The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 177: Battle Against The Instance Boss! ! (Fourth Update!)

It's a pity that no one paid any attention to the questions of Langya Xuebeng and others.

The crowd that was originally black and black covered a large area, but they ran and fled in an instant, and only half of them remained.

The remaining half of the players didn't choose to run away, because there were three NPCs here, otherwise, there wouldn't be a single player left.

"Hmph, I'd like to see what's great about Uchiha Ao!"

Spike Avalanche, who had fought with Kakashi before and was still not at a disadvantage, smiled coldly and snorted coldly. Immediately, his hands quickly [Jie Yin] together, and the strong Chakra covered the ice and snow in the distance. In a short while, the snow-capped mountains in the distance were crumbling, showing signs of a big avalanche.

Li Qing who is familiar with the original work, how could he not know that Spike Avalanche is the second most difficult ninja in Xue Ji's Ninja Tips?

His【Three Tomoe Sharingan】had paid attention to every move of Spike Avalanche early on, and almost at the moment when Spike Avalanche formed its seal, Li Qing, who was holding a 【Decapitating Sword】, had already appeared behind him, volleying in the air. Leaped up.

It was Li Qing who used the Body Flicker Technique to achieve the effect of reaching the battlefield in an instant!

Before Langya Xuebeng could finish sealing, the 【Decapitating Sword】had turned into a gust of cold wind and whizzed away, slashing through Langya Xuebeng's waist.

With the help of the 300-level suit [Artifact] [Thunder Magnetic Suit], his attack speed has increased many times faster.


Suddenly, a layer of armor appeared on Langya Xuebeng's body, and with a bang, it blocked the attack of the [Decapitating Sword].

But on the head of Spike Avalanche, it only caused more than 10,000 points of damage pitifully!

Li Qing only felt that his [Decapitating Broadsword] seemed to have encountered a 5 mm thick steel plate, and even a sharp weapon like the [Decapitating Broadsword] could not break through its defense.

Obviously, this is the Chakra armor developed by Fenghua Futao, which can defend against most ninja attacks.

After failing to succeed with one blow, Li Qing immediately chose to retreat, stepping on the heads of several players with both feet, instantly distanced himself from Spike Avalanche and his companions.

In fact, he estimated the terrifying defensive power of the Chakra armor, but he didn't expect it to be so terrifying. With one blow, he could only deal more than 10,000 points of damage.

And the moment he left, the ice escape ninjutsu of Dongxiong Freezing Rain and Crane Wing Blowing Snow instantly condensed the air there into a hard block of ice!

"Boy, the speed of escape is quite fast!"

"It was able to escape our attack!"

Both Dongxiong Dongyu and Crane Wing Chuuxue couldn't help but let out a icy laugh.

The Snow Country players who had already run far away, saw the majestic Uchiha green god-tier showing defeat under the three NPCBOSS, immediately rushed back, wanting to rely on the BOSS to finish them task.

And farther away, elite players such as the Super God Alliance and the Island Alliance were even more excited when they charged.

How many times, how many times, this is the first time they saw the majestic Uchiha Qing god-tier deflated! Every moment there is a feeling of elation!

Seeing more and more players rushing in, and the three NPC bosses watching over there, Li Qing felt a sense of danger for the first time, but he soon regained his composure.

Three NPCBOSS, each of which is an enemy who can compete with Naruto Sasuke's strongest attack, and also possesses secret techniques such as Chakra armor." The strength of this should not be underestimated.

He almost suffered from contempt just now.

Just as he was thinking, a voice came from a distance: "Bingdun: Icicle!" It turned out that Dongxiong Dongyu and Crane Wing Fuxue shot together!

With the sound of crackling, the air instantly condensed, and two thick icicles appeared without warning.

Li Qing dodged sideways, and at this moment a white light shone towards him, causing him to close the [Sharingan]. The person who made the white light was a player from Snow Country, and he used the [Ice Reflector Technique].

"Good job!"


Spike Avalanche, Dongxiong Freezing Rain, and Crane Wing Fuxue naturally would not let go of this rare opportunity. In an instant, four ice shurikens roared towards Li Qing. At the same time, under the seal of Spike Avalanche, The air quickly condensed and formed a huge ice whale, pounced on the target.

...asking for flowers...

The three cooperated quite tacitly, and it could be said that Li Qing was pushed to a dead end in an instant. You must know that he lost the protection of the Sharingan at this time, and it was difficult to see through the enemy's attack.


Under the attack of three ninjutsu, Li Qing instantly burst into bubbles, making the sound of bubble explosion.

This scene made Langya Xuebeng and others a little unacceptable for a while, each of them showed surprised eyes, completely unexpected that what they hit was only Uchiha Qing's clone.

So, where is his real body?


No one noticed that the player from the Snow Country who let the fake Uchiha blue avatar close the Sharingan just now, raised the [Decapitating Sword] in his hand, and slashed fiercely at the back of Crane Wing Fubuxue, And in the process of his attack, a face was gradually revealed, it was Uchiha!

Yes, that's right, Li Qing used the Transformation Technique to hide among the players in the Snow Country early on, and then deliberately used light to give the three bosses an opportunity to attack, and he took advantage of this opportunity to sneak attack. peak!

The Snow Country players around were stunned instantly, they had no idea when Uchiha Qing appeared!

Uchiha Flow: Sword Leap Flame!

Li Qing knew very well that in order to defeat the three of them, he had to break through the terrifying defense of Chakra's armor, and among his many attacks, only this ninjutsu skill had the strongest penetrating power.

The scorching flames instantly attached to the blade of the [Decapitating Broadsword], and the thunder attribute Chakra was also injected into it, "making the [Decapitating Broadsword] full of the dual terrifying power of fire attribute and heavy attribute.

The next moment, under the fusion of human and sword, there was only a bang, and the Chakra armor protecting Crane Wing Chuixue was instantly shattered, and the subsequent attack directly dealt more than 200,000 points of damage!

In an instant, Crane Wing Chuuxue's blood volume was emptied, and it exploded into gold coins, equipment and scrolls all over the floor.

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