be so high, and someone would come to him immediately.

"You are Mrs. Asama!" Efficiency is the priority, Li Qing didn't bother to say polite words, and went straight to the point: "What can I do for you?"

Hearing that others knew his name, the santafu dressed as a samurai froze for a moment, and then replied: "Ah, I want to entrust Mr. Uchiha Ao to act as the guard of the heroine of our film company, Fuji Fuyuki, to protect her to go Snow Country shot the closing scene of our movie."

"That's right, entrust me to take over, please lead the way!" Li Qing smiled.

"Thank you so much, it's just uh..." The third wife was a little surprised when she heard the words, and suddenly thought of something, with a little embarrassment on her face, "To be honest, our big "910" lady doesn't know why What, when I heard that I was going to shoot in the Snow Country, I refused to live and die, I have already escaped many times... just now I just escaped again."

Li Qing had already guessed that the third grandpa would say this, so she couldn't help but smiled slightly: "I know where he is, come with me!"

In the original book, the real identity of the actress Fuji Fuyuki is the princess Fuka Koyuki of the Snow Country. Because of the usurpation of the throne by Fuka Raging Waves, she was forced to leave the Snow Country. Later, Fuka Koyuki became an actress by coincidence. Later, she returned to the Snow Country under the escort of Naruto and others, and finally broke her heart knot, killed Feng Hua Nu Tao, and finally sat back as the monarch of the Snow Country.

"Ah? If this is really the case, then it would be great!" Mrs. Asama was taken aback for a moment, then became overjoyed, and nodded excitedly.

If not as expected by Li Qing, Fuji Fuxuee should be outside Konoha's movie theater, and it was at that time that Naruto bumped into them.

Without taking two steps, sure enough, the two saw Fuji Fuyuki who was trying to slip away, and the movie was about to end at this time.

"Ah, it really is here. Miss Xuehui!" Seeing the female movie star, the third wife was not to mention how happy she was, a heart hanging in her throat was finally let go, and she hurried to catch up.

Mount Fuji Yukie turned her head to see San Taifu, and when she thought of going to see that guy in Snow Country, she couldn't help feeling afraid, and turned around and was about to run away.

Before she could take a few steps, she bumped into someone's arms. The heat from her broad chest somehow made her a little nervous, which instantly eased a lot.

For some reason, she subconsciously developed a deep trust in the person in front of her.

"Holding, I'm sorry..." Fuji Fuyuki bowed her head and apologized, and was about to leave, but was tightly held by Li Qing's hand.

I have to say that compared to the anime, the real Fuji Fuyuki is more beautiful, especially this pair of big eyes, wavy hair, coupled with the exquisite and impeccable facial features, it makes her whole It looks so full of the melancholy temperament of a poetess, and people can't help but explore it.

"Uh, you!"

Fuji Fuyuki was obviously a little angry at Li Qing's rudeness, her eyes were full of anger, and she was about to break free from Li Qing's palm as she spoke, but it was a pity that Li Qing's strength was too strong, like pliers, how could she Can't break free either.

"let me go!"

Seeing the third husband running over, Fuji Fuxue was a little anxious, and her silver teeth bit Li Qing's shoulder instantly.

At this moment, Li Qing's whole body became hydrated, Fuji Fuxue not only missed the bite, but swallowed a large amount of water.

"You, you are a ninja? Let me go!" Fuji Fuyuki spat several times, anxiously.

"Maybe it's because I'm worried about going back to the Snow Country, so that I can remember that dark time again? As an actress, you must work hard for your life, right? Why...don't fight for what should belong to you What?" Li Qing suddenly asked.

Just one sentence hit Fuji Fuyuue's heart in an instant, causing her body to tremble uncontrollably, and a mist appeared in front of her eyes.

Why didn't she ever think about going back? Take back her own things, but... who will help her? She is a woman with no strength in her hands...

Thinking of this, she shook her head violently: "No, I just want to live in peace... as long as I live. No matter how hard and tiring it is, I think it's worth it...

"Really? Don't you want to know what kind of tragic environment the Snow Country is in after being usurped by evil guys? How much the Snow Country hopes that there will be a wise lord who can sympathize with them......

Li Qing felt that he was very suitable to be a lobbyist, because when he was speaking, Fuji Fuxue's favorability for him also soared all the way. In just a few words, it has soared from 50 points to 69 points, and it only takes 1 Click to enter the intimacy state!

"I..." Fuji Fuyuki fell silent.

"You still like your previous name, right? Fenghua Xiaoxue?" Li Qing continued.

"No, no...don't say it!" Fenghua Xiaoxue shook her head with a painful expression, pushing Li Zhi with both hands.

"Don't worry, I will help you regain your throne." Suddenly, Li Qing reached out and hugged Fenghua Xiaoxue in his arms, comforting her gently.

Under the strong emotional stimulation, Feng Hua Xiaoxue was already in chaos at this time, and Li Qing's hug instantly shattered the softest part of her heart. That dark memory seems to have ushered in the light...

"Uh, Ms. Fuji Fuyuki, you..."

Seeing the two of them like this, the third husband hesitated for a long time and did not dare to come up. Seeing that the two were silent, he dared to intervene.

"Let's go, go to Snow Country!" 5.8 Fuhua Xiaoxue took a deep look at Li Qing, "Some things have to be faced, don't you? Also, don't call me Ms. Fuji Fuxue, my Her real name is Fenghua Xiaoxue!"

Hearing the words, the third wife was taken aback at first, and then smiled happily!

I thought that this Uchiha Qing really has a way, she can actually convince Ms. Fuji Fuxue who has a stubborn personality! The way she looks at Li Qing can only be described as cast-iron!

The three of them soon set foot on the road to Snow Country.

Snow Country.

At this moment, many players who chose Snow Country put down the weapons in their hands, and heard the reminder of the dungeon mission [passive activation]!

【Kill Fenghua Xiaoxue's guard and bring Fenghua Xiaoxue to the palace of Snow Country】!.

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