The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 178: Dare The Pearl Of Rice Grains Shine? (Fifth Update!)

Crane Wing Chuuxue's death happened too fast, and everyone didn't react until she turned into a corpse.

Spike Avalanche and Dongxiong Dongyu were surprised. They knew the defensive power of the Chakra armor very well. It is not something that can be broken by ordinary strength. This kid can actually break it? And the use of ninjutsu just now made everyone They believed that this kid in front of them was not so easy to deal with.

"Retreat first."

Spike Avalanche and Dongxiong Dongyu were not fools. Seeing Li Qing attacking again, they chose to retreat temporarily. After all, they cherished their own lives.

"Kill me!"

In order to be able to withdraw safely, Spike Avalanche waved his hand. When the unsuspecting Snow Country players saw his gesture, the aggressive Ji Qing rushed over to the "Tu Tu San" doctor.


For these hostile players, Li Qing will not hold back anything. Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique, Explosion Style: Explosive Fireball Technique and other ninjutsu are used in an instant, and the terrifying flames instantly devour these players. Erjing, and sent them back to Xinshou Village.

Faced with Li Qing's high-explosive and high-range ninjutsu attacks, the players couldn't even withstand one of his moves, let alone hurt him.

In a few moments, all the players from the Snow Country were killed, leaving gold coins, equipment, and scrolls all over the floor, so shiny that they almost blinded people's eyes.

After Li Qing killed the players, he discovered that Langyaxue and Tudongyu had quietly left.

"Oh, you run fast." Li Qing pursed his lips in disdain, and was about to return to the hotel. At this time, with the sound of dense footsteps, several elite players from different unions and alliances surrounded him. up the core.

The man with the scar in the lead and Tianba, the captain of [Super God Alliance], slowly appeared with weapons on their backs.

"Uchiha Qing, our account, it's time to settle it?" It was Tianba who spoke, and as he spoke, he shook the [artifact] Explosive Knife Spray behind his back, "Did you see it? This artifact Explosive knife, I spent countless funds on the black market to buy it, the purpose is to defeat you."

The man with the scar on the side glanced at Tianba impatiently, and then his eyes fell on Li Qing: "Okay, let's end the boring opening remarks like this. I always like to get straight to the point when I do things. We came here today There is only one purpose, and that is to kill you, Uchiha Qing, let countless players remember the name of our union and alliance, it's as simple as that."

When the scar man said this, he also showed his weapon, which turned out to be a long knife and stitches, and it was also one of the weapons of the Lingyin ten people.

"Don't you think you are sending weapons?"

Li Qing has long been used to this kind of scene, and just sneered there.

Seeing Li Qing sneer, the Scar Man and Tian Ba ​​couldn't be more angry in their hearts, and there was strong anger in their eyes.

The status of the two of them in their respective trade unions is not low, who would not be trembling and respectful when seeing them? This kid Li Qing treats them like this! It's just arrogant!

However, they have to admit that Vacancy does have its own picture book of arrogance.


The man with the scar was a little impatient, and just as he uttered a word, Li Qing suddenly disappeared without a trace.

When he reappeared, he was already behind the scarred man, and the next moment, the steel thread formed by the long knife's stitches was already wrapped around the scarred man's neck. 】Put it on Tianba's chest.

The battle is over before it even begins.

Scar Man and Tianba, the two overlords of the game, the elite among the elite, were already crushed by Li Qing before they even made a move.

"How, how is it possible..."

"In an instant..."

Tian Ba ​​and Scar Man couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Before they came here, they estimated and predicted Li Qing's ability countless times. They thought he was very strong, but they didn't expect him to be so strong?

In front of Li Qing, they suddenly felt like a baby wanted to fight an adult.

Li Qing is too fast, everything is too fast, they can't react so fast...

"team leader!"

The elite players calmed down from the shock after a while. They were ready to make a move one by one, but they looked up and saw the pair of [Sharingan] slowly spinning. Immediately, their bodies became disobedient, as if they had entered the In the empty space, everything is illusory.

"You are very sleepy, go to sleep..."

Sangouyu [Sharingan] spun fast again, and the so-called elite players in the distance dozed off one by one. After yawning, they fell asleep on the ground.


Seeing this scene again, the hearts of Tian Ba ​​and Scar Man sank to the bottom, and they fully understood that they were no longer Uchiha Qing's opponents, no matter how many people they brought.

"Give me the explosive knife spray and long knife sewing needles, do you have any objections?"

Ignoring the surprised eyes of the two, Li Qing domineeringly put the weapons of the two behind his back, taking them as his own.

Scar Man and Tianba just wanted to resist, but were caught by Li Qing's Sharingan Hypnosis: "No, no objection..."

"Because the two players gave up the ownership of the artifact, congratulations, you got [Explosive Knife Spray], [Long Knife Stitch] "Now you can use them!"

【Artifact】【Explosive Knife Spray】: A knife that is perfectly combined with an explosion. It can cause 150% ninjutsu explosion damage to enemies within 200 yards at 0.3 when slashing. It can also be perfectly integrated with ninjutsu. During the attack Use the power of the explosion.

[Artifact] [Long Knife Stitching Needle]: The blade that pierces everything and sews it together, allowing the player to form a special steel wire when slashing, causing 2 damages, causing multiple damages to the enemy, and can sew the bondage Enemies, when attacking, have a 30% chance of [stitching], and the enemy who is [stitched] temporarily loses physical attack power for 3 seconds.

The system prompt sounded, seeing the heaven-defying properties of the two artifacts, Li Qing's heart was about to jump out of excitement, no wonder the two dared to hold the artifacts and came to find a place.

It's a pity that such heaven-defying equipment is his now!.

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