The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 174: Dungeon Mission Is Also A Large Confrontation Mission? (First Update!)

Just as Li Qing and others rushed to Snow Country, and the players in Snow Country [passively started] the dungeon mission, the whole world was shaking because of Akatsuki's appearance!

The most authoritative Global Times published a headline yesterday, titled: Xiao? The strongest boss of Hokage online game? Destroy millions of players with one move!

In the headlines, I believed what the witnesses saw and heard, and described the scene at that time.

In addition to the Global Times, many media such as the China Times, the American Times, and the Island Times all frantically published the appearance of the [Xiao] organization. [Xiao]'s membership became more and more mysterious.

Some countries even secretly sent some military agents to Rain Shinobi Village secretly, wanting to know more information about 【Akatsuki】.

Many forces regard [Xiao] as the best way to help themselves rise and realize their ambitions!


The most mysterious game 13 bases!

Countless scientists gathered in front of a 3D holographic projection screen, and were studying the abilities of [Penn] and other Akatsuki members frame by frame.

The chief officer, a sturdy general, quietly looked at the screen with his hands behind his back, falling into silence.

In his hands, he tightly held the instructions from his superiors: at all costs, find out the existence of the [Xiao] organization!

The people present are all too aware that once the password of [Xiao] can be cracked, it is very likely that this is the way to dominate the Hokage online game, and even dominate the entire world!

South Asian countries.

The heads of state of various small countries gathered together, and several players who personally experienced the horrors of Rain Shinobi Village are explaining in detail what they have seen to the heads of state.

Listening to the bits of information revealed from the players, the heads of state of these countries gradually reached an agreement in friendly conversations.

"It's time to form a South Asian alliance."

"Establish the South Asian Player Alliance Army."

island nation.

"You must investigate the matter about Akatsuki, understand? Otherwise, I will not allocate any funds to you [Island Alliance]."

Looking at the president of the alliance in front of him, the prime minister frowned tightly, his face full of anger: "Listen, if this matter can't be done again, you can go home and commit suicide in the future!"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Prime Minister..."

The president of the alliance was trembling, shaking his body, and nodded in disobedience.


"Except for Uchiha Qing and the other two NPCs, all of them should have been killed, and a lot of items were dropped."

An officer dressed in the uniform of the People's Liberation Army and standing upright is reporting the battle situation last night with a military salute.

"That is to say, maybe only Uchiha Qing knows about Akatsuki's existence?" The middle-aged man with numerous medals hanging on his chest was silent for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and asked.

"It's possible!" The officer nodded slightly.

"Contact Lin Jiachen... Our Huaxia military wants to know more clues about Xiao, let him communicate with Uchiha Qing!" The middle-aged man was silent for a while, "Oh yes, let Li Huo follow Bar!"


The officer gave a military salute and ran out in small steps.

And when the whole world was secretly investigating Xiao's news, the ten news once again aroused the actions of various forces in the world.

Uchiha Qing, the surviving player of Rain Shinobi Village, is on his way to Snow Country!

In an instant, one stone stirred up thousands of waves!

], Dunli is placed in the mysterious snow country

Could it be that there is also news of Akatsuki here?

Naturally, they didn't know that this was just a dungeon mission for Ji.

Naturally, Li Qing didn't know, he made a dungeon, and it caused a shock all over the world!

Snow Country.

The climate here is cold, and it is covered by thick ice and snow all the year round. As soon as they arrived here, Li Qing and the three felt the piercing cold.

"This is the Land of Snow." Fenghua Xiaoxue looked at the familiar scene and introduced to several people. At the same time, there was a trace of worry and fear in her eyes. The storm is very strong, she is too worried

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Li Qing saw through Fenghua Xiaoxue's thoughts at a glance, and stretched out her hand with a smile.

Fenghua Xiaoxue held back her hands reservedly at first, but was immediately held by Li Qing domineeringly.

Feeling the faint warmth coming from Li Qing's palm, Fenghua Xiaoxue's heart bumped like a deer, and a shy blush appeared on her face.

The cold wind is still blowing wantonly, but for some reason, Fenghua Xiaoxue's heart is no longer cold, no longer as cold as in this Snow Country.

"It's about time..." She was slurring her thoughts, and secretly clenched her other hand, "Take back everything that should belong to me..."

Seeing the two holding hands at 833, the third husband sighed secretly, and silently blessed Fenghua Xiaoxue in his heart. After all, Mr. Uchiha Qingninja seems to be a very high-quality man. If the two can finally get married , it couldn't be better.

Just when the third husband was thinking wildly, he suddenly noticed more than a hundred heads protruding from the distance, and then, a loud voice came.

"Snow Escape: Hurricane Snow Vortex Technique!"

This technique was performed by more than a hundred ninjas together. I saw that the originally violent snowstorm became even more violent. Countless goose-feather-like heavy snow covered the three of them fiercely like knives.

At the same time, more than ten ninjas came from all directions and rushed towards them.

The battle started in an instant, and the horn of death sounded!

The range of the snowstorm is too wide, and more than a hundred ninjas cast it together, immediately trapped the three of Li Qing in the ice and snow, unable to move. The cold light stabbed at Li Qing and the others who had been turned into snowmen, tearing the snowman apart.

The battle was over in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the Snow Ninjas all showed excited smiles, but immediately, they couldn't laugh no matter what!.

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